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by Dropn N » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:04 pm

Arto's pink one wih the limp wrist (I think it was his)
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by Skarp » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:08 pm

2fatoverdaplate wrote:Skarp talks more shit than anybody here.

I can talk civil and actually I prefer it but you and these folks only understand one thing. CRUDENESS. Thats it. You cannot be civil when all you read is you and some others talking down to folks.
Perhaps you've forgotten how you introduced yourself to me. So let me remind you:

2fatoverdaplate wrote:Skarp, I really don't mind a disagreeing opinion but you are a real idiot! You need to team up with Trickle Dick or Tricky Dick or whatever his name is. You Two could put together a hell of a team. You couldn't keep anybody but everybody would know who you are just by the drama around you!! Where do people like you come from? Really!!!!! :oops: :evil:


Followed by about 5 pages of talking shit about me at every opportunity. Before that I didn't know who you were, and certainly didn't care.

Bottom line: you came looking for trouble with me, and now you're whining like a little girl because you found it. If Lanny were here he'd tell you to go change your manpon.

2fatoverdaplate wrote:Are you kidding me? He couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flash light when it comes to intelligence and neither could you. The only thing that you or him would be chewing is each others ass. Assmunch.

Well now you REALLY have me wondering if you're a betting man. Cuz you sure seem enamored with your own intellect. So what do you say there, genius? Shall we put your assertions to the test?
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by Good2Know » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:18 pm

Is this going involve blood or a STD??? If not, the bike racks after play time kiddos.... :evil:
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by artomatic » Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:16 am

Funny thing is, it doesn't really seem like aojr needed anyone to take a bullet on his behalf. he pretty much stepped up and handled his own business.

this 2fat knucklehead just likes acting like a monkey and flingin' his own poo or something...

Dropn N wrote:Arto's pink one wih the limp wrist (I think it was his)

not really most of my crap, i saw it somewhere and "borrowed" it for later...
got a few of them suited for this thread...







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by Killer Rabbit » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:30 pm

...but where is Whitchy Poo?
Ice cream?! When the f**k did we get ice cream?!
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by Skarp » Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:46 am

2fatoverdaplate wrote: I have been banned from many bars and clubs (surprised huh?) and I have been barred from some restaurants, usually happened about 3 o'clock in the mourning (and I'll bet you can't guess why ) but to get banned from HB would just be devastating. I seem to remember you calling someone “fore skin” during one of your one liner pot shots at someone. Now what line of conversation was you headed with that. Have you noticed the sexual conversation between carolina and skarp in one of these threads. I think YOU told them to knock it off. Skarp talks more shit than anybody here. You just love that and it's not always clean either but you don't have a problem with that, do you? Now, humility was mentioned in this thread and that, basically, is what got all of this started. Has anyone paid attention to skarps signature about attractiveness. I know that he is talking about himself because he has made reference to it sevaral times in other posts. Where is the humility in that? The only ones that calls themselves that attractive and has to have a signature to such, is the ones that usually look like a GORILLA-UGLY-MOPOTOMUS. Pleeeeassssse!

The more times I read this, the funnier it gets. Let's see, where to begin...

--No, it's not surprising that you've been barred from all sorts of places. You're an idiot, and are obviously socially inept as well...a very bad combination for anyone out after dark.

--I talk shit to people after they talk shit to me. Before that I just offer my opinions on things like anyone else. Show me some counterexamples of that and I'll apologize. You're just the latest in a long line of folks who can dish it out a lot better than they can take it.

--There was no sexual "conversation" between me and Carolina. She made some fairly risque comments. I didn't. Learn to read.

--I'm sorry, but are you honestly complaining about my signature line? It's a quote from Kung Fu Panda, you insufferable dope. References to my own attractiveness are invariably tongue-in-cheek, made for humor or effect. Much like the comment I made about my kid sucking at softball...the one you had your first little tizzy fit about. They are jokes. You are apparently the only one on this entire site who doesn't get that. And you're calling me stupid.

All of that said, I am, quite undeniably, a damn attractive man...and I think you can sense that. It's a tough spot you're in. Your latent propensities drive you to seek my attention, but your (completely understandable) inferiority complex causes you to choose personal combativeness as your stratagy for getting it. And the fact that you're in way over your head only exacerbates your tendency toward malicious a drowning man, flailing about, looking for someone else to push down so that you might breathe.

Pretty pathetic, really. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
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by aojr03 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:41 pm

Ahhhh i finally got the HB language. Finally!!!!!!! With all these posts, back and forth. Jab here, stone there... you guys were just trying to tell me to incorporate the riseball only when she has developed enough spin to actually make it work and be effective. And that there has to be a certain minimum speed for it to have the "rise" effect. But i wont get into velocity at all 8-) . Thanks guys,,, took me a while but I think I have learned the language of the elders.
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by carolinafan » Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:22 pm

Skarp wrote:--There was no sexual "conversation" between me and Carolina. She made some fairly risque comments. I didn't. Learn to read.

Ummm, hey, ummmm, I read this forum too, and I just want to say that I am really a very nice young lady.....but, I do have a propensity to make risque comments here and's apart of my DNA.....I am blonde.......sorry if I offended anyone (now the real me) can all go F yourselves because I am not a very nice person, I am no longer young, and I like to flirt as much as humanly possible....if you all don't like it, then don't read my drivel.....

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by Skarp » Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:23 pm

carolinafan wrote:Ummm, hey, ummmm, I read this forum too, and I just want to say that I am really a very nice young lady.....but, I do have a propensity to make risque comments here and's apart of my DNA.....I am blonde.......sorry if I offended anyone (now the real me) can all go F yourselves because I am not a very nice person, I am no longer young, and I like to flirt as much as humanly possible....if you all don't like it, then don't read my drivel.....

Have a nice day all!

Oh don't get your g-string in a tangle. You got one complaint, from a guy with obvious sexual identity issues.
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by carolinafan » Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:43 am

But I want the world to think I am perfect, Skarpy baby...just like you do!!! ;)
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