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by sbfanatic » Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:36 am

Diamonds don't need big organization's to get the college exposure.

Find someone willing to help that knows the college recruiting system and they will be fine. Go to the appropriate exposure tournaments and the scouts will find them.
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by oldskool » Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:55 pm

behindtheplate wrote:I admire a team that can play together from 8-U through 18-U...I just don't know of any. I would also say that chances would be great that a whole lot of daddyballing would be taking place on that team.

One other thoughts for those that think that the clubs ie, BB, Glory or Elite are one team like you mentioned where the coach kept the same girls all those years and the players went off to play at the D1 or D2 level? The benefit in having a club like the ones I mention is that you have guys like Ken Graves, Kevin Shelton, Dan Adkins, JD Bancroft who have personal relationships with a lot of college coaches. As an umpire, I talk to a lot of college coaches and know from personal conversations that a coach figures that if little susie were a real prospect to play at the next level she would be on one of the ablove mentioned clubs where she would be challenged to be a better player and have to earn her keep not to mention playing the best teams in the country.

behindtheplate wrote:Not a rumor. Kevin - Tracy and Mr. ED were at practice on Sunday and Kevin even addressed the parents to tell us all the benefits that his Glory club can offer. There is simply no other way to college than through the Mr. Ed show and then if you survive Beard and Shelton will get you tons of offers from pac10 big12 and sec schools only.

Change of heart??????
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by behindtheplate » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:43 pm

Not a change of heart in general. Just after seeing the circus that has become the Shelton/Mr.Ed show and listening to it first hand. Just know this is not a good place for these kids. Plus, the guy with all the relationships with college coaches is no longer in this camp. That will take a huge toll on future recruiting.
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by onedownonetogo » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:11 pm

Anyone who knows anything about this team knows that they have no connectons or relationships of their own within the college community and no one with any experience at the recruiting game giving their coaches, kids, or parents advice . . .
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by catdaddy » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:30 pm

onedownonetogo sure you know what your talking about, I THINK NOT.
Glory, are Diamonds we will be the same team,maybe with a new name so what.

Thank You
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by onedownonetogo » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:39 pm

catdaddy wrote:onedownonetogo sure you know what your talking about, I THINK NOT.
Glory, are Diamonds we will be the same team,maybe with a new name so what.

Thank You

I see the sarcasm was lost even on the Diamond faithful. . . it's that insecurity that the Glory feed on. . . you are just about the most "connected" team in the metroplex. Seriously . . . . the '96 Diamonds don't need Kevin or Dan to show them the way.
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by catdaddy » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:44 pm

Sounds as if you know it all, will you show us the way we need your help.
Do you know if we even know a college coach help us out will you.

Thank You
walk the walk talk the talk.
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by Texasasa25 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:49 pm

Thanks .......................... How r ur cleats looking this fall.I understand you lost jet is that true or do you not want to have a friendly talk about your team. This is kinds like- tennis ball back in your court.No trash talking please!!!

Wimbledon Tennis CHAMPION 1967


Congratulations on surviving "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome". First of all, I have known Troy and Tony for many years. As a matter of fact, Sneaky Cleats '95 played it's first tournament ever against Troy's Diamonds as 6u. I have nothing but respect for him and his club. He has a talented group of young ladies and has always played with class.

I would never talk trash about his team or any other team. As far as the person using the profile name: sneaky cleats, I have no idea who they are. I am confident that it is NOT anyone from our club or from our sister teams.

In regards to the future of the '96 Diamonds merging with another club, if Troy and the parent's feel this is the best move for them-so be it. They will make a name for themselves regardless what uniform they wear.

Bob- as far our fall team, it is looking good. We made 2 roster changes after Nationals and we are very excited to see what our team can do.

Anthony Springer
The original-Sneaky Cleats '95
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by SneakyCleats » Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:43 pm

The original-Sneaky Cleats '95

Holy team names Batman! There is a team out there named sneaky cleats? I am sorry for any mix up. I am not with those folks. I guess I'm like when they came out with New Coke, you think it would be Coke cause of the name but once you taste it you know it is nothing like Coke.
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by oldskool » Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:20 am

behindtheplate wrote:Not a change of heart in general. Just after seeing the circus that has become the Shelton/Mr.Ed show and listening to it first hand. Just know this is not a good place for these kids.

Just when I was thinking you were a pretty good reference for North Texas Fastpitch.

Between the two teams:
All games at RM played on the main field
Colorado Boulder Gold (only North Texas team)
16U Boulder Longmont (only North Texas team)(finished 2nd)
New Jersey Classic (only North Texas team)
Two Gold teams at Gold Nationals (two of three North Texas teams)
Only North Texas team to get invite into Premier Fastpitch

That's enough. If you don't get it now, good chance you never will.

behindtheplate wrote:Plus, the guy with all the relationships with college coaches is no longer in this camp. That will take a huge toll on future recruiting.

Do you really believe that? Follow Kevin's team around this fall and next summer. Not to take anything away from Dan, but look at the committments since the fall of 2008 for both sides. In fact big guy, ask all of the coaches that you talk to on a daily basis their opinion of the two sides. Better yet, just go to some of the fall camps Kevin has set up for North Texas kids this fall:
Texas A&M
Oklahoma State

behindtheplate wrote:Not a rumor. Kevin - Tracy and Mr. ED were at practice on Sunday and Kevin even addressed the parents to tell us all the benefits that his Glory club can offer. There is simply no other way to college than through the Mr. Ed show and then if you survive Beard and Shelton will get you tons of offers from pac10 big12 and sec schools only.

BTW, Are you sure Big Ed was in Forney? I think his team was practicing in McKinney on Sunday. If you're going to bash a guy, shouldn't you at least know what he looks like?
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