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Fastpitch Discussions


What's on your mind?

by curveballerguy124 » Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:50 pm

You know, the start of every season just after PGF's brings about change, there is a, "out with the old in with the new" sorta mentality. Which is not a bad thing because right about this time I start to pick up new students both for pitching lessons and for live BP. So don't get me wrong I do appreciate it because I get to reach out to new players and teach them what it has taken me years to learn correctly. I get to stay in shape by throwing hundreds of pitches a week. But, most importantly I get to teach most of these girls something new about the game that they have been playing for years.

Change is good, I don't take it personal when a kid goes from weekly lessons, to every two weeks, then to once a month, then to every now and again when they just need a tune up. Its a progression I get it, then there are those that leave on their own with no warning maybe they couldn't afford the lessons maybe the drive was too far, maybe they didn't like the sound of my voice or what I taught... Who knows it is what it is this is softball.

The point is change in inevitable in softball, whether its kids changing teams, changing hitting instructors, changing fielding instructors, or pitching instructors.... Its about finding a good fit for you and your kid. However, its not always the instructor or the team more often then not its the student not putting in the work or the parent not doing their part. Which contrary to popular belief is more then just paying for lessons or driving your DD to games and practices. Most instructors like myself give the kids homework something to work on between lessons. The truth is some of these kids will come back to me not having worked on the homework assignment at all or maybe just worked on it a little. I can tell right off the bat and I can see the level of commitment in the athlete usually from day one.

Like I said change is good if its for the right reasons but change isn't going to make your DD a better hitter, fielder, catcher, pitcher or teammate, hard work is, so make sure that the, "out with the old in with the new" mentality is not just a one way street. So if your going to spend your hard earned money on lessons or a new team with start up dues makes sure the level of commitment is worth the price of admission!!! That's my .02
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