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8U travel teams?

What's on your mind?

by Sam » Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:12 pm

The Rec League coaches do a pretty good job for the most part and many the become TB coaches. The amazing thing to me is the absolutely horrible mechanics we see once "seasoned TB players get to HS. It is a serious joke to see kids waiting on ground balls, throwing like girls or sidearmed, hitting with solely their upper bodies, drifting after fly balls, etc. this is added to the fact that they haven't been taught How to Play the Game. Base running blunders, failing to hit cutoffs, situational game stupidity.....all commonplace. It may look like the HS coaches don't know what they are doing due in great part to the past horrific failures of these players' TB forgive me if I cut the rec ball coaches a little least they don't claim to know everything. Maybe the TB coaches just aren't willing to pass their vast knowledge along to these young ladies.
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by ontheblack » Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:45 pm

Some rec coaches are excellent. Others are not. Someone once said that half of being smart is knowing what you dont know. That applies to most parents volunteering to coach. I am cutting them slack. Most would welcome good instruction. They just dont all get it.

My point is that ASA should worry more about teaching these guys how to teach and coach than trying to force rec leagues with poorly performing All Star teams to compete with TB.
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