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Who does/did your DD look up to?

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by Battle » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:05 pm

I was watching my DD with some younger girls and couldn't help but think of the days that my girl was that little. She always had someone local (and not so local) that she wanted to be like and I was very proud of that. Now these girls look at her the same way and I'm even more proud of that. You can see the sparkle in their little eyes when DD tells them 'good job' or 'way to hit the ball'. You can just tell that it makes their day as it did with her when she was little. The world needs that in these times. I look at the parents of these young girls and have to think how lucky they are. Do you have a story to tell and who does/did your daughter look up to in her precious younger years?
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by fastpitchdad05 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:24 pm

Battle wrote:I was watching my DD with some younger girls and couldn't help but think of the days that my girl was that little. She always had someone local (and not so local) that she wanted to be like and I was very proud of that. Now these girls look at her the same way and I'm even more proud of that. You can see the sparkle in their little eyes when DD tells them 'good job' or 'way to hit the ball'. You can just tell that it makes their day as it did with her when she was little. The world needs that in these times. I look at the parents of these young girls and have to think how lucky they are. Do you have a story to tell and who does/did your daughter look up to in her precious younger years?

Great subject, Battle.

My DD always looked up to her cousin who is 8 years older and paved the way for her. Not only was her cousin an amazing player who received a full-ride scholarship to play at an NAIA school that finished 2nd in the nation her Sophomore year and was an Easton All-American, but she is an even better person, so humble and so hard-working.

To give you an example of her selflessness and dedication to the team, she is the all-time leader in HBP in NAIA history.

EDIT: Oh yeah and I forgot to mention she was the starting catcher all 4 years. Tough as nails...
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by jonriv » Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:12 am

As a softball player my DD did really not have anyone she looked up to since there was no real softball tradition in our town. Her and her fellow co-captain were the start of a softball renaissance in our town. There were several girls that viewed my DD as a role model and one is even playing at her school.

Besides my wife, my DDs role model is my mother-in-law. A strong woman who started and ran her own business starting in the late forties(when women run businesses were rare) and she is still making deals at the age of 94. I wish my mind was as sharp as hers. Besides that, she was "Twitter" before there was Twitter- keeping in constant contact with just about everyone she knows- locally, nationally and internationally.(by phone, letter, visits) She has almost single handedly re-connected with relatives back in Italy(starting in the fifties) and has kept relationships with well over 100 cousins on both sides of her family(BTW-she was born in the US) So good are the relationships that we attend weddings and have regular visits there and many visitors here. My DD is also strong(as is my wife!) and utilizing social media has an even larger network of friends. She also keeps in contact with people she has met throughout her life- an ability and habit I wish I had! One that should help her in the business world and life
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by DonnieS » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:56 pm

jonriv wrote:As a softball player my DD did really not have anyone she looked up to since there was no real softball tradition in our town. Her and her fellow co-captain were the start of a softball renaissance in our town. There were several girls that viewed my DD as a role model and one is even playing at her school.

Besides my wife, my DDs role model is my mother-in-law. A strong woman who started and ran her own business starting in the late forties(when women run businesses were rare) and she is still making deals at the age of 94. I wish my mind was as sharp as hers. Besides that, she was "Twitter" before there was Twitter- keeping in constant contact with just about everyone she knows- locally, nationally and internationally.(by phone, letter, visits) She has almost single handedly re-connected with relatives back in Italy(starting in the fifties) and has kept relationships with well over 100 cousins on both sides of her family(BTW-she was born in the US) So good are the relationships that we attend weddings and have regular visits there and many visitors here. My DD is also strong(as is my wife!) and utilizing social media has an even larger network of friends. She also keeps in contact with people she has met throughout her life- an ability and habit I wish I had! One that should help her in the business world and life

Your dd is lucky as are mine - my mother-in-law is - for good and for not so good (lol) is a role model for them. She just left us last May and there is a pretty large hole in family get togethers. She was adventurous - left a farm in the dark northern swedish country side for the lights and glamour of Stockholm, got married , then they moved to the US, became citizens, built a life in Chicago, then retired and moved to San Francisco (Wine is close and so was vegas), then moved to texas in her 80's. She was an athlete - was quite good in the Biathalon (sp) sport of cross country skiing than shooting targets - loved her granddaughters softball games, and never had a clue as to who was winning, but could pick out the hot guys that my dds should go meet in the stands. Miss the lady.
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