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Rapture Ready?

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by blackwidow » Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:21 am

Content with being a provocateur.

Not really, it's just that most of the responses to my posts are Ad Hom attacks, strawman or red herrings to which I have no need or interest in defending. The majority links speak for themselves, using the actual words of the actual people involved.

We could discuss the content of those instead of name calling but that would require some thinking about the subject. ...

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by PDad » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:17 pm

Some questions for BW...

- What do you think of Fatah and Hamas? Tell us which one you most identify with and why.

- What do you think of the Palestinian unity government? Is it still intact or not?

- What do you think of all the ethnic cleansing that has taken place in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq? It is still occurring and I presume you're opposed to it. What, if anything, should be done about it?

- What do you think about the Sunni-Shiite conflict that is playing out in conflicts across the Mideast? How should it be resolved?

I want to hear it in your own words, so don't respond with just a bunch of links because I won't open them if you do.
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by tbjd33 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:45 pm

BW has taken some pretty hardcore stances and even gone so far as to use propaganda with kids. I think if these specific Bible verses:

Isaiah 49:23
Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.”

Luke 9:5
And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

The Luke scripture is in RED so that means it's super important to those that don't know!

Notice the reference to Dusting off your feet. So think of dog crap on your feet or whatever you can think of needing to be removed from the bottom of your filthy feet maybe even a flattened Black Widow you stomped with your heal...

Just saying!
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by tbjd33 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:47 pm

BW has taken some pretty hardcore stances and even gone so far as to use propaganda with kids. I think if these specific Bible verses:

Isaiah 49:23
Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.”

Luke 9:5
And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

The Luke scripture is in RED so that means it's super important to those that don't know!

Notice the reference to Dusting off your feet. So think of dog crap on your feet or whatever you can think of needing to be removed from the bottom of your filthy feet maybe even a flattened Black Widow you stomped with your heal...

Just saying!
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by Safebyahare » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:24 pm

Some of what you say BW is true, so let's go into the college professor's louinge.
To a degree every one has a bias whether conscious or subconscious . You could make the same argument from a different angles and perspectives as well. You could make the argument that America is racist and favors the lighter skinned people back in the middle east, and that we don't care about the people slaughtered in Africa or of different religions.
Why stop there, you could make the argument that Americans have a bias toward democracys and that our shallow exceptiionalism doesn't understand how these other cultures are superior to our way of life and that we should change our ways and adapt and accept, embrace,,,, say sharia law.
Of course you do understand that the other side just wants to destroy Israel, wouldn't this to create your rapture?
It doesn't quit make sense that we would as Christians deliberately stall or delay our lords coming.
So rather than Christians protecting Israel for their rapture it must be anti Christians delaying or ruining the true Christians rapture.
Of course it all makes sense.
Muslims are helping the Christians by trying to start the rapture, but the anti Christians have them tricked into protecting Israel so it can never happen.
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by tbjd33 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:26 pm

Safebyahare wrote:Some of what you say BW is true, so let's go into the college professor's louinge.
To a degree every one has a bias whether conscious or subconscious . You could make the same argument from a different angles and perspectives as well. You could make the argument that America is racist and favors the lighter skinned people back in the middle east, and that we don't care about the people slaughtered in Africa or of different religions.
Why stop there, you could make the argument that Americans have a bias toward democracys and that our shallow exceptiionalism doesn't understand how these other cultures are superior to our way of life and that we should change our ways and adapt and accept, embrace,,,, say sharia law.
Of course you do understand that the other side just wants to destroy Israel, wouldn't this to create your rapture?
It doesn't quit make sense that we would as Christians deliberately stall or delay our lords coming.
So rather than Christians protecting Israel for their rapture it must be anti Christians delaying or ruining the true Christians rapture.
Of course it all makes sense.
Muslims are helping the Christians by trying to start the rapture, but the anti Christians have them tricked into protecting Israel so it can never happen.

Couple of things... Hare your are no professor. Definitely not a theologian. I would argue you haven't opened your Binle in a while based on your attempts at explaining Rapture.

First off there is not a single reference in any Bible about a "rapture". It simply isn't there and never has been. The idea comes from a verse in Revelation referring to a "taking up" which can be translated by some as meaning the word rapture.

Second... The idea of Rapture is being misrepresented. NO ONE can cause a rapture or help speed along the idea of a rapture. Those ideas are not Biblical.

Now the idea of rapture there are two basic thoughts:

Post-Tribulation which simply means the "taking" up or rapture happens after God is completed with the Tribulation Period (if you don't know what that is get off the tread and read Bookk of Daniel and Revelation. Those books are viewed as the two most prophetic books concerning these topics). The other Pre-Tribulation and is the most common. The obvious prefix of PRE refers to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit removes all current believers (those whom have accepted him into their heart and confessing by mouth. Look up John 14:6) before he begins the Tribulation Period.

So Muslims can try to fast track but the are only human. BW can put senseless and idiotic attachments won't change the Truth. Hare can say whatever.

These are sad attempts people... Go to school or even better read the Good Book. Better yet get the App. It's free and very informative. Oh and BW stop Googling and posting attachments.

Oh Hare I have to ask. What the hell are non-colored middle Easterners. You mean Jews right?

You see people US History lesson now. We have always backed Isreal cause we have always since the Pilgrams hit Plymouth Rock been a JUDEO/CHRISTIAN society. The Bible calls for all believers to stand with Isreal and you will be blessed. Until now our country hasn't.
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by Safebyahare » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:32 pm

tbjd33 wrote:
Safebyahare wrote:Some of what you say BW is true, so let's go into the college professor's louinge.
To a degree every one has a bias whether conscious or subconscious .

Couple of things... Hare your are no professor. Definitely not a theologian. I would argue you haven't opened your Binle in a while based on your attempts at explaining Rapture.

First off there is not a single reference in any Bible about a "rapture". It simply isn't there and never has been. The idea comes from a verse in Revelation referring to a "taking up" which can be translated by some as meaning the word rapture.

Second... The idea of Rapture is being misrepresented. NO ONE can cause a rapture or help speed along the idea of a rapture. Those ideas are not Biblical.

Now the idea of rapture there are two basic thoughts:

Post-Tribulation which simply means the "taking" up or rapture happens after God is completed with the Tribulation Period (if you don't know what that is get off the tread and read Bookk of Daniel and Revelation. Those books are viewed as the two most prophetic books concerning these topics). The other Pre-Tribulation and is the most common. The obvious prefix of PRE refers to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit removes all current believers (those whom have accepted him into their heart and confessing by mouth. Look up John 14:6) before he begins the Tribulation Period.

So Muslims can try to fast track but the are only human. BW can put senseless and idiotic attachments won't change the Truth. Hare can say whatever.

These are sad attempts people... Go to school or even better read the Good Book. Better yet get the App. It's free and very informative. Oh and BW stop Googling and posting attachments.

Oh Hare I have to ask. What the hell are non-colored middle Easterners. You mean Jews right?

You see people US History lesson now. We have always backed Isreal cause we have always since the Pilgrams hit Plymouth Rock been a JUDEO/CHRISTIAN society. The Bible calls for all believers to stand with Isreal and you will be blessed. Until now our country hasn't.

tbid33 I never mentioned the bible, you really need to remove your preconceived pictures in your head Mr. Self Righteous. You not only verify and confirm her point, you exemplify it.
You must be a gem to be around at get togethers.
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by tbjd33 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:39 pm

Hare call me whatever you choose... If it makes you feel better all the better. Unfortunately it isn't going to change your statements or truth as it is written.

Do you expect me to apologize? Do you expect me to put my tail between my legs? Just isn't going to happen here... I'm not your everyday Christian. I am humble and meek, but I am fierce when it comes to these matter and will not take a step back... Ever!

Correct you never mention the Bible, yet in a few posts behind your post BW attaches a "lovely" depiction of my Savior dropping bombs from his belly. I can't think of anything more disrespectful. The title of this tread is Rapture ready. Plus songs, attachments, references to the Bible and or about the Bible, Jews and Christians. You have to be supremely dense to say I'm putting words in your mouth...

Last, check out these verses about Isreal and why we should stand with them:

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭1-3‬ ESV)

Now that verse is the God's Promise...

Next is New Testament :

This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. (‭Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬ ESV)

That refers to non Jews as we are. The promise to stand is there!

Like I said before... I can do this all day. Let's go!
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by fastpitchdad05 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:17 pm

33 I have to tell you that I cannot recall a single post where you were in any way humble.

I mean c''ve even anointed yourself an extraordinary Christian. Somehow I think you imagine yourself being singled out by God at the Pearly Gates and being led away by the hand from all the others.

Humble? I don't see it.
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by tbjd33 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:59 am

fastpitchdad05 wrote:33 I have to tell you that I cannot recall a single post where you were in any way humble.

I mean c''ve even anointed yourself an extraordinary Christian. Somehow I think you imagine yourself being singled out by God at the Pearly Gates and being led away by the hand from all the others.

Humble? I don't see it.

FPD... You don't know me personally. I don't expect you nor do I feel you should know me. I have a few hundred post on a forum which only offers opinions. We disagree most of the time. Because I have an opinion doesn't mean I am not humble. It simply means I have an opinion.

If you choose to debate or offer an opinion contrary to mine then post it. Yes I am a Christian and yes I will defend vigorously my Belief System. Why wouldn't I?

On the Pearly Gates issue I sure hope that's what happens. In fact I hope the same for you and each individual poster on Heybucket. I don't care if I'm first in or last in. I just want to be there. I just want to hear... Well done my good and faithful servant!

Remember it's not a race against you and others. It only matters that we all get there!

If I have offended you I do apologize but I do not apologize for my Faith...
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