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Knucklehead Buena Park Girls Softball Association

by OCTravelCoach » Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:14 pm

We were scheduled to play Sunday morning in Victory's 16U friendly at San Antonio Park and was transpired is incredible. The following is the email sent by Victory's Scott Swearingen to those teams impacted. It long, but worth the read and the warning:

This message is to anyone considering participation, business association or any type of agreement with or in conjunction with the Buena Park Girls Softball Association.

The following is what transpired on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at San Antonio Park.

In short, a friendly was scheduled at San Antonio Park in Buena Park on both Saturday, Dec 6 and Sunday, Dec 7. The team running the friendly obtained approval for usage of the San Antonio Park fields through Board Members, David Jundt and Adrian Ramon. It was the understanding that BPGSA currently hold permits for field usage at that park. The friendly on Sat, Dec 6, went well and no issues were noted or identified. At one point in the day, Adrian Ramon and other board members drove by and waved to David Jundt, who was umpiring games.

Upon arrival at the fields in the morning at about 6:20 on Sunday, we were shocked to see that the infield sprinklers were running on both fields and that it had obviously been running for some time. The fields were flooded.

When attempts were made to turn off the water, Adrian Ramon yelled to leave it on as it was being done intentionally and it was turned back on. When asked why, Adrian Ramon stated that we weren’t going to use the fields as we had moved his locked ATVs by rolling them out and then back into the equipment room to be able to store our supplies from the Saturday friendly which were to be used for the Sunday friendly. Everything was in their equipment room and nothing was damaged but this was his only argument as to why he was intentionally flooding/vandalizing the fields. I asked if anything was damaged as we would pay for it. He said that wasn’t the issue. Dave Jundt was called and came immediately and started talking to Adrian Ramon but to no avail. We were never told what parameters existed for use of the fields and equipment room. Adrian Ramon had taken all of our supplies out of the equipment room and left them on the sidewalk. These events were clearly pre-meditated and with malice. When asked to retrieve our microwave from the room, he began getting frustrated and at first said no until we offered to call the police as motivation.

In all my years as a player, coach, and an adult, I have never seen anything like this. There was no warning or instructions on what we could or couldn’t do, etc., and the actions of a VP of an ASA registered league are horrible.

David Jundt and Buena Park Girls Softball Association is the same organization that I have threatened to sue over monies that were paid for field time starting back in January 2008. Our usage to host friendlies was to avoid such action and to allow us to earn some money back against the $1,667 that was paid in January 2008 for field time that was never provided. This was more of an accomodation to help the league with repayment.

Payment of the $1,667 is hereby formally demanded and we are now forced to go down a different avenue and will pursue whatever means necessary to recoup the monies that were paid for field time back in January 2008. Not having these funds is impacting the girls in our program.

To become so petty and to reprimand us for hosting is one thing but to do what was done with such malice and to take an opportunity away from all the 8 teams (we were not playing, only hosting for others) which includes over 100 girls and families, wasting everyone’s time driving, planning, etc., is just senseless. To set such an example to many parents and players milling around during this time obviously does not do BPGSA or the City of Buena Park any good. Further, any parent wanting to take their daughter to the field to practice or play is clearly unable to do so regardless of whether we were using the fields or not due to this selfish act by Adrian Ramon. I would be very surprised to know if this type of urban terrorism and vandalism is something that BPGSA, the City of Buena Park, or So Cal ASA condones when a simple warning or discussion on Saturday or Sunday morning could have avoided this issue entirely.

Adrian Ramon should resign from his position of VP of Buena Park Girls Softball Association immediately as he clearly has no interest in the development of fastpitch softball in Southern California.


Scott Swearingen
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by Nzane » Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:32 pm

Wow! All I can say is, GO GET EM SCOTT!!

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by sprtsbimbo » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:01 pm

Here is the leagues website:

I think a few people need to e-mail the president of the league on Adrian Ramon's actions. I checked the leagues website to read their by-laws, not available.

I would think this is a violation to the "Ethics and Conduct" of a Board Member in their Bylaws.

They generally state the following; each is different in verbiage tho:
"No board member will ever engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, discrimination or any other activity that would discredit the league or they shall be removed from the league board."

If the league president is contacted by several people on how this gentleman handled himself, they would have to address his lack of "I am here for the kid’s attitude", doesn't matter if it was a league function or not, he is a board member for the league and it sounds like he purposely made the field unplayable. Not just for the teams scheduled to play at the friendly but the general public whose taxes pay for the fields in that area. Also who pays the water bill? Him I think not! The tax payers!

Sorry to hear what happened Scott.
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by NumeroUno » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:11 pm

Scott that is unbelievable and I hope this gets read by BPGSA.
Adrian Ramon gets the heybucket A-hole award for the year.
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by thetruth » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:17 pm

here is Adrian Ramon e-mail address
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by umpinva » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:26 pm

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by Nzane » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:31 pm

I think everyone here should send him an email. I sent him a short one..nothing long, just a quick note. Here is what I sent him.....


You do not know me. But, I read about what you did to Scott Swearington and Victory USA. Purposely flooding the fields? You are a disgrace to the softball community!! I hope Scott sues your League now for the money that is owed to them. And, it will be your fault. Have a nice day.......

Thayne Zito
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by sprtsbimbo » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:34 pm

I agree with you Thayne.
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by Nzane » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:47 pm

:D :D :D
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by NumeroUno » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:49 pm

I sent him one also but I am not as nice as nzane :twisted:
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