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So, how many of you out there are Bernie supporters?

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by aparent » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:17 am

as the world turns wrote:
aparent wrote:Skarp-

One of the things that boggles my mind is how folks support their guy through hell or high water and gloss over glaring defects in candidates. I had one big criticism of GWB and that was that I did not think he was bright enough to grasp the complexities of running a government. I agreed with a lot of things but consistently said I thought he was basically a dumbass with the power of his convictions. A buddy of mine was a true believer though. So as W blundered through his presidency I waxed and waned on my support for his decisions, Afghanistan, big thumbs up, Iraq, huge thumbs down, neglecting to see the economic collapse coming, huge thumbs down, use of Executive orders, thumbs down, expanding the war on terror and untying the military's hands a bit so they could be more effective in extracting information and detaining terrorists, huge thumbs get my drift. My buddy however, gave tacit approval to everything the guy did and it blew my mind, even as he crawled out of office with a pretty bad track record and basement level approval ratings my highly intelligent, highly principled friend, who I would consult with on many areas and respected his opinion, had a raging boner for GWB and would not admit to one flaw aside from the fact that he did not think GWB was a great public speaker.

You remind me of my friend, good principles, well reasoned and so full of kool aid that even when your guy drops trou at the dinner table and coils a big fat turd the diameter of a cross pacific fiber bundle all over the main course you are willing to call it spun gold.

And to all, I hate the N word, Even more than I hate the word nigger, As with other things, blunt plain speak and using the real words for things has an authenticity and power that is lost when we equivocate. Nigger is a word that millions of people had to suffer for centuries to imbue with the power it has today, we owe it to them to use it rarely, never as an insult, but when it comes up in conversation to not turn our backs on it and pretend it isn't there.

By far, the dumbest sh*t I have read on the bucket.
But, in regards to GWB, would Al Gore or John Kerry been a better choice to be POTUS?

Sweet, always like it when I am the best at something....if I can do it while confounding a moron all the better.

No I don't think Gore or Kerry would have been better, I have a very low opinion of Gore so I think he would have been the worst of the three, If he were president during the 9/11 attacks I think he would have had a response like Chamberlain and we would have been in pretty bad shape. GWB taking the fight to them and putting it as far away from us as possible was the absolute best response, even if he did screw the pooch by getting into Iraq.
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by as the world turns » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:25 am

aparent wrote:there have been instances of violence perpetrated by his supporters as well as people protesting him.

Dude, you make it sound like Trump supporters are the culprits of violence, the only place that is happening is on MSNBC :lol:
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by aparent » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:37 am

as the world turns wrote:
aparent wrote:there have been instances of violence perpetrated by his supporters as well as people protesting him.

Dude, you make it sound like Trump supporters are the culprits of violence, the only place that is happening is on MSNBC :lol:

Does that sentence really convey that thought to you? Read it again, maybe sound it out this time, to me it really sounds like I am stating a FACT that there have been instances of violence on both sides, but since you reference MSNBC you kind of give away the fact that you are just a true believing jackass who regurgitates things he is spoonfed by the side he has picked. You are just the other side of the coin from the idiots you see waving Mexican flags at Trump opposition rallies, you are just too stupid to see it.

I said it before, i wish all the morons on the left and right would just kill each other already so all of us somewhere in the middle can get things moving forward again.
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by Skarp » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:02 am

aparent wrote:Skarp-

One of the things that boggles my mind is how folks support their guy through hell or high water and gloss over glaring defects in candidates. I had one big criticism of GWB and that was that I did not think he was bright enough to grasp the complexities of running a government. I agreed with a lot of things but consistently said I thought he was basically a dumbass with the power of his convictions. A buddy of mine was a true believer though. So as W blundered through his presidency I waxed and waned on my support for his decisions, Afghanistan, big thumbs up, Iraq, huge thumbs down, neglecting to see the economic collapse coming, huge thumbs down, use of Executive orders, thumbs down, expanding the war on terror and untying the military's hands a bit so they could be more effective in extracting information and detaining terrorists, huge thumbs get my drift. My buddy however, gave tacit approval to everything the guy did and it blew my mind, even as he crawled out of office with a pretty bad track record and basement level approval ratings my highly intelligent, highly principled friend, who I would consult with on many areas and respected his opinion, had a raging boner for GWB and would not admit to one flaw aside from the fact that he did not think GWB was a great public speaker.

You remind me of my friend, good principles, well reasoned and so full of kool aid that even when your guy drops trou at the dinner table and coils a big fat turd the diameter of a cross pacific fiber bundle all over the main course you are willing to call it spun gold.

And to all, I hate the N word, Even more than I hate the word nigger, As with other things, blunt plain speak and using the real words for things has an authenticity and power that is lost when we equivocate. Nigger is a word that millions of people had to suffer for centuries to imbue with the power it has today, we owe it to them to use it rarely, never as an insult, but when it comes up in conversation to not turn our backs on it and pretend it isn't there.

I've got a raging boner for coherent, readable paragraphs. To each their own, I guess.

Other than disapproving of Trump's choice of words, does anyone here have a bone to pick with him on policy? Because call me a kool aid drinker, but I really don't care where Trump drops trou, as long as he 1) builds the wall and gets our immigration policy squared away, 2) nukes NAFTA, TPP, and any other such sovereignty-sucking horror show of a trade/international agreement, 3) brings a real fight to Islamic extremism, both here and abroad, and 4) gives primacy to the interests of America and Americans in all of his deliberations and choices. Anything else is gravy. And the daily hammer blows to political correctness? Sweet, sweet dessert.
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by fastpitchdad05 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:08 am

aparent wrote:
as the world turns wrote:
aparent wrote:there have been instances of violence perpetrated by his supporters as well as people protesting him.

Dude, you make it sound like Trump supporters are the culprits of violence, the only place that is happening is on MSNBC :lol:

Does that sentence really convey that thought to you? Read it again, maybe sound it out this time, to me it really sounds like I am stating a FACT that there have been instances of violence on both sides, but since you reference MSNBC you kind of give away the fact that you are just a true believing jackass who regurgitates things he is spoonfed by the side he has picked. You are just the other side of the coin from the idiots you see waving Mexican flags at Trump opposition rallies, you are just too stupid to see it.

I said it before, i wish all the morons on the left and right would just kill each other already so all of us somewhere in the middle can get things moving forward again.

Or before they kill us in the crossfire.
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by Safebyahare » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:54 am

I do laugh when people are voting for Hillary because she is the most qualified.
These are the very same people that voted for a one term Senator Barak Obummer rather than Stiff arm Mccain.
So it is all OK if it fits your ideology.
The vial ship that Hillary has spewed out must have been deleted.
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by as the world turns » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:07 pm

Damn, this is fun, but I have to catch a flight. We'll play more tomorrow.
“Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid.” John Wayne
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by aparent » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:23 pm

as the world turns wrote:Damn, this is fun, but I have to catch a flight. We'll play more tomorrow.

safe travels...
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by aparent » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:34 pm

Skarp wrote:
aparent wrote:Skarp-

One of the things that boggles my mind is how folks support their guy through hell or high water and gloss over glaring defects in candidates. I had one big criticism of GWB and that was that I did not think he was bright enough to grasp the complexities of running a government. I agreed with a lot of things but consistently said I thought he was basically a dumbass with the power of his convictions. A buddy of mine was a true believer though. So as W blundered through his presidency I waxed and waned on my support for his decisions, Afghanistan, big thumbs up, Iraq, huge thumbs down, neglecting to see the economic collapse coming, huge thumbs down, use of Executive orders, thumbs down, expanding the war on terror and untying the military's hands a bit so they could be more effective in extracting information and detaining terrorists, huge thumbs get my drift. My buddy however, gave tacit approval to everything the guy did and it blew my mind, even as he crawled out of office with a pretty bad track record and basement level approval ratings my highly intelligent, highly principled friend, who I would consult with on many areas and respected his opinion, had a raging boner for GWB and would not admit to one flaw aside from the fact that he did not think GWB was a great public speaker.

You remind me of my friend, good principles, well reasoned and so full of kool aid that even when your guy drops trou at the dinner table and coils a big fat turd the diameter of a cross pacific fiber bundle all over the main course you are willing to call it spun gold.

And to all, I hate the N word, Even more than I hate the word nigger, As with other things, blunt plain speak and using the real words for things has an authenticity and power that is lost when we equivocate. Nigger is a word that millions of people had to suffer for centuries to imbue with the power it has today, we owe it to them to use it rarely, never as an insult, but when it comes up in conversation to not turn our backs on it and pretend it isn't there.

I've got a raging boner for coherent, readable paragraphs. To each their own, I guess.

Other than disapproving of Trump's choice of words, does anyone here have a bone to pick with him on policy? Because call me a kool aid drinker, but I really don't care where Trump drops trou, as long as he 1) builds the wall and gets our immigration policy squared away, 2) nukes NAFTA, TPP, and any other such sovereignty-sucking horror show of a trade/international agreement, 3) brings a real fight to Islamic extremism, both here and abroad, and 4) gives primacy to the interests of America and Americans in all of his deliberations and choices. Anything else is gravy. And the daily hammer blows to political correctness? Sweet, sweet dessert.

Coherence is over rated. As is switching the subject and misdirecting. My whole point was how otherwise intelligent people gloss over their candidate's faults or worse, describe them as genius, instead of just acknowledging that sometimes their guy just craps his pants. Trump crapped his pants with the judge tirade plain and simple. The fact that you think it is divinely inspired genius is just mental contortion.

As for Trump's policies, yes to the trade deal opposition, no to the wall, yes to america first and as for the war on terror, the strategy there is to keep them on the defensive while we achieve a level of energy independence that allows us to say FU to the entire middle east except for the occasional blistering response to whatever sh*t they stir up outside of their fetid sandbox. That or a modern Crusade to just get rid of that evil religion once and for all. Two bibles are enough, no need for the third version.
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by Skarp » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:59 pm

aparent wrote:My whole point was how otherwise intelligent people gloss over their candidate's faults or worse, describe them as genius, instead of just acknowledging that sometimes their guy just craps his pants. Trump crapped his pants with the judge tirade plain and simple. The fact that you think it is divinely inspired genius is just mental contortion.

Yes, I understood your point. It wasn't particularly nuanced. My response is that when he "craps his pants" once or twice and gets away with it, you can call it luck. When he does it week after week for an entire year, and when despite the unabated attempts by all powers that be on both sides to take him down he is not only still standing, but actually winning...maybe it's time for "otherwise intelligent" people to admit that there's something more than pants crapping going on.

Opposed to the wall why, pray tell?
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