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The Next Level Update/Coach accused of Sex Crime

What's on your mind?

by softballjerk » Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:07 pm


Why all the hostility?
You would have thought, by the way these attacks come at me, that I was charged with some sort of heinous crime - Oh, wait, they guy your defending is charged with about one of the worst crimes that can happen to the softball community. Not to mention how parents will now be more concerned about males coaching their daughters. This guy had a stellar reputation and was well known to a lot of people and kids trusted him and this is what he's accused of doing. The State of California felt enough evidence was presented to move forward and charge him with the crime. If they have one stitch of evidence, and Im sure they do, that this guy is dirty, then all you folks running to his aid are about as guilty and sick as the alleged child perpetrator you are sticking up for. This is just my opinion.

Love to read these post about "my kid played on his team for blah, blah years, and he was a great coach" All I can say to these loyal supporters is , Thank God your kid did not appeal to him or the opportunity to sexually molest your child did not present itself and you got through safely. Because for at least one kid, things didn't turn out that way, or so it's alleged.
Isn't that enough to turn your stomach? If not, let's get CPS over to your house, right away. Something is wrong.

As for the BOARD, lets hear from them on how they got their name on that non-profit document. Did they run for that position, were they recruited from other highly successful teams boards and were brought over in some sort of share holder meeting to enchance the TNL Board of Directors? I think not! Probably more like this; "hey you got a kid on one of my teams, right? I need a name to put down on this non profit document, what do you say?" "We meet once a month and drink beer and eat wings, think it over."

But the Board doesn't have to tell us how they were so lucky enough to get their position on the board, at least not in this forum. But hopefully with some encouragement from people, like me, who can not stand this crap, the family of this victim will move forward with legal civil proceeding against each and every one of these board members, for letting this happen under their noses to a kid they should have protected. To me folks, thats part of the deal you signed up for, like it or not...
If this guy is in your organization, one that you sit on the board of directors for, and he does this to a child, I have no sympathy for what happens to you legally and hope that your very own words on your web site, come back to haunt you. Remember "Personal Leave or taking time off for personal reasons" are you kidding? This guy was accused of having SEX with one of the KIDS, how could you be so NON-OUTRAGED in your comments. Well unless we are all as stupid as you would like us to be, we all know, the reason that they are being careful is becasue Mr Facione and HIS HAND SELECTED BOARD, all sat around a table and wrote it, hoping that it would appeal to all, but not all together slaughter, whats left of Mr Facione's reputation.

Board of fools, you did nothing, even after knowing about him being charged, just a bunch of public rhetoric on your web site, that was later, slightly altered to show a more (in your opinion) "harsher stance" and this, non action will be easily proven by how little you did to get rid of this guy. Simply hiding him behind your words on a web site while paying him from your player collected dues, puts you right in the spot light of public scrutiny, so whine somewhere else about saving this organization, for the KIDS SAKE. You are the front men for a ring leader who has been accused and arrested for having sex with a child, sleep well knowing that.

Why didn't you cut the cancer and get rid of him right away? because you can't - you are no more than puppets and Mr Facione is pulling your strings, and still does. Dance little puppets, dance and spread the word of your master..... time to throw up.

The rest of you, who can't see the forest through the trees here, I have nothing more to say to you, other than might want to pull your money together and help start a new business for Mr Facione, he's going to need something to do when he gets out, How about this, "Mr Facione's private day care for teen age girls" , and all you loyal supporters can start dropping off their kids, right trust him - right?
Last edited by softballjerk on Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by idiotpatrol » Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:25 am

There you go again SB Jerk, throwing out a bunch of speculations and pretending they are real. I will just stick with the facts:
1. Facione is not on the Board
2. Facione was not present at either of the meetings following the charge
3. The Board acted as they were advised from a legal standpoint and in the best interest of the girls.
4. If the Board convicts Facione and throws him out of the organization who is say to he wouldn't sue? He hasn't been convicted of anything. Whether you like it or not he has rights too.
5. There were a few people who showed up at the arraignment, not a bunch, and they were advised not to but once again, this is America and people have rights!
6. The Board has not once defended OR convicted Facione. That is not their job. They are only there to look out for the best interests of the organization.
7. Thank God our legal system doesn't run the way you think it should.....very communist!
8. I am done with this post, its one thing to discuss things and share opinions but its another to have someone keep bashing the organization and the people and throw out a bunch of speculations that are so far from the truth its ridiculous. To attack all the innocent people involved is just evil. In my opinion you are no better than the things you attack.
9. I feel sorry for you SB Jerk, unless you are personally related to this case, all that hate in you is pretty sad!
10. I hope none of you encounter this situation in your worlds because until you have walked in the shoes you have absolutely no clue what you would or wouldn't do. Good decisions are made on logic and reason NOT emotion! Its very hard to keep the 2 separated but I applaud the Board for the efforts they have made in doing that.

Good Bye!
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by Sftbll4ever » Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:46 am

Good Job Idiot Patrol!!!
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by softballjerk » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:31 am

1.What do you mean, Mr Facione is not on the Board of HIS organization? If he is not, the only thing this can mean is he is receiving compensation directly from this organization - see you can't do that on in a non-profit if you are an officer. SO this would mean that these board members PAID Mr Facione to have SEX with a CHILD member in their Organization. What kind of legal responsibility and civil suits will that result in?
2. Was he incarcerated at the time, or too embarrassed to face his friends.
3.The best interest of the Girls would NOT have been asking all of them and their parents to write character references to support this guy, without first investigating the facts he was charged with. You or they, didn't care about the kids, you cared more about keeping your profit's butt out of jail for a long time and the MONEY stream of player dues - be real!
4.He is going to SUE His Friends? He picked these people, how could he sue them? You might have a point here, no telling what this monster would do, even to his hand picked board of friends.
5. People showed up and were told not do it again, because things are going to start getting UGLY now. Evidence will be revealed, and you'll all know what a creep you are bowing down to.
6. The best interest of the Organization would be to fully disclose to ever members who pay money to be a part of this organization, how their dollars are being used. Maybe a mass emil asking each if it's OK to use their hard earned dollars, intended for softball, to now pay for his criminal defense - that would be fair, right?
7. Oh, now Im a communist because I HATE child sexual predators and your ring leader is accused and charged with this heinous crime - shame on me.

Applaud the Board of his buddies, all you want, even stand up when he pleas out to lesser charges for what he did to this child and rejoice, then when he gets out, you two can open up a daycare together and talk about how much HATE I have for this sort of thing. Because it really, really bothers me that you don't like me. makes it hard to sleep at night.

Once you hear the evidence, what are you going to cling onto then?
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by BIG PAPA 18 » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:31 am

5. There were a few people who showed up at the arraignment, not a bunch, and they were advised not to but once again, this is America and people have rights!

What about the Parents of the organization from 12 to 18gold are they able to attend and have a right to listen in on what is going on?
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by Judd » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:38 am

SBJ, like my daughter would say, build a bridge and get over it.

Not to take the situation lightly but enough is enough. Its pretty clear your only goal is to bad mouth TNL until everyone agrees with you. Guess what? Thats not going to happen
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by Sam » Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:31 pm

idiotpatrol wrote:There you go again SB Jerk, throwing out a bunch of speculations and pretending they are real. I will just stick with the facts:
1. Facione is not on the Board
2. Facione was not present at either of the meetings following the charge
3. The Board acted as they were advised from a legal standpoint and in the best interest of the girls.
4. If the Board convicts Facione and throws him out of the organization who is say to he wouldn't sue? He hasn't been convicted of anything. Whether you like it or not he has rights too.
5. There were a few people who showed up at the arraignment, not a bunch, and they were advised not to but once again, this is America and people have rights!
6. The Board has not once defended OR convicted Facione. That is not their job. They are only there to look out for the best interests of the organization.
7. Thank God our legal system doesn't run the way you think it should.....very communist!
8. I am done with this post, its one thing to discuss things and share opinions but its another to have someone keep bashing the organization and the people and throw out a bunch of speculations that are so far from the truth its ridiculous. To attack all the innocent people involved is just evil. In my opinion you are no better than the things you attack.
9. I feel sorry for you SB Jerk, unless you are personally related to this case, all that hate in you is pretty sad!
10. I hope none of you encounter this situation in your worlds because until you have walked in the shoes you have absolutely no clue what you would or wouldn't do. Good decisions are made on logic and reason NOT emotion! Its very hard to keep the 2 separated but I applaud the Board for the efforts they have made in doing that.

Good Bye!

Surely you aren't claiming that the TNL board has made a single good decision regarding this situation. Kicking Falcione out is the ONLY logical thing to do....his resultant law suit would have to be based upon his actions being appropriate...regardless of whether or not he is convicted. Logically, this isn't going to happen. The logical thing to do is boot him and move on. If any parent asks about his case..."we don't know about Falcione's case....we kicked him out as soon as we learned about his actions." Then you are still able to recruit kids. The TNL board has taken up assisted suicide...virtually killing the TNL organization.

Here's my real beef, IP.....Falcione and his ilk paint ALL of us coaches with his sick broadbrush. People will hear about this case and look at ME differently. We ALL have to watch what we do and perceive how our actions will be received by a multitude of individuals.

I, for instance, am a serial hugger. I hug my players when they make a great play...I hug my players when they make a bad play....I am a side hugger....almost never face to face...I won't do as much of that now since Falcione has chosen to put himself in this situation.

This is what happens when parents pay coaches...everybody in the game knew his organization was a joke from day one...just a way to make him some money...and we all laugh at the parents who are willing to pay to the organization for the privelege of getting instruction you could get virtually anywhere for free.

TNL has been fortunate to attract some great players in recent years...I don't think they develop many on their own.

If you want some good at the Renegades (Peronto, Tillet), Breakers, Power Surge, Thunder...upstanding organizations with upstanding coaches....not a fly by night con man just trying to take your money.
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by Skarp » Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:51 pm

Whoa, careful there Sam. They may start a movement to have you deported...or stoned to death in the public square or some such. :shock:
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by ccrap » Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:07 pm

Softballjerk----SHUT UP!!!!
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by Spectator1 » Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:53 pm

Rules for male coaches:

Avoid situations where you will be alone with one of your players.

While at an out-or-town tournament and having a beer alone at a restaurant bar, if a small group of your players arrive and approach you while waiting for their table, excuse yourself and leave the restaurant.

If one of your players shows up at your door, call one of her parents and ask them if they know she is there and advise them you are having her leave immediately.

At out-of-town tournaments don’t have the girls come to your private room for a “study hall”. Always have at least one female parent present.

Rules for all males:
Don’t sit alone in your car at local parks while watching our daughters practicing softball, and then try to justify it stating you’re only taking a lunch break (creepy!).

Sorry huggers, you have to stop the hugging if it’s not your kid! You can’t put yourself in that position. Too many creepy uncles, coaches, teachers, religious figures, pop-stars, etc. have already messed this up for you.

The “Zero Tolerance Policy against Abuse” at the “Bollinger’s Guide to Prevention of Sexual and Physical Abuse for ASA Softball Teams and Leagues” is a must-read for all coaches. ... useprv.pdf
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