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College Softball

Weight Lifting

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by jonriv » Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:01 pm

For those who think there might not be any weightlifting in college. My DD's team had to do a "max lift" yesterday to determine there lifting benchmarks. Found out my sweet little princess can bench and squat more than my brother-in-law. I used to worry about guys she dated and how I should interrogate them. Now I feel I should just warn them.
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by handsinsidetheball » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:19 pm

My DD and I recently ran into a local player who is a freshman at near by Div 2. It was cool becuase my DD and her really hit it off at a camp a few years ago and became 'buds'. DD really idolizes her. Anyway, I asked her if she would give my DD a little tip or nugget of info that could help her understand a tiny bit of the college game. Without hestitation she tells the DD that the biggest shock of her life came when she found out how much time they spend in the weight room. The look on both of thier faces, one of exhaustive influence, and the other of surprise that it was told with such conviction, was priceless.

Hearing it from daddy = Whatever!...Hearing it from someone who you want to be.... :o
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by jonriv » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:05 am

I think many players are surprised by how much time they spend in the weight room in college. My DD complained all during winter break that her arms did not fit in some of her shirts anymore.

This is at all levels(my DD is at a DIII school)

Some of her friend who also play(other schools) came back with injuries(stress fractures, on had a broken back from lifting. and the usual muscle injuries)
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by Sftbll4ever » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:47 am

Yeah, DD1 was doing cleans in the weight room on Saturday and forgot to move her chin out of the way. Well, split her chin and has a nice bruise. BUT, instead of going to the trainer, went back to her apartment, cleaned it and put a bandaide on it so she could go do a clinic for the local rec. league. Only after the 4 hour clinic, did she show the coach and try to find a trainer. Well, they were either gone or at the womens bball game. Decided it would be ok. Went back to the apartment, cleaned it and slapped another bandaide on it.

And you know what, she STILL loves to lift!!!! Crazy college girls!!!
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by dodgerblue » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:18 pm

Yeah, my DD hates to lift and says if she can do everything else but lift college softball would be great. In her case she tells me she doesn't want to look manly like a couple of the older girls do so she tries to stay at the minimum. There was numerous weight lifting injuries at her school this year so the coach had to ease up a bit but I just dont understand why all of the lifting. If the little scrawney girls can hit homeruns in travel I'm sure they can hit them in college. I'm only saying this in my DD case but she says it's actually making them slower bulking up but I'm no coach and I'm sure there's a good reason for it.
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by PDad » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:32 pm

dodgerblue wrote:Yeah, my DD hates to lift and says if she can do everything else but lift college softball would be great. In her case she tells me she doesn't want to look manly like a couple of the older girls do so she tries to stay at the minimum. There was numerous weight lifting injuries at her school this year so the coach had to ease up a bit but I just dont understand why all of the lifting. If the little scrawney girls can hit homeruns in travel I'm sure they can hit them in college. I'm only saying this in my DD case but she says it's actually making them slower bulking up but I'm no coach and I'm sure there's a good reason for it.

Don't be too sure... I asked a D1 player about their weight training program. She put on 15 pounds of muscle her freshman year, but it wasn't the right kind because it slowed her down. They also had 6 players with hip injuries that year. Needless to say, that trainer was replaced. She lost the extra muscle mass under the new trainer's program and had a phenomenal season last year.

Several parents recommended not buying a bunch of pants before they go off to school because they won't fit after they begin the weight training.
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by dodgerblue » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:40 pm

Several parents recommended not buying a bunch of pants before they go off to school because they won't fit after they begin the weight training

I almost spit my water on my laptop right now, my DD has 1 pair that currently fit so over the christmas break we bought her new pants. All the squats they have her doing they could'nt get over thighs. One of the sophmores arms are huge compared to what they were as a freshman and that's what I'm afraid of.
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by jonriv » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:55 pm

My DD saw it mostly in the shoulders and arms. Their trainer also has them do a lot of agility and yoga to keep them limber as well. She is solid as a rock- a fear for the guy who crosses her.
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by hit4power » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:45 pm

Several parents recommended not buying a bunch of pants before they go off to school because they won't fit after they begin the weight training.

Haven't seen that happen (yet) to DD. After first semester of weights and conditioning, DD says she weighs about the same but she lost a full waist size in jeans. She's solid as a rock, and for the winter term she took an Aikido class. Lord help the first guy that gets out of line with her...
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by Blind Squirrel » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:07 am

Why are these young ladies bulking up? You CAN lift and increase strength without adding a ton of mass. Every kid should have a training regimen tailored to their game related objectives. Just one more thing you should consider during recruiting. When we visited we got a tour of the weight room and met with the trainer who told her she would have a workout specifically for outfielders and what she wants to do offensively. Before you visit ask the coach if that kind of thing can be arranged.

I'm guessing Usain Bolt works out with weights quite a bit.

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