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Texas Bombers - Horrible organization

by centexfastpitch » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:28 pm

HOOKEM12 wrote:I cannot tell you how dissapointed I am with the Texas Bombers - New Braunfels organization!! The bottom line is this....paying 3 coaches/administrators full salaries is a scam! You are using money that should be going to the girls to fill your pockets. This is suppose to be a non-profit a coach/administrator you should be doing what you do for the love of the game and for the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping girls play at the same level....but, not for a fee...not to put money in your pocket. That is shameful. As a current member of the Texas Bombers Gold - HTX team...I am extremely dissappointed in the way the Bombers is run. I know now why so many Bombers teams have come and gone over the past few years. Money is the root of all evil...the Bombers New Braunfels is the poster child.


Your team obviously joined the organization for a reason. Recruiting. If you are unhappy you should go find a organization that has about 20 teams (same as the Bombers) across the state run by all volunteers. Or maybe your coach will see your post and make the decision for you. A lot of people were very happy to have Scott stay and keep running the organization after his kid moved on to college. Not only that he opened it up to others across the state. Its your kind of complaining that makes good coaches question why they spend so much time for little or no money.
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by frito_burrito » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:26 pm

centexfastpitch wrote:
HOOKEM12 wrote:I cannot tell you how dissapointed I am with the Texas Bombers - New Braunfels organization!! The bottom line is this....paying 3 coaches/administrators full salaries is a scam! You are using money that should be going to the girls to fill your pockets. This is suppose to be a non-profit a coach/administrator you should be doing what you do for the love of the game and for the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping girls play at the same level....but, not for a fee...not to put money in your pocket. That is shameful. As a current member of the Texas Bombers Gold - HTX team...I am extremely dissappointed in the way the Bombers is run. I know now why so many Bombers teams have come and gone over the past few years. Money is the root of all evil...the Bombers New Braunfels is the poster child.


Your team obviously joined the organization for a reason. Recruiting. If you are unhappy you should go find a organization that has about 20 teams (same as the Bombers) across the state run by all volunteers. Or maybe your coach will see your post and make the decision for you. A lot of people were very happy to have Scott stay and keep running the organization after his kid moved on to college. Not only that he opened it up to others across the state. Its your kind of complaining that makes good coaches question why they spend so much time for little or no money.

you should demand your money refunded an return to being the cobras. let us know if this works out for you
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by just4fun » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:20 pm

frito_burrito wrote:hoookem if chu es unhappy with de bombers then chu need to join a organizasion that is all about the girls. the impact gold es where chu need to be. chu es welcome for this words of wisdum.

Now that's funny.
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by SoftballFan15 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:23 pm

which team is the disgruntled one in the Texas Bombers organization, I missed it!!!!
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by 93players » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:54 pm

Most organizations pay expenses and some nominal monies to those who coach or run the organization. At 4-6 teams in the age groups, there is no excess to pay anyone serious money. I have been on the board of a small organization for years and saw the books with fees of $180 a month for 16 and 18 and $125 for the younger teams. The travel, the tourneys, and the fields simply cost too much. So in smaller organizations, coaches and administrators give lessons or make some money from hosting tournaments. The best coaches make a lot of money giving lessons. The Bombers tourneys, some of the biggest in Central Texas, should bring in $30-60K a year because they do not pay for the fields.

When an organization decides to add teams either locally or in other areas so they have 10 plus teams, that is where they can charge $10-20 per player per month for using the name. This can be very helpful as small, unknown organizations have little or no chance to show kids to major D1 programs. The D1 coaches cannot keep track of these teams and have little or no confidence in the coaching and talent. So, affiliating with the Bombers gives a team automatic recognition. And, if you get a chance to go with Scott's team to Colorado or Ronald McDonald, you will get on some key fields against key opponents and the coaches will listen to your emails. There is nothing a small organization can do to get this recognition as it takes years.

My complaint about some of these organizations is that few let you know that many players who go to Texas or A&M from Texas get little or no money. Some are essentially walk on players. Now once you are there, you have a chance to change that and get money your second years. But the public should never assume that the list of alumna is a list of full scholarships. It is really hard to get full money anywhere.

As for an organization, I do not think the Bombers is the best one in the state, but I also do not think it is the worst. They have gotten too big too fast. Every organization has pluses and minuses. You need to find the best one for your kid. For some it is the Bombers, but for many it will be one of the 10 other great organizations in the state. We have never played for the Bombers.
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by softballdad1212 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:00 pm

Here's the deal. If you want to have your kid be a Bomber then be one if not move on. I don't care if you play for the Glory, the Impact, the Blaze, the Aces or the Pink Ponies just play where you feel your daughter has the best options and shut up. There is so much false crap from the original post and from several the responding people just guessing. My kid plays for the Bombers and we are happy. We played for 2 other top organizations and did not get what we wanted for our daughter so we moved on. We did not whine on a board and make up BS stories. The person who started this thread is a whiner. The team was not competitive before so they asked to join the Bombers, the Bombers did not seek them out. With the Bomber name they got some good college looks, got some kids recruited and were able to get a few more good players to join their team and for the first time ever these coaches helped a team get qualified for Gold Nationals. The OP should have been happy but I guess he thinks he deserves more. His team to my knowledge is the only team that has paid coaches. All other teams are coached by volunteers who get a small fee to cover hotel expenses if they do not have a kid playing on the team. If they do have a kid they get nothing! The team in question has paid coaches and their coaches did not even go to Colorado with them. One of the Bomber Gold coaches from New Braunfels coached them and paid his own expenses. I was there and spoke with a parent who told all of us how the coaches decided not to come because it was too expensive so another coach had to coach them. Oh and by the way they played really well and got a lot of good looks.

This organization may not be perfect but I can tell you from where I sit they bust their butt trying to help everyone of the players. Scott, Bo, James, Ed and Brian have been a huge help to so many girls and I see them give a lot of their personal time to the Bombers and none of them have a girl that is still playing for the Bombers Myself and many other parents are very thankful to have them working for our daughters. I am extremely pleased with the communication, dedication and coaching we receive.

As for the person who claims the Bombers make 60k running a tournament its obvious you have not ran a tournament lately. 110 teams at $350 entry fee....less the cost of fields (yes even the Bombers have to pay for fields).....less the cost PFG fees(yes the Premier people charge a fee)....less the cost of UIC's....less the expenses of running a tournament such as chalk, registrations, restroom supplies etc...less the money that is donated to the Relay for life American Cancer Society($80,000 in 5 years) I think you can see the money is not quite what you may think it is.

So as I said before if you are happy great, sit down and watch the fun. If you are not happy then shut up and find a place to be happy.
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by MaryAnn Summers » Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:04 am

Come on guys, why cant everybody just get along?
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by sb novice » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:47 pm

Sounds like sour grapes, now gold qualified. Mad at bombers. U guys got taken by your own coaches

Trip to Florida cost you guys some money, bombers fault.....right

This bomber this was probably sprung on u without notice...

Enjoy your sucess, it is because of The Texas Bombers, period
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