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Watered down tryouts

by Jerry Aldini » Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:57 pm

Is it normal for an org to soft toss to hitters during tryouts instead of using pitching machines? Maybe I just witnessed a low budget, we hope to compete at DF kinda tryout. I was thoroughly unimpressed with the entire operation, maybe I have set my expectations to high.
Jerry Aldini
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by RonaldMcDonald » Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:01 pm

RUN!! If the org doesn't even respect the tryout process enough to even pretend to asses new talent then their teams are set or they are so lazy that you can expect to tryout somewhere else soon. Good luck.
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by truth325 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:38 pm

Some tryouts do use a type of modified front toss...from behind a screen...usually halfway between home plate and the pitchers plate on the infield. But if its soft toss into a net...and nothing else...then do as the clown says and run.
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by FullCount » Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:45 pm

I haven't yet been to a tryout where a pitching machine was ever used, but rather as Truth325 just stated, front toss from halfway to the pitcher's rubber. DD plays on teams that play ASA Nat's & PGF (qualified & invite)... Never once considered it to be "low-budget" or lazy to not use a machine :?:
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by izicsz » Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:27 am

My DD has only been to one tryout that had a pitching machine setup for hitting. Most have a coach soft toss from behind a net as described above. Her current team has a coach who actually pitches from the mound at about the average speed for her age group. Throws in a change to keep them honest as well! 8-)
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by Ovr Weight N Bald » Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:20 pm

Jerry Aldini wrote:Is it normal for an org to soft toss to hitters during tryouts instead of using pitching machines? Maybe I just witnessed a low budget, we hope to compete at DF kinda tryout. I was thoroughly unimpressed with the entire operation, maybe I have set my expectations to high.

So what your saying is your daughter didn’t get picked up… :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was told once that my daughters hitting instructor didn’t use a machine so he must not be a very good hitting coach, the only thing I could think was, my daughter has never hit off a machine in a game??

Her current team has 2 or 3 machines that they use during season at times, however at tryouts her Coach chooses to either, front toss, side toss. If numbers are low enough maybe a bit of live pitching at tryouts. On occasion they will use a machine if they are trying to rush through a lot of hitters in a short time.

I leave you with a question, as a coach, what do you see hitting off a machine that you don’t in either front or side toss?
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by rbi » Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:58 pm

First off I dont know too many kids who even like machines, i know my kid avoids them like the plague, so many variables, type of machine, condition of the balls, the person feeding, is it easy to pick up out of machine, My experience with machines especially softball , baseball not so much, you spend a lot of time just jacking with them, especially the high dollar ones (three wheels), that nobody seems to know how to use as they are very touchy, just a pain in the butt IMO. Now i know some of you will come on and say they have a great machine, well I have not seen one yet that i like and/or will use, hmmm maybe thats why my kid hates them as she hears me complain all the damn time,...

IMO, practice or tryouts, set up nice size screen or two at home plate, two hitters swinging at same time, both front toss and live hitting (at different times), and a couple screens to protect front tossers/pitchers. you get a hell of lot more swings in (which helps both the kids get better, and coachs look at a swing longer), vs some crazy machine. Ideally you pay for a local ex college kid likes a little spending money to come throw live, and if your blessed you have a coach who can sling it, or have your own throw, but im not a real fan of that as these kids arms are falling off as it is. Finally keep it fast paced, just a few shaggers in the OF treating hit balls like its live and rotating with partner, nothing better than a live ball off the bat for fielder. Others can be taking ground balls or fly balls in between pitchs, and/or in cage hitting off tee with supervision. Bottom line is I HATE with a passion kids standing around as there is ALWAYS something to be doing to get better. For instance set up another screen (Large) in front of 2nd base, working with Middles on footwork/glove work around the bag. Another screen at 1st (large), having your 1st basemen take throws, all kinds of stuff you can do, you just have to be creative. Once the kids get used to the pace it works great but at 1st it can be a little cray cray, but if you have a knowledgeable staff and a Manager who can sit back and orchestrate (watch to keep on time and make sure done right), it works great and the kids go home feeling like they got just a little better that day, and IMO thats what its all about!
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by CTCBAT » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:26 pm

If it's not a pitcher from the appropriate distance and ability then it's not like a game. It's not the pitching mechanism that I would question if it were me. It's the ball. Fake balls come off the bat differently, and often times more forgiving than real softballs.
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