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Knucklehead Buena Park Girls Softball Association

by Nzane » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:26 am

I got a reply from Adrian. Here it is.........

To All Interested Parties,

This letter is in rebuttal to the nasty emails that I have been receiving and that have been sent out about me and BPGS. Most of you have little to no idea what was said, done, or talked about. Your complaints are all based on hearsay.
Dave Jundt was told that the fields would most likely be free this weekend (Dec 6-7). There was no contract written or verbal that gave them full reign of the fields in its entirety. I was trying to help Dave so he was given a set of keys to use for his convenience. These keys were to give him access to the restrooms as well as the field boxes for bases. He was told that the equipment room was off limits because the league’s quads and other expensive things were housed in there. It was brought to my attention that the equipment room was open during the day and night. I stopped by late Saturday night to investigate. I opened the equipment room door to find that the quads had been moved out during the course of the day and that there was quite a bit of stuff being stored in the room that did not belong to BPGS. This was shocking as Dave was told that this room was off limits. This angered me. I rearranged the room so that the quads could not be taken out by any other party other than BPGS.
I came back to the field early Sunday morning to retrieve my keys from Dave. Since they would no longer have access to the room, I removed their belongings. When they were getting their things from the restrooms, I discovered that they were using a cooler belonging to BPGS without permission. They were demanding a microwave from the equipment room that I thought belonged to our snack bar. After confirming with our snack bar director that it wasn’t ours, I gave it back to them.
I was greeted by many people with anger and hostility. They were using language that was inappropriate and unnecessary. I was called many nasty names by these people. Five gentlemen charged at me as if wanting to fight. Dave witnessed this and said that is why he stayed behind. You all speak of my action being inappropriate, well, you need to look at the actions displayed by the other parties.
I agree that it may not have been fair to the girls involved, but they can thank the adults involved. When these adults over stepped their bounds by using BPGS’s belongings, the warm hospitality turned quite cold. As for the comments about me ruining the fields, they were not ruined. A team from BPGS played a game on them today. I have spent too much time on those fields to ruin them.
As for giving BPGS and Buena Park a bad name, quite the opposite has been happening. Last weekend BPGS hosted the 1st Annual BPGS Turkey Tournament. It went very smooth and there were many compliments from many surrounding leagues/cities. This league has done many great things in the past year and will continue to do so.
The issue of money being owed to Impact Travel Ball or Dave Jundt, this is an issue that occurred with a past board. We, the new board, have tried to rectify the situation and will continue to do so until all parties are pleased.
This exact situation is why BPGS has no interest in teaming up with a travel ball team. Impact has submitted different offers to BPGS but the board did not feel that it was necessary. This will just confirm the board decision to not have any affiliation with a travel ball team.
The girls are the only parties involved that I feel sorry to have impacted today. The parents and coaches representing these girls lost all respect when they acted in the manner that they did.

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by sportzjunky » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:42 am

So he (Adrian) singlehandidly decided to close down the fields because HE was angered because HE felt the league was taken advantage of. Is sounds like he is saying because he was mad, he decided to make a mountain out of a molehill. Turn on the water as the teams show up? WTF is the world coming to?

All is good with the tourney, but it sounds like this dude acted out as a single person effecting 100's of people. That just plain bad karma and not in the spirit of the holidays, or even the non-holidays. Class A Jerk & very arrogant sounding from that response, IMO.
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by Nzane » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:51 am

I bet you it was the Leagues "cooler" being used that really set him off. How COULD they!! LOL!!
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by as the world turns » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:31 am

I can't believe he is justifying flooding fields
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by as the world turns » Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:30 am

This guy is sick. He is actually justifying his actions. Have you thought of calling Buena Park Police Department and filing a police report for vandalism? If you have pictures and witnesses I'm sure they can still file a report. I'm sure your program lost money by his actions.
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by Killer Rabbit » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:32 pm

I opened the equipment room door to find that the quads had been moved out during the course of the day and that there was quite a bit of stuff being stored in the room that did not belong to BPGS. This was shocking as Dave was told that this room was off limits. This angered me.

Why get angry? Why not call Dave? Why not call the team and have them come and get their items?

I was greeted by many people with anger and hostility.

Remind me who was angry first? Seems like an appropriate reaction to your action.

I agree that it may not have been fair to the girls involved, but they can thank the adults involved.

Adult. One. You.

and finally...

As for the comments about me ruining the fields, they were not ruined. A team from BPGS played a game on them today. I have spent too much time on those fields to ruin them.

...but you purposely flooded the fields out of malice to keep the girls from playing. To keep the team from making money because you were angry. Your own letter of retort shows that you were responsible for causing financial harm not only to the host team, but to the other teams that traveled to play. You should hope that your resignation is the only thing that people are asking for.
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by YellowBalls » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:51 pm

This is ridiculous..BPGS should fire him from his "volunteer" post and pay for lost revenue in addition to returning past monies owed. Rec coaches whose kids can't make it playing travel are the worst, bitter anti-travel people around. One of these days a solid, Rec League will realize that their "JOBS" are to promote the game of softball, encourage development and TAKE PRIDE when they put out players who can compete at the A level and who love the game. So sad to see these guys on their high-horse, power trips against travel teams. If they are smart, partnering in GOOD FAITH with a travel organization will take some pressure off them with field maintenance and could bring in donations of game balls and other used equipment for their youngsters in the league. What a SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to Buena Park Girls Softball...
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by hotwheels » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:26 pm

He forgot one sentence in his reply.....
"Yes, Wih everything I've stated here it still doesn't give me the right to be a total loser Dou__bag and take it out on young girls playing softball......I am a loser"

What a piece of work...My team was one of the teams sent home on Sunday morning and I will say that Scott is class all the way!! He handled it the best way he could and even found another location for a team or two to join someone else's friendly if they wanted.......Major compliments from us having to work through a very unfortunate situation.....That is a crappy position for anybody to be in and Scott did a great job....
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by as the world turns » Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:34 pm

Girls do eventually move out of rec and into travel. Will the attitude then change? Can't live for today and not think about tomorrow.
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by diamondmom » Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:47 pm

Man people really need to get a grip-he was really angered that the equipment room was used? Whatever! Sounds to me like his rec ball team wanted to practice and he was "angered" that a travelball team was using it, so to ensure that "his" team could practice-he flooded the fields in the morning so it could be use later that afternoon by him! I love these guys that try to justify a-hole actions with stupid logic-what's the quote "you can't fix stupid" this is the epitomy of stupid. What a loser!
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