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The Next Level Update/Coach accused of Sex Crime

What's on your mind?

by softballjerk » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:39 am


Don't know who you are, but like the way you think.
I don't understand these people, trying so hard to turn crap into something good. As the saying goes, if it smells, tastes and feels like crap and the States Prosecuting Attorneys Says it's crap, its usually is CRAP.
Mr. Facione is probably sitting at home, right now, reading these comments and laughing at all the parents who still have not figured him out and scared to death of comments from people like Sam and I!
All this talk about Mr Facione and no one really gives a crap about the kid this happened to. You people are so screwed up. Run to save the organization, Save Mr Facione's reputation, have your kids show up at the court hearings, go on record saying, "what a great guy" he is, in writing for his defense to use later to lessen his time in jail, if convicted.
What are you all doing?
Is TNL that important to you, where you would keep paying someone who has been arrested and arraigned for being a child sexual predator, is it REALLY? You are seriously messed up.
If he is still in ANY way associated with this organization, which he is - because it's HIS ORGANIZATION, and if ANY monies are being paid to him (which they are, and being used for his legal defense) you my friend are being made a FOOL.
There is a VICTIM here. It's a little girl, not unlike your daughter, that all she wanted was to play softball, what she got (according to her and the District Attorney) was a whole lot more than that.
If true, this predator used his trusted and respected position as her coach, to entice and convince an underage kid to have sex with him. Let's not forget about her. What about her parents? Any of you put yourself in their shoes and the pain and guilt they are feeling? That Nice guy all of you keep writing about, do you think they thought the same thing, of course they did (Isn't that how predators work?), can you imagine having to deal with the fact that you were fooled into trusting this guy and this is what happened to your child because of it? And then to read in these forums, even more people out there are STILL FOOLED. Man, this guy is good....
He manipulated trust on so many levels, even this TNL Board of Fools and Friends has been manipulated. They are orchestrating his defense by asking everyone for "Written Character references" This is clearly showing they are still influenced by him or just down right stupid - more than likely both.
I don't have a lot of money and what little I have, I work hard for and I would NEVER choose to pay 1 penny to defend someone accused, arrested and charged with a crime like this. That's just me, the rest of you can do what ever you want. Maybe all those TNL believers can start of fund to also help defend the teacher that was arraigned for the same thing on the same day at the same court house as Mr Facione, heard he was a NICE GUY, too and it seems this sort of thing does not turn your stomach and make you want to throw up, so maybe you and TNL can have a fundraiser for him, too? Just a thought.
FOR THE RECORD; You comment that I must have a "vendetta" against TNL, you could not be more confused or further from the truth. What fuels me to comment is, I have a burning hatred for pedafiles and child predators and anyone who looks to protect them. If any of that applies to you or anyone you know, then you know where you stand with me.
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by Demonboy » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:47 am

Is it just me that is only hearing Charlie Brown's teacher after the first two lines at this point?

"womp womp womp womp womp"

"Yes Miss Othmar"

"womp womp womp womp womp"
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by dittoz » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:21 am


As soon as the guy is convicted, everything you have said is 100% spot on. Until then... no

There's been a lot of folks over the years that have been accused, charged, tried and convicted and we're only to find out later that they were entirely innocent. For the time being, the dude is out of the coaching game, regardless of whatever little semantics are used that you want to argue over. He's contained, he's recognized and in spite of your theatrics and grand statements to the contrary, I'm sure he's quite ostracized even now. However unfortunate it may be, the girl is the one that now has the pressure on her to help convict him.

As soon as he's proven guilty, I'll be the first to buy your beer but until then, drink responsibly!
Being from NorCal, what do I know anyway???
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by DonnieS » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:51 am

>> As soon as he's proven guilty, I'll be the first to buy your beer but until then, drink responsibly! <<

Sounds good - but do you remember 1994 ? Since then I have a different view of guilty vs innocent.
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by Demonboy » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:23 am

America hasn't been able to muster the same outrage for Robert Blake.

Personally my give a sh** is out of service when it comes to "celebrity trials".

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by DonnieS » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:31 am

>> Personally my give a sh** is out of service when it comes to "celebrity trials". <<

I heard a long time ago that you get all the justice you have money to pay for.
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by Sam » Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:33 pm

dittoz wrote:SB-J;

As soon as the guy is convicted, everything you have said is 100% spot on. Until then... no

There's been a lot of folks over the years that have been accused, charged, tried and convicted and we're only to find out later that they were entirely innocent. For the time being, the dude is out of the coaching game, regardless of whatever little semantics are used that you want to argue over. He's contained, he's recognized and in spite of your theatrics and grand statements to the contrary, I'm sure he's quite ostracized even now. However unfortunate it may be, the girl is the one that now has the pressure on her to help convict him.

As soon as he's proven guilty, I'll be the first to buy your beer but until then, drink responsibly!

Name one.....perhaps you can. Out of the millions of prosecutions that happen every hear about a couple of rapists who were later cleared, after they were convicted, due to DNA evidence.

The prosecutors have 99.99% conviction rates because the win every case they settle and they win a large majority of cases that go to trial. The criminals that are convicted are 99.99999% guilty of their crimes....

so we should hold off on voicing our opinions abouth the TNL issue because there is a highly remote possibility that the whole thing was made up....twice.

So we shouldn't criticize individuals who say the US Government executed the 9/11 attacks or....the people who claim we never landed on the moon.....or the people who claim the holocaust never happened.......because there is a chance they are correct?
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by Skarp » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:17 pm

dittoz wrote:SB-J;

As soon as the guy is convicted, everything you have said is 100% spot on. Until then... no

There's been a lot of folks over the years that have been accused, charged, tried and convicted and we're only to find out later that they were entirely innocent. For the time being, the dude is out of the coaching game, regardless of whatever little semantics are used that you want to argue over. He's contained, he's recognized and in spite of your theatrics and grand statements to the contrary, I'm sure he's quite ostracized even now. However unfortunate it may be, the girl is the one that now has the pressure on her to help convict him.

As soon as he's proven guilty, I'll be the first to buy your beer but until then, drink responsibly!

To the extent that you are saying that people should completely reserve judgment on this situation and how TNL has handled it, I have to disagree. The courts and the public square are two different things entirely, and each metes out justice by completely different standards (and rightly so). This here is the court of public opinion. If you have compelling reasons for people to change their opinions, by all means share them, but the "shut up and let the legal system work" line that many are throwing around is a bunch of malarky. How TNL (a prominent softball organization) has handled this situation is of real, immediate and legitimate interest to many of the posters here. To suggest that nobody should opine on the subject is absurd.

Following the opposite view to its logical end, why even suspend the guy at all? After all, he hasn't been convicted of anything yet.
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by ccrap » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:16 pm

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by americanfreedom » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:18 pm

This post is not an comment on the guilt or innocence of the TNL coach. The whole incident is sad regardless of the outcome. This post is simply an effort to help people understand the actual wrongful conviction rate in this country because of the misinformation above. The most respected liberal and conservative scholars in the country agree that the wrongful conviction number is between 7,500 to 10,000 people a year for all crimes.

A 1997 FBI study of 12,000 rape cases concluded that as many as 25 percent of all rape claims are false. Subsequent research by multiple scholars has suggested that the false charge may exceed 33 percent of all cases. That is, the rape may have occurred, but the wrong man is accused. Since 1989 when post-conviction DNA testing was first performed, more than 205 men have been acquited of rape by post-conviction DNA testing. In otherwords, about 10 a year. This, however, only includes those cases where a post-convictin DNA test was authorized by the and/or available. Post-conviction DNA testing is rarely, if ever, conducted in plea bargain cases.

The actual conviction rates in criminal cases vary widely by area. In the federal system, however, the actual conviction rate is closer to 85 percent. As pointed out, this includes all cases where the defendant pled guilty, so the actual conviction rate in cases that proceed to trial is substantially lower.

The common misconception is that only guilty people get charged with a crime, and only guilty people who would not accept stiff plea bargains go to trial. The reality is actually quite different. Again, this is not intended to be a comment on this specific case involving the TNL coach, but only to cause eveyone to pause before concluding anyone accused or charged with a crime must be guilty becaue the District Attorney only prosecutes guilty people. And, yes, I am an attorney, but I do not practice criminal law.
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