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Music while girls are warming up

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by kiki1965 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:47 pm

I just wanted to know what stations do most of the kids use that do not have curse words? I received a Block Rocker from my travel girls but the music they listen to is horrible.. I will not put on music taht has any curse words but need to know best stations that play good music with no curse words.. Thanks
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by gimedaball » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:57 pm

I've used music with the girls for years. There's no easy way around it, you have to create a music playlist yourself to control what you hear. I typically go to youtube and rip music from there. Do a google search on "rip audio youtube" and there are plenty of free sites that will rip the music for you. That way I can listen to the song (and in many cases you can listen to versions that show the lyrics on the screen) just to make sure they're clean. Do searches for their favorite songs with "clean" added to the end of the song title. Great stuff, just takes some work. Good luck.
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