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College Recruiting

Beware the "Overrecruiters"

Questions and Discussions Regarding the College Recruiting process

by jonriv » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:41 pm

Fredegar wrote:
jonriv wrote:many coaches will tell you they have tryouts and you have to earn a spot. Other schools do not let the players know until they are there.
Why hide the fact you have tryouts??

Guess I still don't understand your point. Coaches shouldn't have to tell kids they are expected to earn a spot. Every time you step onto the field at practice, it's essentially a tryout for playing time. Or, as you said, making a team. Tryouts or not, it still comes down to: are you good enough to play for that particular team?

Obviously every practice etc is a "tryout" What these coaches do is recruit 5-6 players when they know they only have three slots. They do not let the players know this before they commit and come to the school. Div III players are all in essence invited walk-ons and in most cases they are told in advance they are on the team(but will have to earn playing time) Some teams tell their recruits that they have to pass a try-out- which is fine, my issue is the ones that do not inform the player until they are already there.
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by CheckWriter » Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:21 pm

I guess in your part of the world they don't. In CA, many get some athletic money. If you are attending a DI or DII school and did not get an athletic scholarship, you would be referred to as a "Walk On" and would be subjected to a tryout. Why on earth would a coach tryout a player that was awarded an athletic scholarship?

UCSD (University of California San Diego) gives all their athletes scholarships of $500. I guess that counts as "some" athletic money. At older DD's school there are quite a few invited / recruited walk ons and they get their books paid for. Again CA and again "some" money. Probably some with some need based aid. I do think you overestimate how much money how many girls get in CA. JMO

I think the OP point is valid. If the Bucketeers don't post this stuff, how are families supposed to go into this with their eyes open?

All this "do your homework" is good in theory, but it is not like there is a Morningstar for honesty of coaches (either college or TB) or for any other aspect of this undertaking.

I do agree with the underlying principle that DD should go to the school (if possible) that she would want to go to if she didn't play ball.
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by Sftbll4ever » Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:32 pm

My DD was offered a preferred walk on at a top PAC 12 school. They said that they would pay for her books. She politely said no and thanked them. Come to find out.....most of the girls on the team get that offer. Most take it because of the name on their jersey while others take it as it has the major that they want and the school will let them work towards that major.

I agree that more parents need to come on and say what the reality is with CA players. There are so many that think that it is normal to get 80% and then are pissed when the school makes them look stupid like that.
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by CheckWriter » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:06 pm

There are so many that think that it is normal to get 80% and then are pissed when the school makes them look stupid like that.

Only look stupid when you feel stupid.

We always asked: Where does DD rank on your recruit list? Give us number ... 1st of 3? 3rd of 5? 11th of 12? Can save yourself a lot of emailing that way!

Posted this before.

DD1 knew early on where she wanted to go and made a nuisance of herself and got a significant partial. DD2 wasn't sure and what she thought was #1 was offered "preferred walk on" behind 8 kids. She then turned down a full ride for a no ride and started every game at SS (except for the 4 weeks with mono) as a freshie. Loves her school, loves her roomies and loves her team mates. Working her ass off academically, but doing well.

I think, no I know, it is not about the almighty %. Seems 80 is you magic number. I just don't think there are too many of those, CA or not.
I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words.
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