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So, how many of you out there are Bernie supporters?

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by kevin » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:42 pm

Skarp wrote:
kevin wrote:
Skarp wrote:
kevin wrote:Your joking right? Your funny. My theory is the term La Raza has been interpreted, reinterpreted, misinterpreted, and interpreted again and again to fit the needs of whomever is using it. Take the word colored. Now for me I think NAACP and how the word "colored" was used as an "organizing concept". Or I might look at the word colored and think of the Jim Crow south and how it was used as an "organizing concept". Or I might see the word "colored" and think nothing as I've tried to "judge" (no pun intended) each person "color blind". So unless Jose Vasconcelos has been in the barrio anytime recently to get a picture of todays "whole enchilada", I'm gonna guess he knows as much about what La Raza means in the the Hispanic community as you do.

Hundreds of derivative groups have spun off from the KKK over the past 140 years. Presumably you're just as charitable with your assessment of their interpretations, reinterpretations, and/or misinterpretations of their namesake organization and its mission.

So tell me: would a black or Hispanic defendant be justified in questioning the impartiality of a white judge who was a member of an organization named, say, the California Aryan Judge's Association, or San Diego White Knight Lawyers? Take your time.

Is that black or Hispanic defendant the GOP nominee for POTUS? Is that Aryan group working in the underrepresented white community who lacks representation in our current judicial system? Are the White Knights establishing programs for white kids in lower socio economic neighborhoods who lack access to careers in law? If so, no I would not. I would need context. If that is the narrative, then the answer is NO I would not have a problem. Was that fast enough for you?

Actually it wasn't fast enough, since I responded before your edit.

Okay. If the "Klan Attorneys for the Advancement of White People" identifies itself as a benevolent poor-kid mentoring and scholarship organization, who are we to judge their name? Got it.

This is fun. Now lets pretend that the Klan has the same story line in American history as the "Mexicans", you know trade out the lynchings for the braceros and everything. Wow, now you really have a fascinating tale on your hands don't you. If thats the context and narrative then hey, whens the next fundraiser for of the Klan Attorneys for the Advancement of White People casue you can count me in. Lets Make America Great Again. Lulz
Last edited by kevin on Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by kevin » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:51 pm

Skarp wrote:
kevin wrote:
exD1dad wrote:I like to ask my "hollywood" liberal friends when the last time they heard anyone refer to an illegal immigrant as "wetbacks" to really get a rise outta them. After they correct me by labeling these felonious criminals by the term "undocumented worker" or some other sort of nonsense I quickly tell them how both sides of my wife's family has been calling them mojados for 20+ years. My wife is a 1st generation born Hispanic American who like possibly 1,000,000+ other Latinos will vote for Trump & just keep their opinions to themselves. Her Father was from Laredo Mexico & he served our Country with distinction in the Korean War to get his citizenship as did 6 of his brothers from WWII to Vietnam.

Kinda like African Americans being allowed to use the "N" word I guess.

When you reference your father in law or his brothers, do you preference it with former wetback, undocumented worker, mojado, or felonious criminal? Probably the most pathetic post I've ever read. Then as if your first post wasn't pathetic enough you sign off by questioning why African Americans use the "N" but what, you cant? Wow.

I was at least going to give you points for consistency on the KKK Lawyers Association question, but then I noticed this. What happened to good for the goose, good for the gander?

Absent evidence to the contrary, shouldn't you assume that any desire on his part to use the N-word is entirely beneficent? I mean, MLK hasn't spent much time in a modern white suburb. Perhaps the term has been reinterpreted where D1dad's from.

Maybe it has. Maybe you should try it out. But watch out for the lib prog speech police I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. The mere inclination that using the N word is justifiable in any context tells me I'm done here with you. Gonna go back to Making America Great Again.
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by Skarp » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:01 pm

kevin wrote:The mere inclination that using the N word is justifiable in any context tells me I'm done here with you. Gonna go back to Making America Great Again.

No inclination. I was just taking your "names don't matter" argument to its logical end. I guess you weren't that committed to it after all.

MAGA indeed. Good day to you.
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by ontheblack » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:54 pm

PDad wrote:Trump should have focused on the judge's membership in a organization whose stated purpose is "to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy" rather than his Mexican heritage.


Contrary to what Skarp believes, that attack wasnt carefully planned. It was Trump shooting from the hip. Trump said, “All I’m trying to do is figure out why I’m being treated so unfairly by a judge.” So he makes it about a judge being Mexican and as a result, the judge having an issue with Trump because he is "building a wall" to keep out Mexicans.

This isnt hard. It's what he has said numerous times.

Trump could have gone after the SJPD Chief as well for his association with La Raza. What wouldve been an issue is saying the Chief was Mexican, so he didnt stop the violence.
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by Dugout Dad » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:24 am

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by Skarp » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:48 am

ontheblack wrote:Contrary to what Skarp believes, that attack wasnt carefully planned. It was Trump shooting from the hip..

Actually I don't think I ever said it was "planned" by Trump. Nor did I mean to imply that.

Divinely inspired, perhaps. Preternaturally talented without a doubt. I think Trump has an innate sense for just what to say to invoke just such a reaction leading to precisely the dynamic and outcome I have described. I don't think he has all of that in his head when he says it, but I do think he knows when he's right on an issue, and how to provoke a shitstorm of controversy from which he understands how to extricate himself while actually benefiting in the process.

Seriously, how many times has this guy's obituary been written over the past year? He's either the real-life incarnation of Forest Gump, with the sun shining perpetually on his ass (still preferable to Hillary, btw), or he is really, truly, stunningly gifted. The barrage he has faced is by all accounts unsurvivable...and yet there he still stands.

And now we have the likes of Cruz and Kasich weighing in on the if Trump hadn't just obliterated them with precisely these same methods. That's right Ted and John...join the standard conservative apology parade over the (accurate and relevant) use of the descriptor "Mexican." They would have made wonderful candidates against the Clinton smear machine. :roll:

Wishing Trump a dunce or a racist doesn't make it so. Bill Kristol has learned that the hard way..
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by ontheblack » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:31 am

Aside from divinely inspired, I agree with most of that.

Having read "The Art of The Deal" several times, I believe it to be a must read for anyone who negotiates for a living. I think this article nails it with regard to Trump: ... nald-trump

I see this election from only one perspective - the future of the Supreme Court. Therefore if the choice is Trump vs Hillary or Bernie, Trump gets my vote.

My preferred outcome is that both conventions are contested. This would be the best thing to happen in American politics in my lifetime, with the exception of Reagan taking the oath of office in 1981. The Primary process is FUBAR, especially on the Dem side with bought and paid for Super Delegates. It also allows Trump to "extricate" himself from actually having to be POTUS for 4 years in a system that will frustrate him because of the inherent constraints of our system of government. He can still claim the win, being both victor and victim. It also provides cover for the GOP running for Congress. If you dont control Congress, or at least split it, you are f*cked.
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by Dugout Dad » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:00 am

ontheblack wrote:I see this election from only one perspective - the future of the Supreme Court. Therefore if the choice is Trump vs Hillary or Bernie, Trump gets my vote.

Good reason. Check out Sotomayor's comments on race and judging.
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by aparent » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:29 am


One of the things that boggles my mind is how folks support their guy through hell or high water and gloss over glaring defects in candidates. I had one big criticism of GWB and that was that I did not think he was bright enough to grasp the complexities of running a government. I agreed with a lot of things but consistently said I thought he was basically a dumbass with the power of his convictions. A buddy of mine was a true believer though. So as W blundered through his presidency I waxed and waned on my support for his decisions, Afghanistan, big thumbs up, Iraq, huge thumbs down, neglecting to see the economic collapse coming, huge thumbs down, use of Executive orders, thumbs down, expanding the war on terror and untying the military's hands a bit so they could be more effective in extracting information and detaining terrorists, huge thumbs get my drift. My buddy however, gave tacit approval to everything the guy did and it blew my mind, even as he crawled out of office with a pretty bad track record and basement level approval ratings my highly intelligent, highly principled friend, who I would consult with on many areas and respected his opinion, had a raging boner for GWB and would not admit to one flaw aside from the fact that he did not think GWB was a great public speaker.

You remind me of my friend, good principles, well reasoned and so full of kool aid that even when your guy drops trou at the dinner table and coils a big fat turd the diameter of a cross pacific fiber bundle all over the main course you are willing to call it spun gold.

And to all, I hate the N word, Even more than I hate the word nigger, As with other things, blunt plain speak and using the real words for things has an authenticity and power that is lost when we equivocate. Nigger is a word that millions of people had to suffer for centuries to imbue with the power it has today, we owe it to them to use it rarely, never as an insult, but when it comes up in conversation to not turn our backs on it and pretend it isn't there.
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by as the world turns » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:57 am

aparent wrote:Skarp-

One of the things that boggles my mind is how folks support their guy through hell or high water and gloss over glaring defects in candidates. I had one big criticism of GWB and that was that I did not think he was bright enough to grasp the complexities of running a government. I agreed with a lot of things but consistently said I thought he was basically a dumbass with the power of his convictions. A buddy of mine was a true believer though. So as W blundered through his presidency I waxed and waned on my support for his decisions, Afghanistan, big thumbs up, Iraq, huge thumbs down, neglecting to see the economic collapse coming, huge thumbs down, use of Executive orders, thumbs down, expanding the war on terror and untying the military's hands a bit so they could be more effective in extracting information and detaining terrorists, huge thumbs get my drift. My buddy however, gave tacit approval to everything the guy did and it blew my mind, even as he crawled out of office with a pretty bad track record and basement level approval ratings my highly intelligent, highly principled friend, who I would consult with on many areas and respected his opinion, had a raging boner for GWB and would not admit to one flaw aside from the fact that he did not think GWB was a great public speaker.

You remind me of my friend, good principles, well reasoned and so full of kool aid that even when your guy drops trou at the dinner table and coils a big fat turd the diameter of a cross pacific fiber bundle all over the main course you are willing to call it spun gold.

And to all, I hate the N word, Even more than I hate the word nigger, As with other things, blunt plain speak and using the real words for things has an authenticity and power that is lost when we equivocate. Nigger is a word that millions of people had to suffer for centuries to imbue with the power it has today, we owe it to them to use it rarely, never as an insult, but when it comes up in conversation to not turn our backs on it and pretend it isn't there.

By far, the dumbest sh*t I have read on the bucket.
But, in regards to GWB, would Al Gore or John Kerry been a better choice to be POTUS?
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