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Travel Teams - use of "Gold" Label

by softballfriendly » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:54 am

Always find it interesting the number of Travel Teams that choose to use the "Gold" Brand to their name as an inference that they play an elite schedule.

And then when the rubber meets the road, these so called "Gold" Teams do not even compete in the Gold Tournaments. Oh, and by the way they are not substituting with PGF Qualifiers. Happened again this season.

Am I missing something here?
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by slapperdad » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:59 am

C77fastpitch wrote:I think a lot of travel teams have found that participating in show case tournments are more advantagous for their players. Gold, although still good, hasn't got the same stegma anymore! Gas money, college recruiting younger, and a host of other issues have made it harder for teams to participate from coast to coast. Kids are getting bigger, stronger and faster at an early age, 14u and 16u are now the prime tournaments where many colleges see future super-stars! ;) This is not to say that some very good 18u players haven't been noticed yet!!

Come on dude, you see 10U teams with this moniker.
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by tbjd33 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:29 am

slapperdad wrote:
C77fastpitch wrote:I think a lot of travel teams have found that participating in show case tournments are more advantagous for their players. Gold, although still good, hasn't got the same stegma anymore! Gas money, college recruiting younger, and a host of other issues have made it harder for teams to participate from coast to coast. Kids are getting bigger, stronger and faster at an early age, 14u and 16u are now the prime tournaments where many colleges see future super-stars! ;) This is not to say that some very good 18u players haven't been noticed yet!!

Come on dude, you see 10U teams with this moniker.

Only in Rec Ball... Usually in ASA "B" level tournaments.
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by GoldElite » Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:55 pm

softballfriendly wrote:Always find it interesting the number of Travel Teams that choose to use the "Gold" Brand to their name as an inference that they play an elite schedule.

And then when the rubber meets the road, these so called "Gold" Teams do not even compete in the Gold Tournaments. Oh, and by the way they are not substituting with PGF Qualifiers. Happened again this season.

Am I missing something here?

I just like the fact that you used 'Gold' and 'Elite' in the same post.
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by slapperdad » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:25 am

C77fastpitch wrote:Dude! 10y teams play gold!!

Really? I couldn't find any, at least playing in the Indiana qualifier:

Indy Dreams Gold-Mont (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Tony Montgomery
Midland Magic Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Dale Shelton
Ohio Hawks Gold - Hutchinson (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Wendell Hutchinson
Legends Fastpitch (18A) @ 18Gold - Laura Harms
Cincy Doom Elite (18A) @ 18Gold - David Burbrink
Extreme Elite Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Caitlyn Ashcraft
Beverly Bandits - Team DeMarini (18Gold) @ 18Gold - William Conroy
Illinois Bash Gold (18A) @ 18Gold - Jim Goranson
St. Louis Chaos-Beatty (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Karen Seifert
Mac-N-Seitz Storm (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Rick Rogers
Ohio Nightmare 18u Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Joseph Abbruzzese
Cincy Doom Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Tim Gregory
STL Academy Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Scott Sullivan
Colorado Next Level (18A) @ 18Gold - Tony Worth
Indiana Shockwaves Black (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Mark Maloof
Indiana Shockwaves Gold (18Gold) @ 18Gold - Mike Ramsey
Michiana Mystique (18A) @ 18Gold - Ted Zimmerman
Indy Dreams-Mont (16A) @ 16Gold - Tony Montgomery
The Phoenix (16A) @ 16Gold - Lisa Thomas
Esprit 97 (16A) @ 16Gold - Joe Dorlac
Michiana Mystique Silver (16A) @ 16Gold - Dawn Austin
Illinois Bash 16U Gold (16A) @ 16Gold - Nikki Goranson
Windmills Blue (16A) @ 16Gold - Michael Ziegler
Extreme Elite Gold (16Gold) @ 16Gold - Brett Swip

Perhaps you could share with us where these 10U teams are playing "gold"?
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by slapperdad » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:34 am

C77fastpitch wrote:Could someone from (Dog Patch Kentucky) please translate what Hirem-(Slapper-dad) Is trying to say??

It's English, I'll type slower. Not really sure about the Kentucky reference, or the name Hirem, which I believe is Hebrew and actually spelled Hiram. Tough to tell the way parents name their kids today, and all the goofy spelling. I assure you I have no Kentucky roots, not even sure where Dog Patch Kentucky is, nor am I of Jewish descent, I don't know anyone named Hiram or any variant of the name.

That was my point, I think, that 10u don't play gold!!!

Tough to tell when you state:
C77fastpitch wrote:Dude! 10y teams play gold!!

Again, we're speaking English, please stick to the agreed upon language, I went out on a limb and assumed that you meant 10U, when you stated 10y, it's OK, those keys are really close together, could have happened to anyone.

It would be kind of silly, at least thats what I think!

I agree, it would be silly, could be dangerous too.

I know there are gold teams (Fester),

I'm not familiar with Fester Gold, are they from Indiana? They're not listed for the Indiana qualifier, perhaps they're playing PGF that weekend.

but what I'm trying to say

It's OK, slow down, use your words, you'll make it.

is that show cases are becoming more popular because college scouts are there.

Ah, college scouts are showing up at showcases, that's pertinent info right there. So if I were in the market to get my kid a scholarship, I'd send her to a showcase?

Some gold teams go to these show cases, but many are not, or don't call themselves (Gold Teams).

Some gold team go to showcases, many don't, or don't call themselves gold teams. You had me, then you lost me.

My second point was that colleges are noticing kids at a younger age because they maturing so fast,

I think it's the hormones in our food that are causing kids to mature so fast. Do you notice a large percentage of these kids that mature faster eat a lot of Chicken McNuggets. I really believe that's where the root of this problem lies. Ronald McDonald stuffs those birds with so many growth hormones to get them big and fat quicker, so he can fill all those Happy Meals, it's no wonder kids mature so fast.

( I didn't mean 10y olds!)

What did you mean? Use your words.

I know colleges can't recruit younger,

Really is there a rule or something?

they are just noticing younger players for the future!

Ah, I get it, they're taking notes and putting them in file cabinets. Maybe they have a file that says 2026 for any 8 year old they might scout this weekend at the Big Nasty.

Thanks for all the gold teams mentioned,

It was really no problem, all I did was "google" Indiana ASA gold qualifier teams, and it magically appeared on my screen. Then this is the really cool part, you can drag you mouse over what you would like to copy, and it lights up, then hit the right button on your mouse and a little box will pop up and then you select copy, then, and this is the really tricky part, you click your mouse where you would like to copy it to, and you hit the right button again, only this time you select paste and it is copied right where you want it.

I hope it didn't take you away from your banjo playing (Dude)!! 8-)

I personally can't play the banjo, in fact I'm sorry to say I can't really play any musical instrument. I do play an awesome air-guitar, I'm partial to the blues. My son, who is a very accomplished guitar player, and no he can't play the banjo either, says I have an awesome guitar face. You know it's very important when you come to the solos to have a great guitar face. I'm not really sure what that means, I suspect it's similar to a game face, though no one ever told me I had a great game face. I also play some decent air drums on Phil Collins' In The Air Tonight, but I'm not nearly as accomplished on air drums as I am on air guitar. With the drums you have to keep the beat, and frankly I'm just not that good at it, which probably explains why I've never even attempted air base. However being a blues guy, air horns could be in my future, I can definitely see myself playing air sax, I'd never play air trombone though, I once saw Chicago in concert and frankly the trombone player was a bit of a threat to my masculinity. And no I didn't pay good money to see Chicago, they were the opening act for Crosby, Stills, and Nash, who were AWESOME. I just love the sound Steve Stills gets out of his Gretsch hollow body. I've never attempted to play the Gretsch hollow body air guitar, I usually stick to a pretend Les Paul.
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by Kidcanhit02 » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:27 am

THIS IS THE TYPE OF ENTERTAINMENT WE HAVE MISSED FROM HEYBUCKET!!! This is the literary and intelligence equivelant of David vs. Goliath but who cares, keep it up. Slapper, I was rolling with laughter reading your response.

C77, I know there is no grammar check option but keep trying. You'll get there.
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by slapperdad » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:43 pm

C77fastpitch wrote:What a blow off!

I'm assuming you're male, and while I'm completely down with the whole gay marriage thing that seems to be all the rage in Indiana the last couple of days, it's really not that kind of party.

I'm Jewish


I didn't even read that tirate!!

I've never read a tirate either, to be perfectly honest I don't even know what a tirate is.

I suppose your trying to be clever.

What ever gave you that idea?

Do you know anything about softball?

I've seen a game or two, never really claimed to know anything about it though.

Your writings are all babble!

That really disappoints me, I try my very best to use small, understandable, common words that those of us who use the agreed upon language can understand. I'll try harder.

Stick to the point with a concise message,

I am trying very hard to respond in a clear concise manner so that we can smooth over our differences, what few we have, I mean we both agree that it would be silly for 10U's to play gold.

not that boring book you posted!

Words can not describe my shame, I try to be both informative as well as entertaining with my musings. You calling my post boring cuts me to the very bone.

You can't match wit, or softball skills with me.

You got me, I'll let you in on a little secret, I wasn't a very good Baseball player. I was a decent Football player, however after three broken clavicles and two separated shoulders on my throwing shoulder, I can still throw underhand a little bit, but overhand just isn't happening. I appreciate the warning with the wit, I will never endeavor to match wits with you. To be honest I wasn't a very good student either.

I'm not that smart, your just a whole lot slower!

Read that sentence again and use the contraction of you are or "you're" instead of the possessive "your". I think if you make that change, it will make a much better impact and clearly demonstrate your superior intellect.

In the future please stay to one topic,

Absolutely, I do tend to go off on tangents at times. The other day a friend of mine came over to discuss the weather and the next thing you know, he had me selling Amway. I should have told him to stay on topic, that's a great point. I would much rather have discussed the weather as to be going door to door trying to sell soap to people.

forget softball,

I love to watch Softball, however Football season is just around the corner, and the whole Soccer thing is going on right now. The Tour de France starts next Saturday, Soccer could get me by until then, the Tour de France goes to the end of July, then I'd have a few weeks until pre season Football gets underway. Oh heck who am I kidding, I can't forget Softball. Plus I frequent this board, and seemingly that's all they talk about here. I could never forget Softball. Now if you wanted me to forget something, tell me to forget the laundry or the dishes or something along those lines, no problem.
Talk about old time country music

My father used to love country music. We were never allowed as kids to change the station, I had that crap shoved down my throat, I can't stand country music. I'm talking about old time "I got tears in my ears because I'm lying on my back crying over you" country music. What ever gave the idea that I would like country music? For me it really starts and ends with one man, Bob Dylan, quite simply the greatest songwriter, not only of his generation, but probably in the history of music. John Prine would probably be a close second. You know a friend of mine played some guitar for John Prine back in the 90's and told the story of Dylan and Prine sneaking in the back door of the Troubadour in LA. Security told Dylan you can go in, but who's the guy with you. Dylan replied only the greatest songwriter writing songs today, referring to John Prine. If you've never seen him live, it's as close to a religious experience as I'll probably ever have. You being Jewish may have varying mileage. It's true the Cancer has taken some of the luster off Prine's performances, but man, when he does Lake Marie, it's just simply perfect.

the banjo,

You really seem fixated with the banjo. The banjo is more associated with bluegrass music. While I'm not what you would call a bluegrass fan, I can certainly appreciate pretty much any genre as long as it's quality music. When it comes to bluegrass I'm more a fan of what I term crossover bluegrass, some call it progressive, some call it fusion. I really like The Cleverlys, they have some videos on youtube, I suggest you look them up. Iron Horse isn't bad, but probably my favorite is Danny Barnes. He's toured quite a bit with Dave Matthews, a lot of people like Dave Matthews, do you? I really don't care for them. Everything sounds the same to me. Plus when their tour bus dumped the septic tank in the Chicago River downtown, they just sort of glossed over it. You'd have thought at the very least they could have made a donation to Green Peace or PETA or something wouldn't you?

or getting your teeth repaired!

Why thanks for asking. My teeth are in pretty good shape right now. I have had some issues with cracked teeth, my dentist says it's because I like to eat ice. I've always loved ice, my mom loves ice, both of my kids eat ice. At any rate I ended up with three crowns out of the deal. They're a little pricey. I just had to have one of them replaced about a year ago. It was over 800 bucks. We have a dental plan through my wife's employer, so it only cost us a little over $400. I just made an appointment earlier this week for my semi-annual cleaning and check up. I'm only missing two, I had two impacted wisdom teeth that had to be surgically removed when I was a lot younger. They came out in pieces, I still have them at home, if you like I could snap a photo and post them. They're in these little plastic containers, I could remove them from the containers so you could get a good look at them. As I said they're in pieces, but I could sort of lay them back together kind of like a puzzle so you could get the full effect. Or perhaps I'll just leave them in pieces so you could see what a he man I am when I had them removed, I didn't cry or anything. Well until I paid the bill. I wasn't married so I didn't have dental insurance at the time.

Please leave religion out of it,

Right, no religion, there's a ton of Christians that hang out here, and if they find out your with the group that killed their savior.......I shutter think what might happen.

OK, Fester! :!:

I am in no way shape or form connected to Fester Gold. If I've given you that impression I'm sorry.

Ps- Sorry if that is a little Harsh!

Harsh? I've enjoyed our conversation. I've learned so much. You really know your stuff when it comes to wit and Softball. If the offspring ever decides to make something of herself, you're the first person I'm coming to for help and direction.

I like Les Paul

I'm not really a huge Les Paul fan. Though admittedly our world would be a lot different without him. The way music is played, recorded, amplified, etc., he's given so much. You know what he's just like you, you give so much to the Softball world, thank you. Perhaps Demarini will name an ax after you, The C77fastpitch bat, I'll be the first one in line to get one, do you think they'll offer it in sunburst?

and the blues too!

Now we're talking! Who's your favorite artist? Genre? I don't know that I could nail down a single artist. Did you know that Robert Johnson is the one who wrote Sweet Home Chicago? Don't you see the irony of that? While I love the song Sweet Home Chicago, I'm not a very big fan of Robert Johnson, nor do I suspect you are either being a religious man. He sold his soul to the devil you know, to learn how to play guitar. You may have heard the song popularized by Eric Clapton called Crossroads, it was originally written and recorded by Robert Johnson, supposedly tells the story. You should also know that the crossroads is in Clarksdale, MS, that's where it happened, I'd steer clear of there as well.

Maybe there is room for compromise!!

Hey this sounds good, you springing for Orange Leaf? I'm down, but I'm not holding hands and singing Kumbaya, remember my aversion to the trombone player from Chicago.

Sorry country people, I have a place in my heart for yo-all!

I love country people too. In fact you may be surprised to know that I fancy my self a bit of a hayseed. Of course we don't have access to all the stuff folks in the city have, we're a little disadvantaged that way. We don't really have proper schools or anything like that. Why do you know I was stuck behind a combine just this morning when I was coming to work. However no matter how stupid, inbreed, hill jack, ignorant, bald headed, banjo playing, you might think I am, I have NEVER IN MY LIFE used the term "ya'all" So no, there is no room for compromise, we aren't just going to get along, my suggestion to you Fester, or Hiram, or whatever name you want to call me is when you're in a hole, quit digging.

FYI, I've gone to a softer more muted blue text to respond, I felt like the red showed a sense of anger or aggression, which would be totally off base for me, I assure you this is just sport and for the entertainment of myself and the ones who get the jokes. Thank you and good night, you've been awesome!

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by Fastpitch4Life » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:19 pm

Any posts that run for an entire length of my computer screen are way beyond my very short HB attention span, and I'm sorry if this is mid-west/southern discussion, but in So Cal, the use of Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc is relegated to wreck ball. My guess is if you need to have "Gold" in your team's name, you probably aren't competitive, especially at the younger divisions.
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by Fastpitch4Life » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:28 pm

Fastpitch4Life wrote:Any posts that run for an entire length of my computer screen are way beyond my very short HB attention span but a couple of you get an A for effort, and I'm sorry if this is mid-west/southern discussion exclusively, but in So Cal, the use of Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc is relegated to wreck ball. My guess is if you need to have "Gold" in your team's name, you probably aren't competitive, especially at the younger divisions.
Carry on, this is one of the more interesting threads I've seen lately. Wow, now that I look at this, I really screwed it up. I've got to stop drinking this early in the day. :lol:
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