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by Clamato » Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:41 pm

The public school system has lied about many things in my lifetime. I do not believe any American president should be protected from the truth nor should any American Citizen not defend this great country we live in. I personally believe in Christianity and have Christian Morals. I do not believe in Gay Marriage but I am not going to judge someone for it unless I have a personal problem with the individual not the homosexuality. My concern is with Right and left wing nut jobs. It's obvious over the years that the founders and main participants on heybucket are indeed right wing nut jobs. Black widow is your counterpart on the left. What cracks me up the most is the fear of the disappearing white middle class America. IMO this has been brought to white America through the media. If I turn on CNN or fox I would swear the world is coming to an end tomorrow. I always would roll my eyes at the cover up, conspiracy and fear instilling nonsense Black Widow would come up with but now dugout dad, númerouno, and the rest of you wackos sound the same. The world we live in will always have evil in it but I believe we are being judged by are actions not our words. I am not in fear of any religion, race or man because he can not effect my heart and actions. I am not afraid to die and I am not afraid to live. I am not afraid of peace and I like to fight. It sounds to me that you conservatives are deathly afraid of people like me? So go buy your guns and protect yourself and don't be afraid to shoot first because he might have a gun under that hoodie?

30 years ago my conservative minority republican parents fed me the same BS you guys still believe. The world is coming to an end, they are taking Christianity out of schools, the government is going to create a race war, we need to pray that God gives us a leader who has good Christian values!! I grew up thinking both Bush presidents were honest because they claimed Christianity and were white republicans. I read this 10 years ago and remembered thinking this guy is an idiot. I was in full support of the War at the time because I felt-Bush must go to Iraq to put Islamic terrorism in its place, get rid of weapons of mass destruction and go kill bin laden once and for all.
Boy was I wrong!

2004-"It is not that the threat of terrorism is not real, but that Bush's policies in dealing with terrorism are actually fueling the fire. A recent poll showed that the majority of Americans have finally recognized that the war in Iraq has actually increased the threat of terrorism. . We are less safe because of his policies ... the unpleasant truth is that President Bush's utter incompetence has made the world a far more dangerous place and dramatically increased the threat of terrorism against the United States." Bush totally fell into Bin Laden's trap. Bin Laden couldn't have imagined a better recruiting tool for terrorists than for Bush to invade Iraq. The way Bush is fighting terrorism is actually the very act which is invoking and creating more of it in the first place. Falling victim to one's own deception as Bush has can have a very mesmerizing and gripping effect on others, as he appears so convinced of what he is saying and is able to project this conviction. Just like Hitler struck a chord deep in the German unconscious, Bush is touching something very deep in the American psyche. Whereas Hitler's evil was more overt in its cruelty and sadism, Bush's dark side is much more hidden and disguised, which makes it particularly dangerous. People who vote for Bush are somehow blind to what is very obvious to others. It's as if they've become hypnotized and fallen under the spell that Bush is casting. The situation is very analogous to when seemingly good, normal, loving Germans supported Hitler, believing he was a good leader trying to help them. The German people didn't realize that the virulent pathogen malignant egophrenia had taken possession of Hitler and was incarnating itself through him. By not seeing this and supporting Hitler, they became agents used by this non-local, deadly disease to propagate itself. This was a collective psychosis, and this is what is taking place in our country right now."

As time has gone on, I am man enough to admit my mistake in voting for Bush. I know you guys are to proud and conservative to admit your mistakes or change your opinion but keep in mind everything you learn in school is not true just like everything you hear on your talk radio isn't always true as well.
(Examples of school lies)
Ben Franklin and the kite, Isaac Newton and the apple, Pocahontas, George Washington and the apple tree, manifest destiny, treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo, Evolution and religion etc...

As a proud American I think president O has not lived up to all of his commitments. I think Benghazi could of been handled different but so could of Iraq. As a doubter of both political parties I believe that O has been more Honest to the American people then GW. I believe that conservative American people have an easier time supporting and believing a White Christian liar then a Black anything liar. I just want to warn you, the world will stop and explode soon because we are about to have a White atheist Woman as president. God help us all. On second thought, women are far better at lying then men. If we got through Carter and Bush we can get through anything.
American Proud!

Númerouno and spaz please do not delete even if you don't agree.

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by Pale Rider » Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:02 pm

Fastpitch4Life wrote:
fastpitchdad05 wrote:
Dugout Dad wrote:D.C. Public Schools homework assignment asks 6th graders to compare Bush to Hitler

After reading that article, how would you answer? Pick one

A) Wow, what a great assignment, I wish my kid went to that school.
B) Hitler was a bad dude, Bush was worse. How dare they make Hitler look bad by comparing him to Bush.
C) That teacher needs to be fired and I need to pull my kid and enroll her in a private school.
D) My kid would scribble out Bush's name and put O's name instead. I would have to pick her up during the day after being suspended.
E) Interesting comparison.

I think this looks like yet another example of the rampant disrespect for the office of the POTUS that has been displayed for some time now by both extreme sides of the aisle.

I agree somewhat, but respect is earned, not given by a title...
Plus I havent seen a Chimpanzee caricature of Obama...

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by Dugout Dad » Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:41 pm

Clamato wrote:The public school system has lied about many things in my lifetime. I do not believe any American president should be protected from the truth nor should any American Citizen not defend this great country we live in. I personally believe in Christianity and have Christian Morals. I do not believe in Gay Marriage but I am not going to judge someone for it unless I have a personal problem with the individual not the homosexuality. My concern is with Right and left wing nut jobs. It's obvious over the years that the founders and main participants on heybucket are indeed right wing nut jobs. Black widow is your counterpart on the left. What cracks me up the most is the fear of the disappearing white middle class America. IMO this has been brought to white America through the media. If I turn on CNN or fox I would swear the world is coming to an end tomorrow. I always would roll my eyes at the cover up, conspiracy and fear instilling nonsense Black Widow would come up with but now dugout dad, númerouno, and the rest of you wackos sound the same. The world we live in will always have evil in it but I believe we are being judged by are actions not our words. I am not in fear of any religion, race or man because he can not effect my heart and actions. I am not afraid to die and I am not afraid to live. I am not afraid of peace and I like to fight. It sounds to me that you conservatives are deathly afraid of people like me? So go buy your guns and protect yourself and don't be afraid to shoot first because he might have a gun under that hoodie?

30 years ago my conservative minority republican parents fed me the same BS you guys still believe. The world is coming to an end, they are taking Christianity out of schools, the government is going to create a race war, we need to pray that God gives us a leader who has good Christian values!! I grew up thinking both Bush presidents were honest because they claimed Christianity and were white republicans. I read this 10 years ago and remembered thinking this guy is an idiot. I was in full support of the War at the time because I felt-Bush must go to Iraq to put Islamic terrorism in its place, get rid of weapons of mass destruction and go kill bin laden once and for all.
Boy was I wrong!

2004-"It is not that the threat of terrorism is not real, but that Bush's policies in dealing with terrorism are actually fueling the fire. A recent poll showed that the majority of Americans have finally recognized that the war in Iraq has actually increased the threat of terrorism. . We are less safe because of his policies ... the unpleasant truth is that President Bush's utter incompetence has made the world a far more dangerous place and dramatically increased the threat of terrorism against the United States." Bush totally fell into Bin Laden's trap. Bin Laden couldn't have imagined a better recruiting tool for terrorists than for Bush to invade Iraq. The way Bush is fighting terrorism is actually the very act which is invoking and creating more of it in the first place. Falling victim to one's own deception as Bush has can have a very mesmerizing and gripping effect on others, as he appears so convinced of what he is saying and is able to project this conviction. Just like Hitler struck a chord deep in the German unconscious, Bush is touching something very deep in the American psyche. Whereas Hitler's evil was more overt in its cruelty and sadism, Bush's dark side is much more hidden and disguised, which makes it particularly dangerous. People who vote for Bush are somehow blind to what is very obvious to others. It's as if they've become hypnotized and fallen under the spell that Bush is casting. The situation is very analogous to when seemingly good, normal, loving Germans supported Hitler, believing he was a good leader trying to help them. The German people didn't realize that the virulent pathogen malignant egophrenia had taken possession of Hitler and was incarnating itself through him. By not seeing this and supporting Hitler, they became agents used by this non-local, deadly disease to propagate itself. This was a collective psychosis, and this is what is taking place in our country right now."

As time has gone on, I am man enough to admit my mistake in voting for Bush. I know you guys are to proud and conservative to admit your mistakes or change your opinion but keep in mind everything you learn in school is not true just like everything you hear on your talk radio isn't always true as well.
(Examples of school lies)
Ben Franklin and the kite, Isaac Newton and the apple, Pocahontas, George Washington and the apple tree, manifest destiny, treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo, Evolution and religion etc...

As a proud American I think president O has not lived up to all of his commitments. I think Benghazi could of been handled different but so could of Iraq. As a doubter of both political parties I believe that O has been more Honest to the American people then GW. I believe that conservative American people have an easier time supporting and believing a White Christian liar then a Black anything liar. I just want to warn you, the world will stop and explode soon because we are about to have a White atheist Woman as president. God help us all. On second thought, women are far better at lying then men. If we got through Carter and Bush we can get through anything.
American Proud!

Númerouno and spaz please do not delete even if you don't agree.

Thank you

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by Pale Rider » Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:45 am

Dugout Dad wrote:[quote="Clamato"

Thank you


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by Clamato » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:28 am

Welcome X2
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by Pale Rider » Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:42 pm

Scared of black folks?
You got that wrong...I do use MLKs 'content of character' thought...
I served 30 yrs with blacks as supervisors and subordinates...based my opinion of them on performance, not pigment...
I don't give a shit what color someones skin is...

But skin color gives no one a pass on anything either...
Know some dumb ass black, white, red, yellow and whatever melanistic shade you can come up with...same way I know some outstanding black, white, red, yellow and whatever melanistic shade you can come up with...

I dont dislike the POTUS because hes 1/2 black...or 1/2 white...I don't like him because hes unqualified for the job, and is a Progressive...aka Socialist...Dumb he is not...Hes doing exactly as his handlers taught him...
Based on unemployment numbers and the number of jobs that have left the USA with the blessing of both parties...You think his multi millionaire ass cares about the 'underprivileged?...
Regardless of their skin color?
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by Dugout Dad » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:46 pm

Clamato, why inject race? Where did that come from? You assume I am white, I'm not, I'm Hispanic. You assume because I think O is a weak president that it has something to do with race. On the contrary, there are three African Americans I would love to see run for President, they are Dr. Ben Carson, Colonel Allen West and Herman Cain. Would you support them if they ran?
The OP was about an article of a public school(a tax funded institution) teacher making an assignment for 6th graders that compares Bush to Hitler. I asked to pick a simple multiple choice A, B, C, D, or E for your answer. You instead decided to write an "essay", for lack of a better description. Based on what you wrote, I am guessing you would choose either A or B and possibly E.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)

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by Pale Rider » Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:43 pm

Dugout Dad wrote:Clamato, why inject race? Where did that come from? You assume I am white, I'm not, I'm Hispanic. You assume because I think O is a weak president that it has something to do with race. On the contrary, there are three African Americans I would love to see run for President, they are Dr. Ben Carson, Colonel Allen West and Herman Cain. Would you support them if they ran?
The OP was about an article of a public school(a tax funded institution) teacher making an assignment for 6th graders that compares Bush to Hitler. I asked to pick A, B, C, D, or E for your answer. You instead decided to write an "essay", for lack of a better description. Based on what you wrote, I am guessing you would choose either A or B and possibly E.

I'd vote for any one of the three, over a dingbat liberal WHITE WOMAN...or a 1/2 white, 1/2 black (Dad was a Communist btw) progressive who nobody knows anything about...
We knew what Romney had for lunch on his 4th day of kindergarten...But no one has seen 'Dear Leaders' College Transcripts?...
Dr Ben Carson, black man...raised poor...become a World leading Neurosurgeon...mostly PEDIATRIC
Allen West, black man, booted out the Army when he forced an Iraqi terrorist to disclose info that saved many lives...His SOLDIERS lives...white black , Hispanic firing a pistol close to head...not like he used a knife and sawed his head off...I'd follow him down a cannon barrel
Herman Cain, a fantastic businessmen...who knows how 'economy and work' does things...
I'd vote Condoleeza Rice also...One fantastic, super smart lady...bigger balls than the POTUS's btw...

Me and Dugout Dad must be damned racists...damn me and DD :o 8-)
AKA "Thread Killer"

"Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you."
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by Clamato » Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:55 pm

Dugout dad,
My intention was not to interject race but rather to interject perception. It should've read "I take my hands out of my pocket so conservative republicans and ignorant Americans dont get scared" My apologies.
I never assumed you were white. I assumed you cosidered yourself part of the majority. Being born Hispanic does not make you a minority. Zimmerman was "hispanic" as well but society labeled him white. The point of my post is "fear" is the label you conservative republicans portray in society. You are afraid of change and it is obvious in your crazy ass bias political views and opinions. Obsession of blame is addictive and the bucket has got some hard core republican tea party tweakers.
The topic was "What do you think" so I thought it was a good idea to tell you what I thought? However, since you want me to choose i will pick:
F) Have my DD finish the assignment and have her be completly open and honest in her views. I would then schedule an appointment with DD's teacher to have her explain to me the purpose of this assignment? I would then make up my mind on what to do from there after I knew the facts.

Pale Ryder,
I never mentioned your name but I'm glad you've included yourself with the right wing whackos. We both agree that stupid has nothing to do with race but I believe race can make people say and do stupid things.
I'm a little confused on your unemployment and outsourcing USA jobs, and you vote GOP? You asked me if the multi millonaire cares about the under privilaged? WTF do you think Bush did for America's underprivilaged? He was the #1 reason for our economys fall and outsourcing USA jobs. The entire GOP needs to wake up and realize that change is hear and they better update thier thought process. I did.
I never called you or Dougout dad a racist, you did that on your own. I don't even know you guys?
Acceptance is the first step to recovery. Keep it up!

Pale and Dugout,
I'm glad to know you would vote for multiple black men and women to run this great nation of ours. I just would've thought by this day and age you would be able to put race behind you? You see in 2014, I believe all Americans should excersise thier right to vote but vote not on a persons skin color but rather on the content of thier character. I will vote for the most qualified American canidate.

Thank you x2
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by as the world turns » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:00 am

Hey Clamidia, I'm concerned about you, you should go to the hospital and get a cat-scan because I think you have a brain tumor.
“Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid.” John Wayne
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