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Who are the Top 12U Teams in So Cal

by catcherzrule » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:59 am


Right thread because CA are represented nationally by an embarrassment. Seen it personally, far too many times.

Congrats to the '04 team...but there are SO many other orgs that don't have a Marty being a "Marty"... not sure why teams, parents and players continue to throw money into this org who's CEO is a hot mess. :o

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by USCpride » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:11 pm

Well first off let me say, what I'm about to say has nothing to do about Marty. However it might explain how some college coaches think.

Our team went to watch our older CA team at a showcase recently when I wander off to watch another game. The team was from the State of Washington and one of the staff was passing info to coaches about his players. Now I know I was raised never to eavesdrop on someone else conversation but I broke my "Mamma's rule" and listened.

The College coach was explaining that she had a lot of girls transfer. That she had talk to other coaches from other colleges and it was becoming a trend. Her opinion was, the players were too "Soft". Her job depends on finding the best fit for the program and spending money on that kid when she finds her. She said you can't have a girl fall apart the first time I (the coach) or one her team mates challenges her. She said she could tell the player was good, but was she mentally tough?

I didn't get to hear the rest of it, because my husband caught me :)

Your right there are a lot of wonderful travel programs out there. All of them will tell you it's not enough to be just a good player anymore.

15 years ago when my other daughter played for Gordon's Panther's travel was totally different. What coaches wanted was different. I'm sure it will change again. But I have a feeling that the mental toughness part will stay. Colleges invest way to much money and time in recruiting only to have a kid be unhappy the first time a coach yells at her or she finds out she's not the only SS they recruited.

One thing I will say about Marty, his girls love him. They come back from college all the time to see him. Team parties have generations of Angel's come back. If you knew him personally, I think you would like him. Just your concern for the girls would make you friends. (gosh, I said I wouldn't talk about Marty...Sorry)

Thanks for the congrats, it was so much fun! The girls were happy and Marty came to watch them play. It was just cold!!!!! There were so many awesome teams , we're just happy to be in the mix :)
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by catcherzrule » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:40 pm

USC...always so positive...God bless you for that.

However, I know girls, personally, who played for him and some who are at some very big softball schools. You are right, they love him. I have asked them...WHY? They give me some of the same answers. But, seeing it from another coach's and parent's perspective, it's embarrassing. Perhaps girls are too soft, I can see that, but there are MANY more ways to "toughen them up" that doesn't involve belittlement, cussing, temper tantrums and poor sportsmanship...ALL of which I have seen, personally, from him.

Parties...well, again, I have attend parties where he has, as he has done on the field, acted foolish. His kids love him, OK, but there is more than that in this game. It's about being respectful to parents, other coaches, the game in general.

You have chosen to be a part of CA, and that's your choice. Perhaps if the leadership of your org practiced the humility and kindness that you do in your posts here, the perception and reality surrounding your org would improve.

Again, congrats and happy holidays.
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by Chin Music » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:43 pm

So screaming, yelling, belittling and embarrassing a kid on the field makes them stronger? Someone has od'd on koolaid. It makes them weaker. Then they feel this behavior is ok and they pass it on to their children. Nice!
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by USCpride » Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:01 pm

I never said anything about what makes a kid stronger. In my opinion only love does that.
I only said, what I over heard a coach say. It's like I tell my husband, all our kids are different.
What worked for one of them didn't work for the next.

In the end, you as a parent have control of what happens in your family, who your child plays for and what you'll put up with. My 3 older daughters played on 3 different teams, not because of talent, because of need. You decide what your child needs. Some kids are super competitive and some are not. I don't see anything wrong with that, there are colleges out there that will suit their needs too. Just be happy with your child's experience on this crazy ride. Don't worry if you think another coach is handling something different than how your family would accept it. Because, you have complete control over where DD plays. However, just to be clear, my older daughter already graduated from college and has coached college for a few years.

If you think they won't hear bad words, from a coach who's pays her mortgage based on what some 18-22 year olds will do. I think you'll be disappointed. (Right or wrong). That's a question you should ask on your recruiting trip, or anything else than morally offends you. I wrote down all my concerns and to my daughters embarrassment I asked them. Because right now I'm here. When she's in college with a coach that you've barely spent time with, that's scary. Beside this part of her career goes by so fast, just enjoy what she's doing now. I cried every time I had to pack away a trophy from back in the late 90's to make room for the youngest rec ball Trophy's. (yes, her sisters are bitter about that lol)

A true Southern woman drinks sweet tea :) Not Kool aide lol
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by softballfam55 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:48 pm

We are through the fall season, who do you think are the top teams? Seems like a lot of different tournament winners this fall. What teams stood out to you?
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by Dugoutdirt » Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:39 am

I think you can bet on a very competitive tournament if you have the following top 10-11 So Cal teams attending
(In order alphabetically only and not necessarily how I would rank them)

Corona Angels Red
Dirtdogs Romero
Firecrackers Ensey/King
Firecrackers Oaks/Young
OC Batbusters Garcia
Ohana Tigers Helms
Ohana Tigers Sanchez
Power Surge Bachtell
So Cal Athletics Angulo
So Cal Athletics Lewis
So Cal Choppers
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by Red504 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:33 am

Chin Music wrote:So screaming, yelling, belittling and embarrassing a kid on the field makes them stronger? Someone has od'd on koolaid. It makes them weaker. Then they feel this behavior is ok and they pass it on to their children. Nice!

Maybe some of these people haven't seen the video. Marty Tyson acts like a bully and threatens to kill the umpire. All this in front of both teams and for all to hear. He has had many rage fits like this, but this one stepped over the line. This one apparently went for about 30 minutes. The umpire ejected him and he refused to get off the field. The tournament directors OCBB let him stay on the field because he threatened to use his board position on PGF to retalliate. Threarening to kill the umpire is a felony crime. For any parent that justifies playing for this guy is throwing their kid to the wolves. Watch the last part of it yourselves. The other team did what was best for their girls and forfeited the game, which ended their tournament, but their girls were scared of raging Marty.
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by Red504 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:39 am

As far as strong 12u this year so far, I would go with Powersurge Bachtell, Athletics Suarez, Corona Angels Red, Ohana Tigers Sanchez, OCBB Garcia, Dirtdogs Romero, OC Elite, one of the Lakewood Hustler teams and Explosion Vega. This was in no particular order. There are multiple other good teams near the above teams' level and can compete on any given day.
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by T85836 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:59 pm

I see allot of the top 12U teams were back at it this past weekend. I'm interested to know if anyone has any updates on how these teams did this past Sunday. If anyone knows please post a reply. Also were there any new teams that came out strong this past Sunday. This coming weekends Ohana Winter Classic looks to be a great tournament.

How did these teams do?

Ohana Tigers (Sanchez)
So Cal Dirtdogs (Romero)
Firecrackers (Oaks)
Firecrackers (King)
So Cal Athletics (Angulo)
So Cal 3D
So Cal Athletics (Lewis)
Ohana Tigers (Helms)
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