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by jonriv » Thu May 01, 2014 12:24 pm

Carter's Sec of State- father of the co-host of Morning Joe
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by jonriv » Thu May 01, 2014 12:35 pm

My misstake- security advisor-- it was a ahile ago

I am fully aware of the historical russian paranoia of neighbors and its need for buffer zones. Also its need to be big brother slav to the smaller slavic nations(help draw it into wwi) BW it should be no surprise tha the former warsaw pact nations and soviet satelite nations would run to the west and get rid of the yoke of rusiian oppression. Chess board-maybe, perhaps the peolples of the region are sick of the russian bully and what you are seeing from Putin are the some last attempts at power of a dying empire(ie Spain, Byzantine, Ottoman etc.....)
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by blackwidow » Thu May 01, 2014 7:39 pm

Perhaps you could read the Grand Chessboard first then read the book Full Spectrum Dominance ... 398132630X

Based on the Dept of Defense plan for the next decade into 2020 and beyond

Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual 2010

These color revolutions and uprisings are planned long before they ever make the evening news.
Once you catch up by reading an actual BOOK or two on the subject then MAYBE you can discuss foreign policy like a grown up….until then I will ignore you.

In brief, the U.S. policy goal must be unapologetically twofold: to perpetuate America's own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still; and to create a geopolitical framework that can absorb the inevitable shocks and strains of social-political change while evolving into the geopolitical core of shared responsibility for peaceful global management. A prolonged phase of gradually expanding cooperation with key Eurasian partners, both stimulated and arbitrated by America, can also help to foster the preconditions for an eventual upgrading of the existing and increasingly antiquated UN structures. A new distribution of responsibilities and privileges can then take into account the changed realities of global power, so drastically different from those of 1945.
~ Zbigniew Brezinski-The Grand Chessboard

More About Zbig. Brezinski
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Founder-Tri-Lateral Commission with Internationalist David Rockefeller

Member Council on Foreign Relations ... l?letter=B

Former Rand Corporation Chairman Middle East Public Policy

Obama Adviser Leads Delegation to Damascus ... cus/71123/

The real POWER does not come from elected officials.
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by jonriv » Thu May 01, 2014 7:55 pm

Trust me BW. I have read and trained with more special warfare fms than you can imagine. Also the books of a man who has been out of government for thirty years hardly count as doctrine and/or policy.

From what I see- the only social ops involved here are Russian spetsnaz My guess various us special ops and sas are spread thin with other things

Now back to th bunker BW- it's lights out
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by blackwidow » Thu May 01, 2014 8:35 pm

Trust me BW. I have read and trained with more special warfare fms than you can imagine. Also the books of a man who has been out of government for thirty years hardly count as doctrine and/or policy.

Riiiight... you're the expert JR... LOL.
Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski he's a nobody... a hasbeen.

I think you might be missing an episode of Law and Order or Cops...Go watch TV and let the grown ups talk.
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by jonriv » Fri May 02, 2014 1:47 am

Not that he's a nobody, just at this point he has been out of govt for three decades. Who are you going to drag out next. Kissinger? McNamara?

So what's your argument here? It's the fault of the us and NATO for trapping poor Putin and Russia? Not sure your angle? No desire on Putin' s part to restore greater Russia. I guess the fears of Poland, Hungary,Czech Republic etc are unfounded??

As far as my expertise As far as special warfare it was developed at ft Bragg and ft benning, not scouring the web. I also have a degree in history with a concentration in European military history

So I know you love your citations, but what's your thesis here?
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by blackwidow » Fri May 02, 2014 8:37 am

It's not my personal thesis's called reading about the issue.
Looking at it from all sides not just the news. If you've read the 2 books I cited (which I am sure you have not), If you read any of the links that I attached (which I am sure you have not). You would see that this issue is not just simply about Putin expanding his sphere of influence.
If you think that people like Brezinski are no longer working behind the scenes in international affairs your degree has been wasted on your thick head.
This has shades of operation gladio written all over it.

The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief. An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.
His “crime” according to protest leaders was that he rejected an EU offer of a vaguely-defined associate EU membership that offered little to Ukraine in favor of a concrete deal with Russia that gave immediate €15 billion debt relief and a huge reduction in Russian gas import prices. Washington at that point went into high gear and the result today is catastrophe. A secretive neo-nazi military organization reported linked to NATO played a decisive role in targeted sniper attacks and violence that led to the collapse of the elected government. But the West is not finished with destroying Ukraine. Now comes the IMF with severe conditionalities as prerequisite to any Western financial help.
- See more at: ... QCkjj.dpuf

New Gladio in Ukraine

NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
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by blackwidow » Fri May 02, 2014 9:07 am

Bonus report Gladio in Ukraine?

Ukraine Anti-Government Protests
Former U.S. national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and two State Department officials testified on political turmoil ongoing in Ukraine. ... il-ukraine
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by blackwidow » Fri May 02, 2014 11:20 am

Forget the Spin, Putin Is Holding a Losing Hand

About half way through the article...
There is a backstory that suggests an alternative narrative. Indeed, it would be interesting to know what President Obama and his staff are really thinking as they assail Vladimir Putin for his "barbaric" behavior. Are they really appalled by Putin's conduct, as the reporting suggests, or do they understand it to be a predictable -- and predicted -- response to America's continuing strategy to undermine Russian power in the region? And is Bob Corker similarly flummoxed by Putin's strategic superiority, or does he share the sense of satisfaction that Zbigniew Brzezinski must feel as Putin flails away in frustration, as America's decades-long campaign to contain and undermine the Russian state continues to play out?

The entire last half of this article focuses on Mr. Brzezinski's vision and how it is being implemented in the Ukraine.

From the Article..
The fingerprints of the Brzezinski approach are evident in Ukraine today. Since the fall of the Soviet Union -- after that brief moment of white shoe naiveté when George H.W. Bush and James Baker gave Mikhail Gorbachev their word that America would not push NATO "one inch" closer to the Russian border--our policy of encirclement was ratcheted up.
Read the rest..Forget the Spin, Putin Is Holding a Losing Hand ... 83691.html

Oh and look this just published today ....

What Obama Should Tell Americans About Ukraine
The crisis is getting worse. It’s time for the president to rally the nation.
May 02, 2014
Read more: ... z30aExJH1s

But don't let me drag these old farts into current events...he was only relevant 30 years ago.
Tell me more about your degree jonriv...I am so impressed.
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by jonriv » Fri May 02, 2014 11:43 am

He is not relevant- except on the web- He writes op eds, sits on some boards.., writes some books- yawn

You going to "dig up" Dulles next???? How about Stimson

The Obama admin can be blamed/credited with many things- being brilliant and machoavallian at geopolitical politics is not one of them. The "chess board" scenario seems way past their abilities

You have the wrong dog in this fight

Again- you make many citations- what is your thesis??? Oh, that's right-you can copy and paste, but god forbid you have an original thought.

We have this situation here with no simple conditions and potentially dire consquenses

Do we defend Ukranian sovereignty? Do we ignor(not our problem)? What ? Troops? Sanctions? Do we risk nuclear war? What if expansion is not Putin's gola, but inaction by the west emboldens him?? Lots of questions- no easy answers

As of right now, the only special ops in being used are Russian
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