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The Next Lawyer

by Demonboy » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:15 am

janicerocks wrote:From reliable source - the board isnt talking right now on the advice of their attorney because the coach has threatened to sue! Last year's incident resulted in suspension for the coach. He showed up places anyway as a public spectator. Pressure was intense on the board that he was innocent, board had to rely on jury. Carlsbad police did not do a good job with the case and the jury was hung. Judge dismissed charges. Board has no choice but to allow him to come back. He controls the minds of many in "his" organization.

What an incredible and unfathomable crock of shite.
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by d-fense » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:15 am

Everyone keeps talking about CF as if he's still with TNL. HE'S NOT!!!
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by hotwheels » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:18 am

d-fense wrote:Everyone keeps talking about CF as if he's still with TNL. HE'S NOT!!!

And you keep talking about this situation as if TNL didn't already allow him to come back once before....Keep that in my mind as well if you are going to bring that up....
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by RACER X » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:24 am

Blind Squirrel wrote:It seems to me that the best action at this point is for the softball community to do everything in their individual and collective power to rid our community of this coach. He should not be allowed anywhere near kids. When he is seen at fields, a scene should be made that makes it very, very clear who he is, what he has done and that he is not welcome. Maybe at some point, even current/prospective/future TNL parents will decide that whatever they think this guy can do for their kid's softball "career" is a slightly lower priority than keeping their daughters away from an adult like him. JMO.


There is a very good point being made here! There is a very common theme in most all of your posts...mine included. This guy shoulda never, the Board shoulda done this'n that, why was he allowed to hang out..etc. However, how many people turned him down at thier friendlies, did anyone refuse to participate in something when he was involved? We, as a softball communty, do have some power here! We all need to ask ourselves....did we did everthing we could to keep this guy away? It's not just about our own kids. So, however small our parts may have been....we may all be just a little guilty too :( How are all of us going to feel if we all stand by this time...and then hear that something REALLY bad happens to some player in the future?
I don't know the legal limits of what we can do...but it feels like we should do something :?:
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by Skarp » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:36 am

The first time this happened we had TNL parents coming on here and bashing everyone who had a problem with the organization's decision to allow him to stay involved with the kids. They said we didn't know the facts (and "innocent until proven guilty"), and thus should keep our mouths shut. Problem was, in the process they made numerous revealing admissions about the internal modus operandi of the organization, including the fact that kids were routinely dropped off by parents to hang out unsupervised at Facionne's home. How smart/responsible does that seem now, folks?

To suggest that the coaches and board members, who clearly knew about such activities, are not culpable for allowing continued unchecked contact in the wake of the prior allegations and inconclusive trial, is absurd. As for the parents who continued to allow this predator unsupervised access to their kids over the past year...well that's nothing short of pathetic.
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by Make_It_Happen » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:49 am

d-fense wrote:Everyone keeps talking about CF as if he's still with TNL. HE'S NOT!!!

According to the TNL Softball website:

"TNL is a competitive youth softball organization that is a component of the parent foundation The Next Level Athletics."

What is "The Next Level Athletics"?

One thing The Next Level Athletics does is runs sports camps for youth for schools in the area

Does "The Next Level Athletics" exist without Chris Facione?
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by kingskid » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:10 pm

What a lot of TNL parents are not owning up to here is After he was arrested the first time He had a trial date set. He was not suppose to have any contact with minors at all part of his Bail. He was at 16u State walking around texting and sitting on the outside of there dug out coaching. It made me sick!!! YES TNL put everyone at risk allowing him before there was any hung jury to be around the ball field and EVERYONE knew of the liability.
I did take a picture and send it to the S.D. DA and they responded we will investigate...... If it was not your DD then it did not happen bull!!! We are starting to see why so many girls from the TNL orginazation are allowed over his house till 1,2 in the morning alone........hmmmm

Can't deny that one it is on record from the first trial.

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by softballmafia » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:38 pm

I saw this post from GDAD who supported this individual and his organization. How do you feel now Mr. GDAD about your Messiah? Shame on you and all the parnets who supported this individaul and his actions. Once a wolf always a wolf, only the good Lord can change this mans life. Where are all the parent supporting this guy now?

TNL Coach Released - Mistrial from GDAD
Let me state first of all that the defendant is a very close and personal friend of mine. My daughter played for the TNL organization from 14U through 18 Gold and has been playing D1 softball the past three years and doing very well. I have spent time with his parents and family, all of whom are top-quality people.

My wife and I trusted our daughter with Chris for years with no doubts. We have found his character to be excellent, and yes, he is a tough and passionate coach, but the success of his teams and his players is evidence of a good program. Our daughter remains a close friend of his to this day, and she testified in court, along with several of her fellow TNL players for the defense.

I attended every court appearance from the arraignment, to the preliminary hearing to each day of the trial. Including today, where the Judge declared a mistrial and then dismissed the charges against Chris.

I was not alone sitting in the courtroom to support my friend. The courtroom on the defense side was filled every day of the trial, with his family, friends, other coaches, current and former players. By contrast, the prosecution side was virtually empty most of the time during the trial.

If you sat through this trial as I did, you would agree that it was a very sad and bad situation for all parties involved. I felt very sorry for the young lady that made the accusations, and for her family. However, I don't feel it is fair to judge for me to her actions or her motivations.

Rather, I would echo what the Judge said when he dismissed the charges. Based on the evidence and testimony presented, the Judge said a new Jury would not be able to reach a Guilty verdict, and that the defendant had been through enough.

The District Attorney's office, in my opinion, made a mistake in taking this case to trial. The evidence and their witnesses were very marginal. The victim was caught lying in court on at least three key statements, including lying to her parents, the Police Detective that investigated the complaint, the Deputy District Attorney, the Judge and the Jury.

The "smoking gun" was a "pretext" call where the Police Detective had the victim call the defendant and try and get to him to admit or say incriminating statements. The recorded call last over 20 minutes, and did nothing but to strengthen the defense case that he had not engaged in any sexual actions with the victim.

Trying to take away my personal bias and friendship for the coach, I find it very hard to believe that any of the jurors thought he was guilty on Count 1 (the last official ballot was last Friday afternoon and it was 8-4 Not Guilty, and the Jury foreperson indicated the Jury met again this morning and there was further movement towards Not Guilty, but they were still deadlocked - in other words, it sounded like it was more like 10-2 on Count 1 and Count 2 was already 11-1 Not Guilty).

I have been involved in youth sports for the past 12+ years, and my kids have played on premier-level, national caliber soccer teams and on top level softball clubs. I personally know of two coaches that were arrested, tried and convicted of sexual and other misconduct with their players. I have also seen another of my friend's high school coaching career ruined because of charges from a player that were later found to be groundless (no legal action was taken).

It is unfortunate that many people prefer to jump to conclusions before the accused has had his or her day in court. I know it was a real experience for myself to sit there hours and days watching my friend's trial firsthand. And, my daughter had her own experience, first being served a supeona, flying back to San Diego from out-of-state during her first week back at College, and then to testify in a criminal court where the defendant - someone she knows and respects as a coach, friend and mentor - is on trial and facing years in prison and a lifetime burden of being a registered sex offender.

Again, it was a very sad situation all around. For the victim and what she put herself through, her family, my friend - the defendant, his family and his friends and supporters. I spoke with other attorneys that attended the trial, and they were all amazed at what a thin case the prosecution had presented. In fact, during the middle of the trial - and unknown to the Jury - the prosecution came to the defense and presented a plea bargain offer knocking the two felony charges down to a misdemeanor. The plea bargain offer was rejected out of hand, as the defense want to have the Jury return a "Not Guilty" verdict. Having the case declared a mistrial and then the Judge dismissing the charges is a very good outcome for the defendant. Criminal attorneys will tell you it is very unusual for a Judge to dismiss a case after one trial and not agree to the District Attorney's office retrying the case.... Again, this was a trial that never should have happened....

By the way, there was no content of text messages available to present as evidence. Merely the log of the date and time of text sent from his phone. The defense also presented copies of an email from the victim to the defendant that speaks volume about her possible motivation and her anger regarding not receiving expected college softball scholarship offers....

I am as proud of Chris Facione today at the end of this trial as I was the first day it started. I am proud to call him my friend, and to have him be such a hugely positive influence in the life of my daughter.

He has had his day in court, and he will continue to do what he loves - coach softball.
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by anonlooker » Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:54 pm

janicerocks wrote:From reliable source - the board isnt talking right now on the advice of their attorney because the coach has threatened to sue! Last year's incident resulted in suspension for the coach. He showed up places anyway as a public spectator. Pressure was intense on the board that he was innocent, board had to rely on jury. Carlsbad police did not do a good job with the case and the jury was hung. Judge dismissed charges. Board has no choice but to allow him to come back. He controls the minds of many in "his" organization. Many believed he was innocent. Some stuck around to keep an eye on him. Last week 5 or 6 girls came forward with information. Sexual test messages, propositions, sexual conversations, etc. I hear no actual sex this time but not for lack of effort. Board hears and sees evidence and terminates coach immediately. Coach is now on campaign. He is trashing the board, trashing the girls who came forward, making up viscious lies about them, emailing and calling people in the organization to get them to his side and lying, lying, lying. Some parents and players believe him and may leave, some want him back. It's hard to believe but true. Board is standing firm. Girls who came forward are being attacked and lied about. Board is being attacked and lied about. Whole thing is a devestating mess and they could use some support. Some think he will start another team and take some of his players. He is a very cunning individual..knows what to say and how to say it. Some people are weak and want to believe. Others see the truth now. Board is no longer giving him benefit of doubt. Fool me once.... Girls need support. They love each other and want to stay together but he is making it difficult for them. Trying to turn them against each other. That is all I was asked to say.........

The comments in bold above indicate this man is more dangerouts now than he was before (if that's even possible). Voting him out of the organization is the very least the board and the families should do. They need to take every step possible to see this man arrested, convicted of his crimes, and imprisoned.

And there is no question whatsoever that what he has done is a very serious crime. Using a phone or texting device to entice a minor into sexual activity is a federal offense, punishable by a minimum of ten years in prison. There need be no sexual contact, the enticement itself is sufficient.

The FBI Crimes Against Children unit would very much like to investigate this case. If you are a player, parent, board member, or other individual with knowledge of the facts in this matter, please make our community safer for everyone by contacting the FBI field office in San Diego immediately:

Keith Slotter
Special Agent in Charge
9797 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 565-1255

janicerocks, you came on here speaking for the organization. Please convey the above to all the players and parents in the organization. Dealing with this situation is not as difficult as some of you may think. If you have any concerns or trepidation about contacting the FBI directly, contact me privately. Please, do this now, not only for the sake of our children, but for the protection and safety of those most at risk - your own daughters.
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by B•Bum » Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:01 pm

B•Bum wrote:Subject: The Next Lawyer

3 blind mice wrote:Ok, I wasn't going to join the band wagon, but can no longer stand it. Yes, it was a mistake perhaps to let him back...they did, and he showed his true colors (allegedly). But all of you who want the TNL parents to apologize are way out of line. They owe NOTHING of the sort to any of us. They are dealing with a difficult time, and trying to keep this well-respected organization in tact. The general, know-it-all, and judging softball community as a whole needs to shut up and let them heal. CF is gone...for those of you who want to rejoice in that fact, go ahead....but for the sake of the girls of TNL...LEAVE THEM ALONE. do not snicker behind their backs or blackball them from friendlies.....we all can't be as perfect as apparently you are...

and no..I am not a TNL parent.

THANK YOU 3 BLIND!!!!!! I was about to say the same thing. To those of you that have always been right all the time, everyone should try to walk in your footsteps. We knew the situation from last year (prior to coming) and it seamed to be an accusation due to a lack of evidence. That doesn't mean that we just turned our kids over to the guy. Like the rest of our fellow parents, we are protective against anyone when it comes to our children and we carefully monitored all interactions. The hard part is that there are not a lot of options in SD for a truly competitive team. Knowing that the behavior happened again—never again!

Those that stood behind him—parents, friends and comrades are REALLY beating themselves up right now. Thank you to the Board for first, keeping their eyes open and secondly, for acting swiftly to catch this at a very early stage. None of us have all the info, nor do we need it. But, what I do know is Jerry and the Board have our kids' best interest at heart.

What we ALL need to do, instead of piling on, is to be positive and hope that a truly competitive organization restores its name and its promise (to the girls) to turn out healthy, strong athletes. CF is gone and a new vision will be formed.

I kind of look at this as chance to build an even stronger organization than what stood before. Jerry and the others that are involved are great coaches and people. They are collectively building resources and are TOTALLY committed to moving forward. They need support from all of us in the entire softball community (inside and out).

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