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Knucklehead Buena Park Girls Softball Association

by sprtsbimbo » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:53 pm

it probably will but, he is actually right THIS TIME! :lol:
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by almosthuman » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:00 pm

I am sure the City of Buena Park would like to know that Buena Park Girls Softball is brokering fields. Typically, if a rec league holds the permit, they do not have the authority to unilaterally permit other organized use. Fees should never have been paid to the rec league for use of fields that belong to the city.

In most cities, a travel organization would have to apply for permitted use and the rec league would be given the option to release them for the specified period. If the rec league released the fields, all fees would be paid to the city and the rec league would not be permitted to interfere. Conducting this business appropriately would cost the travel team some extra money. The city rates for field usage by a travel team are probably significantly higher than what the rec league was inappropriately charging.
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by weekend4trvl » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:12 pm

There are plenty of looney rec ball board members in this area,but Adrian Ramon makes the all-stars. Hey Scott his DD didn't try out for your team did she ?
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by just_sayin » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:34 pm

You gotta love the support! An unbelievable scene this morning. Observing a grown man throw a temper tantrum was quite pathetic. As a Victory parent, I can assure you my message below is one of many:

Today I was appalled by the malicious and inexcusable behavior displayed and witnessed by several adults and players by Adrian Ramon, Vice President of the Buena Park Girls Softball League. As a parent whose daughter has been involved in softball and as a family in the softball community for many years, I have never witnessed such vile behavior and abuse of power from a board member. This is someone who is supposed to be supportive of the girls and organization for which he represents. He should be ashamed.

Who goes and intentionally floods city fields on which 8 teams are scheduled to play in a friendly FUNDRAISER? The hosting team is a responsible and well-respected travel ball team. Apparently, because some of the food and coolers were stored in the shed with the ATV’s, making room as necessary at the end of Saturday’s round, Mr. Ramon did not like the way everything was moved, stored and/or arranged. At approximately, 5:30 a.m. this morning, he was so angered he found it necessary to remove everything that the hosting team had stored, change the locks so there would be no a ccess to electricity, and purposely set the sprinklers to flood the fields so none of the teams that were scheduled, including those that traveled over an hour to play at 8 a.m., would be allowed to play.

I find this behavior extremely irrational, immature and malicious. No damage of any kind occurred, except for the damage Mr. Ramon caused to the fields the girls from his own organization play on. All supplies were brought by the host team. We are all adults and know how to clean up after ourselves. The premises would have been left just the same as if we had never been there, maybe even better, once the friendly concluded Sunday evening. Apparently, Mr. Ramon does not like the fact that anything was even touched to make room for the team to store supplies.

I believe Mr. Ramon owes the hosting team, Victory USA95 (especially the girls) their families, the coaches and all of the teams who signed up, paid and drove to the fields as well as the families of Buena Park Girls Softball League a public apology. In addition, he should consider conflict and anger management courses in how to deal with situations as a responsible adult capable of making rational decisions.

Mr. Ramon should consider who he has hurt… THE GIRLS! No one would condone this type of behavior against their own children by an irrational adult. Is he the type of individual who can safely and respectfully represent the softball community and the Buena Park Girls Softball organization? Ask the girls and the families that were in the parking lot this morning waiting to participate; the families with lost revenue for the food purchased for the snack bar, fundraising activities, etc. Mr. Ramon, are you willing to reimburse these expenditures and lost profits?

Do the right thing. Resign as a board member. You have cast a dark shadow on the BPGSL and are an embarrassment to the softball community. What was witnessed this morning was reprehensible behavior. The BPGSL should hold you accountable for your actions.
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by OCTravelCoach » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:42 pm

Well said everybody, Scott will appreciate your support!!!
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by Cookie » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:49 pm

What about the cost of the water this fool wasted? People should be accountable of their actions.
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by Coach SS » Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:12 pm

UPDATE - Traded emails earlier with the President of BPGSA who stated that they would repay the amounts noted to end this issue. She said that she was not aware of the actions of the individual in question. Over the past 11 months, there have been many other broken promises but I hope that this time it is different. However if it isnt our response and actions will be. I will be happy to report back to give credit where credit is due if and/or when this is resolved.

Thanks to everyone for their show of support. While I thought I had seen and heard it all, this is just another chapter in this thing we call girls softball. So who is writing the book again?
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by Old Darter » Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:37 pm

I would arrange a very large turn out at the next Park District board meeting, and inform BPGSA of your intention to contest their use of the fields for the next year based on their disregard for park property...unless this jack@ss resigns!
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by wadeintothem » Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:00 am

Very well done; hopefully this person does the right thing and removes themselves from involvement in youth sports.
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by Nzane » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:23 am

Spazsdad wrote:
sprtsbimbo wrote:I agree with you Thayne.

This statement will forever tarnish your credibility on this forum :o

AHHH!!! That hurts!! :lol: :D :o
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