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Obama is this true

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by NumeroUno » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:13 pm

Tell you the truth I think Robbin Williams could be a better president than either candidate ... ally-here/

Robbin can do a better job.jpg
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by as the world turns » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:18 am

I'm sure he is using the same folks the Chicoms used to change their gymnast's birth certificates
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by pixsguy » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:40 am

damn bubba...youll try anything to smear a good man...this was debunked way before this idiot filed his lawsuit...instead of tearing down obama, why dont you trying building mccain and tina fey...

your proof just in case you didnt find it... ... ficate.jpg

I only asked if it was true, a friend of mine sent that to me hoping it was not true, he is a big Obama fan. What my friend told me is that they were not sure the birth certificate was real. He's the big Obama fan not me maybe he should call you so you can calm him dowm.
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by diamondmom » Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:54 pm ... _election/

I just got this today
will be interesting to see how this all plays out
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by pixsguy » Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:51 pm

Good man: raised by single mom and then grandparents, earned scholarships to private school and then harvard on own merit, married 16 years and has two kids all with only wife...GOOD MAN.

Good man: raised with silver spoon, barely finished anapolis, dumped first wife, cheated and dumped second wife, called third wife c*@t at rally, changed all he stood for for last 26 years for one last shot at president...good man?

the video is all propoganda...sad to see how mccain cant win on his merit, his only hope is to try to drag down obama...
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by Blind Squirrel » Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:17 pm

Questioning whether either man is a "good" man or even a "good" American only reflects (rather poorly) on the accuser. Both have made mistakes, done things they regret and will do more of both in the future. Same is true for every person who resorts to feeble character attacks on either man. Anyone want to declare themselves enthusiastic about having their entire lives scrutinized, the results publicized and then judged by tens of millions who are possessed of a fraction of the relevant information?

And BTW, I am quick to acknowledge and point out the faults of my children and often my responsibility in them having those issues. Anyone want to claim to love their kids more than I do? No? Then give the insulting, moronic "Anti-American", "Doesn't love America like we do" crap a rest. Not being able to see/acknowledge/discuss problems pretty much ensures the problems won't be addressed. Thats an intelligent approach that facilitates progress?

Are the pitcher's parents well regarded/respected who, because they can't bear to face the truth, unfailingly blame fielders when their kid gives up 5 runs? Sound familiar? Anyone able to discuss one single problem this country is having without putting the majority of the blame on the other party?

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by pixsguy » Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:50 pm

well said john...ive tried the logical argument and end up trying to defend against the moronic....

my kid is a catcher and who is to blame when the pitcher is so wild even the best catcher cant stop them all...
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by Skarp » Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:23 pm

Blind Squirrel wrote:Questioning whether either man is a "good" man or even a "good" American only reflects (rather poorly) on the accuser. Both have made mistakes, done things they regret and will do more of both in the future. Same is true for every person who resorts to feeble character attacks on either man. Anyone want to declare themselves enthusiastic about having their entire lives scrutinized, the results publicized and then judged by tens of millions who are possessed of a fraction of the relevant information?

And BTW, I am quick to acknowledge and point out the faults of my children and often my responsibility in them having those issues. Anyone want to claim to love their kids more than I do? No? Then give the insulting, moronic "Anti-American", "Doesn't love America like we do" crap a rest. Not being able to see/acknowledge/discuss problems pretty much ensures the problems won't be addressed. Thats an intelligent approach that facilitates progress?

Are the pitcher's parents well regarded/respected who, because they can't bear to face the truth, unfailingly blame fielders when their kid gives up 5 runs? Sound familiar? Anyone able to discuss one single problem this country is having without putting the majority of the blame on the other party?


I unapologetically question the man's character...and his Americanism. His prior dealings and associations, his continuous obfuscation and down-right dishonesty, and his hard-left policy positions--including avowed internationalism--ALL provide me with ample reasons to do so. Facts are facts, and I'm not going to leave them unstated for fear that it might "reflect poorly" on me. Nor am I particularly concerned about scrutinizing the lives and beliefs of people who aspire to the most powerful position on the planet.

The hard left in this country is anti-American. Engage any of them in debate and they will be happy to tell you so themselves. Read the writings of the philosophers they worship or the position papers of the interest groups they populate and it's right there in black and white. They will tell you that America is oppressive, greedy, racist, corrupt, imperialist, and evil, and that it has always been that way. They will tell you that America is responsible for nearly every bad thing that happens on the planet, and that America (and Western culture more generally), far from being an engine of global productivity and advancement, owes all of its achievements to its oppression of peoples both home and abroad. And they don't just say that...they act on it.

In fact, the only time they make any effort to cover their views up at all is during presidential elections when people are actually paying attention, because if ordinary Americans had any clue about the true policy preferences and philosophical underpinnings of these people and groups they would find them wholly unpalatable. And make no mistake about it, these are the interests that Obama has consistently aligned himself with his entire political career.

So no, I'm not going to proceed from the ridiculous assumption that the standard-bearer for the hard left is equally concerned about the well-being of me and mine, or the country as a whole. He is not.
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by Skarp » Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:29 pm

pixsguy wrote:well said john...ive tried the logical argument and end up trying to defend against the moronic....

my kid is a catcher and who is to blame when the pitcher is so wild even the best catcher cant stop them all...

No offense pixsguy, but you couldn't find a logical argument with a road map. And laying claim to intellectual superiority, well...that's high comedy my friend.

But alright Wittgenstein, let's examine the cerebral onslaught of your most recent offering:

pixsguy wrote:Good man: raised by single mom and then grandparents, earned scholarships to private school and then harvard on own merit, married 16 years and has two kids all with only wife...GOOD MAN.

So, on your account:
A) We have a black man from humble beginnings who, on his own gumption and merit, rose to be highly educated, immensely wealthy, more popular than the Beatles, and who will presumably be the next president of the United States.
B) This man is running on a platform of transformative change to address--get this--a shortage of opportunity in this country.

And you love him. Yes, your logic is impeccable.
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by Blind Squirrel » Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:24 pm

Skarp wrote:
Blind Squirrel wrote:Questioning whether either man is a "good" man or even a "good" American only reflects (rather poorly) on the accuser. Both have made mistakes, done things they regret and will do more of both in the future. Same is true for every person who resorts to feeble character attacks on either man. Anyone want to declare themselves enthusiastic about having their entire lives scrutinized, the results publicized and then judged by tens of millions who are possessed of a fraction of the relevant information?

And BTW, I am quick to acknowledge and point out the faults of my children and often my responsibility in them having those issues. Anyone want to claim to love their kids more than I do? No? Then give the insulting, moronic "Anti-American", "Doesn't love America like we do" crap a rest. Not being able to see/acknowledge/discuss problems pretty much ensures the problems won't be addressed. Thats an intelligent approach that facilitates progress?

Are the pitcher's parents well regarded/respected who, because they can't bear to face the truth, unfailingly blame fielders when their kid gives up 5 runs? Sound familiar? Anyone able to discuss one single problem this country is having without putting the majority of the blame on the other party?


I unapologetically question the man's character...and his Americanism. His prior dealings and associations, his continuous obfuscation and down-right dishonesty, and his hard-left policy positions--including avowed internationalism--ALL provide me with ample reasons to do so. Facts are facts, and I'm not going to leave them unstated for fear that it might "reflect poorly" on me. Nor am I particularly concerned about scrutinizing the lives and beliefs of people who aspire to the most powerful position on the planet.

The hard left in this country is anti-American. Engage any of them in debate and they will be happy to tell you so themselves. Read the writings of the philosophers they worship or the position papers of the interest groups they populate and it's right there in black and white. They will tell you that America is oppressive, greedy, racist, corrupt, imperialist, and evil, and that it has always been that way. They will tell you that America is responsible for nearly every bad thing that happens on the planet, and that America (and Western culture more generally), far from being an engine of global productivity and advancement, owes all of its achievements to its oppression of peoples both home and abroad. And they don't just say that...they act on it.

In fact, the only time they make any effort to cover their views up at all is during presidential elections when people are actually paying attention, because if ordinary Americans had any clue about the true policy preferences and philosophical underpinnings of these people and groups they would find them wholly unpalatable. And make no mistake about it, these are the interests that Obama has consistently aligned himself with his entire political career.

So no, I'm not going to proceed from the ridiculous assumption that the standard-bearer for the hard left is equally concerned about the well-being of me and mine, or the country as a whole. He is not.

I don't have much time so ...

I guess I haven't discussed politics much over the last few decades, at least not with members of the "hard left' because the next time I hear an American tell me they are Un-American will be the first time. My response to such a statement will likely be then why the Hell don't you go to a country you like better? Or maybe I have but I don't bring out the best in people like you do, Skarp :D (That was supposed to be funny and I hate freakin emoticons). And I have yet to meet a person who blames America for everything wrong in the world though I have heard people blame Jews.

My guess is that there is a like number of folks on the "hard left" and on the "hard right." In my view they are all nut case extremists who, thankfully, comprise a relatively small percentage of each party. The unfortunate thing is that they tend to wield a disproportiionate amount of power/influence and provide ammo for folks in the other party to use to draw caricatures of what the majority in that party are actually about. Or are all Republicans elitist Bible thumpers who care only about oil companies and the rich and are war mongers?

My point was not to discourage scrutiny. My point is that, at least in my case, I have dealt with and even associated with people who have very different views from mine. That does not define or accurately reflect upon who I am or what I believe in today. Anyone who wants to judge me on what I did even 10 years ago can judge away with absolutely no concern by me or respect from me. That being said, some of my associations were ill advised, some I'm ashamed of, but none were terribly damaging to others. Maybe Obama's past conduct dwarfs mine in terms of it's objectively assessed "badness" (for lack of a better term). I honestly don't know.
Did Dubya do coke when he was younger? Don't know about that either. He sure wasn't soft on druggies during his terms in office. If I understand your view, you believe that if Obama is elected, he will intentionally act to harm this country. I don't share that view.

When I have more time, I will enlighten yawl with my cosmic view of THE solution to what, IF ANYTHING, ails America. It's actually quite obvious if you can get out of your own way. Of course we Americans can continue fighting each other on every issue and ensure our elected "leaders?" will accomplish far less for Americans than Americans deserve. Who was the idiot that said something about A house divided ... ? What a nut job.

10 years from now I'll wish I felt like I do these days.
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