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by GreenMachine » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:52 am

Wow!!!! Everybody seems to love this Mad Dog person.

Do all the teams post on this site?
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by MAD-DOG99 » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:35 pm

Hello Arizona,

Not seeing the light yet I see ?

Come on, you can do it....
Last edited by MAD-DOG99 on Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by MAD-DOG99 » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:40 am

Figured I would add to this thread,

That this is now also called the friends of Tom T in Tucson thread. :lol:

Poor guy is taking a beating. Fact is, ASA in AZ as stated many times has been slow to react.

Tucson ASA is taking some grief, but at least they put on a tourney, which is light years ahead

of PHX ASA which looks to have their first 2 tourneys canceled.

Just thought it would be fair to look at the positives and the fact that the guy at least listens.

Doesn't appear that any positive comments are allowed , but then again considering the thread

was started by "you know who" ?

It's OK though alright to talk about somebody else...

Don't dare say anything negative about PHX ASA though...that's not allowed... :lol:

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of ASA and hope they get it together, just need to have the

facts straight and the playing field level.

So far, Tucson ASA 2 , PHX ASA 0...go Tom....
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by Crew14u » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:39 am

Have to agree with Mad-dog,

I havent met Tom but my wife did last season with the older DD at her tournaments and said the guy asked questions about improving the tournaments and was generally interested and friendly. Their tournaments are not being canceled and their BIG ASA supporters are not playing their first tournament of the season in USSSA either. But I'm not hating, I just dont get it. Everyone 2 months ago was all about ASA and I really understand now why and am in process of getting my team registered (still a P.I.T.A.) but almost done. renewing USSSA was about ten min. by the way!!! But we are starting this season the same way as last season with tournaments getting cancelled and leaving no choice but to play elswhere. So Tucson CANT be that bad. ??????????????????????????
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by 97Cats » Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:31 pm

Tucson has another tournament this weekend.. no it's not the biggest showing ever but it's a reasonable size... we all know that ASA is not perfect everyone knows that things need to be improved but what gets me is that it is more a couple of angry parents rather than the coaches. These parents need to take their concerns to their coaches and coaches could have a meeting with Tom. Reading some of the posts on the ASA forum is ridiculous one.. one lady complaining about their team not getting fences and them having to spend hundreds of dollars for registration.. :o all the other 7 teams out there had to spend hundreds of dollars to register too.. and the thing about the trophies.. again I think its more parent than coach driven.. go to your coaches tell them you want better trophies and have them go talk to Tom.. don't bash him asking him to "put his big boy underwear on" wow ya, i bet Tom is eager to meet with that parent.
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by AZ Bomber » Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:35 pm

How much money do these guys make working for ASA (Tom)? I wouldn't do it for less then $20k a year having to deal with these crazy parents, lol.
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by sftblljunkie » Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:34 pm

Let me state the fence issue here also. Teams volunteer to do "fence duty" and/ or "field duty" as a way of cutting down costs to their teams. Each team doing this gets their tournament fee paid and a few hundred bucks. The Aztecs were scheduled to have "fence duty" at Lincoln Park and DT96 had their fence duty at Golf Links Park. When the tourney was moved to Lincoln and nothing was being played t Golf Links, the "fence duty" was taken away from the Aztecs and given to DT96. Sorry.... but that was not fair. It should have at least been split with maybe both teams getting a free entry fee and nothing else. Instead, the AZtecs had to come up with an extra $400 they were not expecting in three days in order to play!! It is hard enough to pay for tourneys and uniforms and equipment and practice fields....etc. That parent had a right to be upset. The lack of a team trophy, while seeming like a trivial matter to some people, is just the icing on top. It is hard enough to get sponsors but when you win and you have nothing to show for it, Im sorry but that kinda sucks! No one was bashing Tom T. I know the parent that posted her name and I am sorry that she is taking heat because she was brave enough to at least voice her concern and she posted her FIRST and LAST name. some of the others that have come on since STILL aren't posting both names. I saw one poster on the "other" site ask if that was the first tournament that the AZtecs ever won. I can assure it was not and they have always recieved a team trophy. Im all prepared here to take a thrashing about the trophy issue.... but we all know it is bigger than that.
No blood.....No bone.....No tears. Suck it up!!!
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by MAD-DOG99 » Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:03 am

Hello Junkie,

Thanks for chiming in and please do so more.

I consider you 1 of the best sources of softball info in the Casa Grande and Tucson area.

You are absolutely right to the issue of the lady that stated her case on the Tucson ASA

board. She just stated what she saw. Let's be clear here, we all know that AZ ASA has

some issues to work stated ...the whole fence issue with DT and AZtecs..

The lack of sponsor trophy and "told" of upgraded trophies that didn't happen etc.

I do think that Tom will listen to all concerns, but consider these more minor issues

and the fact is that at least Tucson ASA is getting tourneys put on with scores being updated

a lot faster than before and what appears to be trying to make things better IMO
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by AZ96Dad » Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:59 am

I agree whole heartedly....shoot I wish Phx ASA offered fence or field duty! These are minor issues that should be addressed but not act like its the end of the world. I have seen the other site and WOW that thread has taken off. But I agree with Maddog on this one, my DD's team is supposed to play ASA here in Phoenix on the 25th and although they have not officially registered yet, there is only 1 other team. I moved teams so that my DD would be playing primarily ASA, but with no one seemingly signing up to play I guess we may play the other tourneys just to get field time.
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by AZ Bomber » Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:16 pm

AZ96Dad wrote: ............. and although they have not officially registered yet, there is only 1 other team. I moved teams so that my DD would be playing primarily ASA, but with no one seemingly signing up to play I guess we may play the other tourneys just to get field time.

Your team, like our team, sits back and watches to see if anyone is signing up for the upcoming ASA tournament. Then you probably have 50+ other coaches doing the same thing. If you (we) want to play ASA, then we need to put our teams in early, let it be seen, and others will come.

Have your coach tell Tom, when penciling your team IN, that we need to have "X" number of teams for us to play, avoiding a four team tournament. Why sit back and complain, and I am referring to no one imparticular, but if your team has not signed up, then you are not really showing your intention and desire to play ASA???
AZ Bomber
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