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by Blind Squirrel » Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:53 am

Guess what? Adults participate in these discussions. And this ain't the rarified air of high society where only polite, respectful conversation is to be had. If you can't take it, don't post. I'm sick to death of hearing about people having other people's posts deleted because they are unable to stand the mere reading of words they don't like. If it involves someone bagging an innocent kid, then common decency comes into play. Other than that, get the Hell out of the kitchen if the problem is YOUR inability to stand the heat.

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by addiction » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:16 am

Blind Squirrel wrote:Guess what? Adults participate in these discussions. And this ain't the rarified air of high society where only polite, respectful conversation is to be had. If you can't take it, don't post. I'm sick to death of hearing about people having other people's posts deleted because they are unable to stand the mere reading of words they don't like. If it involves someone bagging an innocent kid, then common decency comes into play. Other than that, get the Hell out of the kitchen if the problem is YOUR inability to stand the heat.


I agree 8-)

I was attacked yesterday (actually accused of being someone else :lol: ), no biggie, im a big boy, I defended myself (and obviously offended the sissy who started it) then they have to go run and cry to get my response deleted because they looked like a fool (and a crazy person) and probably got their feelings hurt. It was pretty obvious who (which 10u team) signed up just to attack me, it was pretty funny and I got a good laugh out of it. IF YOU CAN DISH IT, YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO TAKE IT.

ALSO, I hope somebody notified the Angels coach that he has a sick person (team) who is clearly crazy and stalking him, maybe the Angels coach read the thread himself and knows the situation
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by Blind Squirrel » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:34 am

"I vote if you have any problem with a post PM Blind Squirrel and see what he says, if he says kiss my aZZ so be it. But if you threaten to sue you will have to deal with B Squirrels lawyers."

Okay, that is pretty damn funny. I actually know of a soccer chatroom which did get sued and has been offline ever since. Sickening. Nobody needs to worry about my lawyers. I agree with what Shakespere wrote about them though he actually meant it as a compliment if I interpreted it correctly. Go ahead and PM me with your pathetic, infantile complaints. I will, of course, provide a hugely sympathetic shoulder for all to cry on. In addition I will request a HeyBucket diaper be sent to you, filled with the appropriate contents.

BTW, I do sympathize with the folks who run these boards. I draw the line at personal attacks that involve children. But that is obviously subjective. I have never and will never cry to a chatroom moderator. That doesn't make me anything special. That would be the norm.

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by jofus » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:14 pm

I guess I missed something interesting? Are you talking about here, or somewhere else?

Technically, this isn't a chat room. I'm not nit-picking, I'm just curious what I missed :)

Although, a chat room option to talk softball back and forth would be kinda fun ;)
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by Skarp » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:22 pm

Complaining to the moderator is pathetic, and akin to my 2nd grader tattling on his older brother. I do, however, understand the need for the moderator to keep control of the board in order to protect its usefulness. Most of us are on here to find and exchange information, not to read countless posts by jackasses calling each other names.

;) Feel free to save this post and throw it back in my face the next time I'm a name-calling jackass, which should be any time now. ;)
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by NumeroUno » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:28 pm

I have never seen so many comedians in one place in my life or maybe you boys are board and are from the Screen Actor Writers Guild. :D
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by xxxYerOut » Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:08 pm


A Coach, a parent and an umpire walked into a bar.

Nevermind- I think you all have heard this one. (or at least seen it a few hundred times in a season).
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by Sftbll4ever » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:00 pm

jofus wrote:I guess I missed something interesting? Are you talking about here, or somewhere else?

Technically, this isn't a chat room. I'm not nit-picking, I'm just curious what I missed :)

Although, a chat room option to talk softball back and forth would be kinda fun ;)

BS did say it was a soccer chat room. Seeing that this is not where we are talking soccer but softball, I would venture to say this is not the chat room talked about.

Actually, BS and I first talked in that chat (or which ever you choose to call it) and we both read the bashing that happened here. You think this s*#^ is bad....nothing compared to what went on in that room. Lawyers were involved and lots of money dolled out and many murdered egos.

Personally, you come on you take the chance of having something said. I do however, in my own right feel that the kids should always be left out of it.
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by Cannonball » Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:45 pm

Blind Squirrel (John), I don't know of whom you speak or what context that these posts have been removed. However, I've served as a moderator on a few websites and I'm here to tell you that what goes on these sites is not above the law. You have an IP address and you can be tracked down through your Internet provider. Moderators and site owners are also not above the law and can be sued should malicious slander (among other things) be allowed to propagate on these various sites. BELIEVE ME, I KNOW! This past spring, I had to buck up a lot of money to hire legal counsel to defend myself against charges I was denying someone their property right by editing their "stuff" and then throwing them off of a particular website. They claimed my actions cost their company money when they were removed from active participation. Ironically, I don't have the ability to take such actions but that didn't stop the court case in the beginning. Many are not aware that there is a whole new facet of law and it pertains to the Internet. I look for more and more cases to spring up as we become a generation obsessed with message boards and chat rooms. BTW, the case I was involved in was thrown out as being frivolous. However, I believe there will come a day when such is not the case. Oh, and it did cost me a lot of money so you might say I lost in this case. All of this is JMHO!

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by Blind Squirrel » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:09 pm

Cannonball, interesting insight. Only thing worse than a crybaby adult is a crybaby adult who sics attack lawyers on a person that called the baby a name and hurt their widdle feewings. Maybe the thing to do is force people to formally acknowledge (insert legal crap here) when they register which would prevent them from suing anyone based upon what is posted.

To be clear, I had no particular person or even site in mind when I started this thread. I've seen it happen many times in many sites and off the top of my head, I can't remember one time when I thought it was appropriate.

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