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Adidas Futures Tournament/Tryouts

by honcho55 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:41 pm

The reason for me not comparing tryouts, was that I was not able to attend the Glory tryout! I can't compare that which I hav not seen! Also, I had to leave the other tryout early, as my daughter became ill. That being said, you, and others, would have me believe that in a four hour session they could not make a descent evaluation based on the previous knowledge of a good chunk of the girls out there? The difference between the two, is that Glory already knew who th majority of their team was going to be, they were simply looking to add/strengthen their existing team. I would like to think that a staff of former college coaches and players would be able to evaluate talent alot better and faster than a bunch of Dads/coaches with some former players thrown in. Again, as a father whose daughter has attended a couple of glory tryouts, and being an observer of many of their tryouts, their teams are picked out pretty much from the get go with the exception of a player or two. We will see soon enough if all their team is Glory girls or not! I like my odds on that bet as history has shown! BTW the reasoning for putting all the girls through the paces over the course of that length of time is also to achieve the "appearance" of everyone getting a fair look. It happens all the time....seen it in person and experienced it before/during my college football playing days.
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by softballrulznut » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:52 pm

My bad - you are right! Jason and Courtney and Mizuno rule - Glory Sucks! Sorry your kid isn't good enough to play for them and you are bitter ole man! :roll:
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by honcho55 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:12 pm got all that in a single post? Wow can I play like you? My bad you are right! I am wrong Glory/Freedom/ anyone you happen to see eye to eye with rules and anyone who dare question your wisdom is a bitter old man. I will tell you this, I am many things, but bitter is not one. I have never, nor will ever live my athletic dreams failed or otherwise through any of my kids. You are right, because Jason, et. al. are trying to do their thing, they are the evil empire and must be squashed at all costs. Thank You Softball rulz nut for clarifying and letting me know the errors of my ways, I shall never EVER question your wisdom or the wisdom of the altruistic nature of all other organizations who do things only for the girls, the betterment of softball in North Texas, and mankind in general! Thanks! Dan Beaty, aka Honcho55, aka the bitter old man :ugeek:
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by honcho55 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:48 pm

Softballrulz nut,

Thanks for the private message, it's the second private message I've received in a little over a year. Usually those are reserved for people who know me, and I know them! However since you have failed, neglected, or simply forgot to tell me who you were, I must say its a first! The bitter, old man has an anonymous admirer/stalker! Thats SOOOO awesome! I will answer what I can of your message....First I don't state that Mizuno Impulse does everything right! They try, and their heart is in the right place! As far as you bringing up in the PM, Jason "cheating" and getting fired! If you read the entire news articles you'll see that it was a different situation, and Jason was upfront totally about it. Plus I'll say that for the record this instance that the NCAA was wrong on their rules(like many other times they are wrong!)

As Far as your throwing out the issues with Courtney and her father on the Batbusters! I don't know Courtney, or her father so I can't speak to that! But if it goes that far back, WHY DID YOU GUYS HIRE HER AT FREEDOM? Oops, I mean how come Freedom hired her?

All I say, is have the guts to say what you want publically, don't go around e-mailing players from multiple teams with the link to the news stories on Jason, don't PM people with your BS, or your version of the truth! It's all good, be a man, admit if you're wrong(like I do), but most of all be fair to all sides! Plus don't throw out a lot of lies, cause all those unsubstantiated rumors can bite you in the butt! Especially if your own house isn't clean as a whistle! Feel free to post, PM, smoke signal, or holler, and I do mean holler!!!! Bitter Old men don't hear too well.

P.S. The possibility of a daughter and father not seeing eye to eye on everything is SHOCKING!!!SHOCKING I say! Honcho Out! :ugeek:
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by Joe » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:31 pm

Cool out Pancho!! Open up a fresh box of Depends, powder yourself and stop kicking softballrulz's the bitter old man you are.

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by honcho55 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:49 am

I'm sorry Joe, I, like you, can't resist when someone is talking out their arse. Then goes private with their crap! i guess that Tom, oops I mean softball rules would rather throw crap out, then run and hide. I have now changed the depends, powdered up with gold bond, and will play nice....for now! Have a great day Joe!
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by DizmondBiotch » Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:36 pm

man yallz is stupid. caint none a yall hang wit DA ROCKS futures team. c yall in da big YOUTE
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by spideytruck » Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:27 pm

Glory Naudin has there Adidas Futures team up at their website. They took 18 players: 14 from Naudin, 1 from Poole, 1 from 97 glory and 2 from teams other than Glory. I was a little surprised that they took anybody that was not Glory but the 2 they picked are indeed All Stars. My question is this: are those two now Glory, and if so are they on Naudin?
Last edited by spideytruck on Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by NumeroUno » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:05 pm

What I was told is 15 is the max uniforms they will supply. If you wanted to pay for unis out of your pocket you could. If you are truely going there to showcase I would not have my kid play on a team with 18 players.

How many scouts are they expecting???
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by TexasSoftball » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:26 am

And I wonder why anyone cares about who and what happens to this team?
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