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Knucklehead Buena Park Girls Softball Association

by spungebob » Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:39 pm

this guy should pay for everyone's gas and time spent. that suck's for all team's player's parent's and hosting team. this guy is an idiot. i'm suprised he didn't get his butt kicked. he should have :roll:
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by Demonboy » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:18 pm

Spazsdad wrote:Not to condone what happened but didn't this all start because the rules were not followed? We are so quick to circle the wagons and defend one of our own.
Bottom line travel teams get no love when it comes to fields since we are not open to all players like rec leagues and we have to jump through hoops to find facilities. Unfortunately it is part of travelball life and now another facility is possibly lost to travel team use.

What you say makes sense on the surface but there's a couple of things that I can't reconcile.

1. The only evidence we have that rules were actually knowingly and intentionally broken is the word of Adrian. The Adrian who's response to Victory's "sins" was to flood the fields and shut down 100 or so families for the day. The Adrian whose letter has arrogant short bus jagoff written all over it. Color me crazy but I'm reluctant to take his word as a holy nugget.

2. If the league really owes Victory large amounts of money you'd think they'd be a little more accomodating. He could have at least advised them of their monsterous transgression instead of shutting down 8 teams. Or better yet, get his ass out there and drag the fields using the precious ATV himself as a "we're sorry we screwed your players out of one thousand plus dollars" gesture from BPGSA.
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by coolstuff » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:23 am


I like reading between the lines in these situations. What isn't said is as important as what was said, and sometimes it all comes down to miscommunication.

There is obviously the usual inherent animosity between the rec league and the local travel teams. Doesn't this happen everywhere? When my DD left rec to go to travel, I know that some parents were ticked off and to this day won't speak to me.

In light of that underlying tension, and knowing that there have been a history of more apparent issues between the rec and travel orgs, why didn't Scott get a written agreement with everything spelled out? There are conflicting accounts on whether or not Scott had permission to use the storage area, and this would not be an issue if there was something in writing. Yes, one would hope that everyone would act honorably on a hand-shake deal, but even among friends things can go horribly wrong.

In the abscence of anything in writing, I wonder if Dave and Adrian spoke among themselves what the expectations were. Dave's presence on Saturday gave tacit approval of the use of the storage area. Adrian showed up Sunday morning thinking that the travel teams didn't have permission. Recipe for disaster.

I find it interesting that Adrian doesn't explain, or even mention, that he turned on the sprinklers, only stating that he didn't 'vandalize' the fields. Oh, he knew what he was doing. He knew that by temporarily flooding the fields, he was causing at the very least hours of delay of the friendly, if not outright cancellation of Sunday's games, and embarassment and headaches for the hosting travel team. He knew that the fields would drain in time to be used that afternoon. It was a calculated and immature action.

Ultimately, I think this goes right back to the historical tension between travel and rec organizations who compete for players and facility use. No matter what the facts are in this situation, the BPGSA board can now decide that it's just too much of a hassle to let travel teams use "their" fields. And we really don't know what kind of agreement BPGSA has with the city parks dept.

FYI - the softball fields in my area are under different jurisdictions. The city and county parks, various township boards, city and county schools, and the local Eagles all have fields under their control, and some are more controlling than others. Rec leagues are usually accommodated more readily than travel teams, but I've seen some "good ol' boy" agreements between a parks dept. and a travel team at the detriment to the general public.

My DD's travel team has a private field and pole barn. Sweet.
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by hotwheels » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:30 am

Demonboy wrote:
Spazsdad wrote:Not to condone what happened but didn't this all start because the rules were not followed? We are so quick to circle the wagons and defend one of our own.
Bottom line travel teams get no love when it comes to fields since we are not open to all players like rec leagues and we have to jump through hoops to find facilities. Unfortunately it is part of travelball life and now another facility is possibly lost to travel team use.

What you say makes sense on the surface but there's a couple of things that I can't reconcile.

1. The only evidence we have that rules were actually knowingly and intentionally broken is the word of Adrian. The Adrian who's response to Victory's "sins" was to flood the fields and shut down 100 or so families for the day. The Adrian whose letter has arrogant short bus jagoff written all over it. Color me crazy but I'm reluctant to take his word as a holy nugget.

2. If the league really owes Victory large amounts of money you'd think they'd be a little more accomodating. He could have at least advised them of their monsterous transgression instead of shutting down 8 teams. Or better yet, get his ass out there and drag the fields using the precious ATV himself as a "we're sorry we screwed your players out of one thousand plus dollars" gesture from BPGSA.

Color me crazy!!!..........OK :lol: :lol: :lol:
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by softballmafia » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:34 am

Shouldn't Scott have gone to the city for permission not the rec league. I know from
where I live, if you want to use the fields and they are available then you get the permit
for that day and play. The rec leagues don't own the fields, us tax payers do. I just don't understand why he went to this individual for permission as opposed to the city.
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by thetruth » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:16 am

That is right you need to go to the city and get a permit. They would not have had access to the ice machines and whatever else they used.
If they were told not to use the storage bin why did they?
That still does not make it right for what that moron did.
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by coolstuff » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:29 pm

softballmafia wrote:Shouldn't Scott have gone to the city for permission not the rec league. I know from
where I live, if you want to use the fields and they are available then you get the permit
for that day and play. The rec leagues don't own the fields, us tax payers do. I just don't understand why he went to this individual for permission as opposed to the city.

Can't speak for Buena Park but as I said in my previous post, we really don't know what the agreement is between the city and the rec league. The folks in the rec league are taxpayers, too. Apparently the rec league is storing ATVs and other equipment on site, so my guess is that the rec league has more control of the softball fields than you think.
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by Titans93 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:50 pm

YellowBalls wrote:This is ridiculous..BPGS should fire him from his "volunteer" post and pay for lost revenue in addition to returning past monies owed. Rec coaches whose kids can't make it playing travel are the worst, bitter anti-travel people around. One of these days a solid, Rec League will realize that their "JOBS" are to promote the game of softball, encourage development and TAKE PRIDE when they put out players who can compete at the A level and who love the game. So sad to see these guys on their high-horse, power trips against travel teams. If they are smart, partnering in GOOD FAITH with a travel organization will take some pressure off them with field maintenance and could bring in donations of game balls and other used equipment for their youngsters in the league. What a SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to Buena Park Girls Softball...

I didn't know that was the job of rec Leagues to get them ready for your travelball teams? this is why we lose fields as travel teams. rec leagues job is not a minor league system for travel teams. there are many travel teams that will not compete with most rec ball allstar teams. As far as partnering with a travel team giving them used equipment like you stated is a slap and a quick way of not using any field. the sorrounding leagues are large there and getting fields is almost impossible. Field maintenance and some softballs are easly covered by their leagues. Too bad we can't play there. the fields with fences and lights and had batting cages?!! what a loss. don't bother going to the city. I already did. Each of the buena park fields are exclusive to the league. permits must be obtain if granted by both Adult leagues if you are using boisenrack and BPGS if at San Antonio. As far as the post that the person left earlier about never hearing about it them ? you might want to look at their website again. I think they are doing O.K. even ASA stated their fields their Rules. hopefully we can approach them at a much later time and maybe they will be more receptive. but, bashing them will not work! Just a little voice from a forme rec and travel coach. " the one with the fields set the rules"
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by Ace » Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:26 pm

Titans93 wrote:
YellowBalls wrote:This is ridiculous..BPGS should fire him from his "volunteer" post and pay for lost revenue in addition to returning past monies owed. Rec coaches whose kids can't make it playing travel are the worst, bitter anti-travel people around. One of these days a solid, Rec League will realize that their "JOBS" are to promote the game of softball, encourage development and TAKE PRIDE when they put out players who can compete at the A level and who love the game. So sad to see these guys on their high-horse, power trips against travel teams. If they are smart, partnering in GOOD FAITH with a travel organization will take some pressure off them with field maintenance and could bring in donations of game balls and other used equipment for their youngsters in the league. What a SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to Buena Park Girls Softball...

I didn't know that was the job of rec Leagues to get them ready for your travelball teams? this is why we lose fields as travel teams. rec leagues job is not a minor league system for travel teams. there are many travel teams that will not compete with most rec ball allstar teams. As far as partnering with a travel team giving them used equipment like you stated is a slap and a quick way of not using any field. the sorrounding leagues are large there and getting fields is almost impossible. Field maintenance and some softballs are easly covered by their leagues. Too bad we can't play there. the fields with fences and lights and had batting cages?!! what a loss. don't bother going to the city. I already did. Each of the buena park fields are exclusive to the league. permits must be obtain if granted by both Adult leagues if you are using boisenrack and BPGS if at San Antonio. As far as the post that the person left earlier about never hearing about it them ? you might want to look at their website again. I think they are doing O.K. even ASA stated their fields their Rules. hopefully we can approach them at a much later time and maybe they will be more receptive. but, bashing them will not work! Just a little voice from a forme rec and travel coach. " the one with the fields set the rules"

Oh stop it. Your just being silly. As for the rest of your post, I must say, its a very easy read!
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by sportzjunky » Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:00 am

>>> didn't know that was the job of rec Leagues to get them ready for your travelball teams? this is why we lose fields as travel teams. rec leagues job is not a minor league system for travel teams. there are many travel teams that will not compete with most rec ball allstar teams. As far as partnering with a travel team giving them used equipment like you stated is a slap and a quick way of not using any field. the sorrounding leagues are large there and getting fields is almost impossible. Field maintenance and some softballs are easly covered by their leagues. Too bad we can't play there. the fields with fences and lights and had batting cages?!! what a loss. don't bother going to the city. I already did. Each of the buena park fields are exclusive to the league. permits must be obtain if granted by both Adult leagues if you are using boisenrack and BPGS if at San Antonio. As far as the post that the person left earlier about never hearing about it them ? you might want to look at their website again. I think they are doing O.K. even ASA stated their fields their Rules. hopefully we can approach them at a much later time and maybe they will be more receptive. but, bashing them will not work! Just a little voice from a forme rec and travel coach. " the one with the fields set the rules"<<<

I think the issue is Adrian, NOT the BPGSA. Obviously a pompous @ss with little or no class. How can anyone in thier right mind take a full day of softball away from 8 full teams of people by flooding the field with a big FU when they arrive? This guy is a major jerk, and if he has enough juice to shut down a coordinated relationship with a TB program & and also shut out any support for his rec girls then he is even a bigger jerk & the board at BPGSA maybe should be held accountable..
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