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by blackwidow » Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:13 pm

anonlooker wrote:Over 280,000 views now, may be going viral over the weekend, which means girls fastpitch softball is about to get a heap of really bad publicity.

But probably not so bad for some outfit called Williams Sports Videos, who posted the video to YouTube and is running advertising with it. Although I doubt I would use a company that deliberately publicized an ugly incident to boost their sales - in the process getting my sport getting raked over the coals - maybe they'll turn some extra profit. Maybe this is what marketing has come to. Whatever it takes to turn a buck, right?

But they sure didn't do girls fastpitch any favors here.

Yes definitely!! and while we are at it we should take a second look at Heybucket for providing a forum for discussion about these events. Aren't they also collecting ad revenue and contributing the smearing of girls fastpitch?
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Last edited by blackwidow on Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Comp » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:04 pm

Ever thought that possibly it was posted because the incident was just getting swept under the rug? Obviously it happened clear back on Oct 5 and doesnt appear anyone knew anything about it. Not one mention I saw on any of the forums until the video was posted. From things Ive read sounds like there were literally no consequences or penalties issued.
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by Safebyahare » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:58 pm

This isn't umpire gate, please do not blame a video, or its producer.
In this day and age things will be recorded, and you can not get away with things or excuse them away.
If softball gets a black eye from this,,,,blame Cal Cruisers (Mel). It is their act ons on the video.
Perhaps if he had taken responsibility for the actions the video would not be that big a deal.
Perhaps the video will correct the problem.
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by AlwaysImprove » Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:15 pm

If I were one of the big programs I would think twice about allowing them to video our next game. I have seen some colorful tirades by most of them that would look really bad when edited down.
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by Safebyahare » Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:45 pm

So what is the difference between televised and video?
I am of the opinion all games should be videoed. How cool is that.
I can catch a game and not leave the house.
A coach told my dd,,"from the moment you are in the parking lot to the time you leave, someone may be watching you".
This includes the hotel you may be staying at to starbucks and Mc donalds. You never know who is there.
If games are videoed it will keep parents in check, from spouting out stupid stuff.
Everyone has a smart phone, it is the weapon of choice. Just look a what teenagers post.
It's a different kind of NSA. They or we are watching and listening.
The only next step after that is to shut down or censor sites like this.
"Softball in progress, no video or cameras or recording devises allowed" "coolers OK"
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by AlwaysImprove » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:01 pm

TV is fine. Video is fine. Letting the opposing team control the video and post what they want, well quite obviously now, that's not smart.

The video, post and destroy strategy favors the smaller orgs. They can catch the larger org doing something dumb.

Smaller orgs should be careful with this. They may be invited to the hinterlands where they video each other whining about how they never see any coaches, never get to any good fields and the whole system is stacked against them.
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by Pale Rider » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:15 pm

From my experience, which isn't that extensive...but enough to have an opinion, other than certain things...There is no such thing as bad advertising. Remember what happened at the very 1st Nationally televised NA$CAR race?..
As far as it giving Softball a black eye...keep in mind, as much as we love the aint football...incident in the end will like peeing yourself in a pair of black'll get a warm feeling, but nobody notices.
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by Safebyahare » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:18 pm

AlwaysImprove wrote:TV is fine. Video is fine. Letting the opposing team control the video and post what they want, well quite obviously now, that's not smart.

The video, post and destroy strategy favors the smaller orgs. They can catch the larger org doing something dumb.

Smaller orgs should be careful with this. They may be invited to the hinterlands where they video each other whining about how they never see any coaches, never get to any good fields and the whole system is stacked against them.

Not sure what post and destroy means,,,video is still on you tube and is over 350,000 hits.
If you are referring to the pub post, not sure what happened to it.
Perhaps the poster was threatened or harassed, maybe he asked to have it deleted because it became too big.
If it serves a purpose at this point I will edit my post on first page of this forum to have it displayed.
I have no ax to grind, or dog in the fight. I just found the whole thing to be,,,,,
a learning experience. as some advocates have posted.
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by Crabby_Bob » Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:02 pm

Safebyahare wrote:So what is the difference between televised and video?
I am of the opinion all games should be videoed. How cool is that.
I can catch a game and not leave the house.
A coach told my dd,,"from the moment you are in the parking lot to the time you leave, someone may be watching you".
This includes the hotel you may be staying at to starbucks and Mc donalds. You never know who is there.
If games are videoed it will keep parents in check, from spouting out stupid stuff.
Everyone has a smart phone, it is the weapon of choice. Just look a what teenagers post.
It's a different kind of NSA. They or we are watching and listening.
The only next step after that is to shut down or censor sites like this.
"Softball in progress, no video or cameras or recording devises allowed" "coolers OK"

I absolutely disagree with the highlighted portion. Putting a video camera on the backstop does nothing except to document the stupid.
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by anonlooker » Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:46 pm

These are minor children. Did their parents consent to them being filmed at this event? Did they consent to the video being released on a worldwide social media platform? Did they consent to their children being exploited by a company advertising video production?

Is consent required to film minors? and post their activities in public forums? Can someone follow our kids around a mall and record them shopping, or eating at a restaurant?

Where is the line? What are you comfortable with, when it comes to people you don't know filming your children's daily activity?
Last edited by anonlooker on Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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