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More info on the peaceful religion

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by aparent » Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:32 am

Islam is an evil religion. I wish people would get their heads out of the sand and stop rationalizing this away as always being a small minority. I don't see Christian sects/ Buddhist sects or Jewish sects doing anything like this. But for some reason this one religion spawns this kind of behavior and everyone just says it is a small minority and most Muslims don't condone it. Yet even those peaceful sects treat women like second class citizens- what is in this article is not an ISIS problem, it is a Muslim problem.
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by blackwidow » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:39 pm ... n-the-u-s/

Maybe you don't see other "sects" doing this is because you haven't looked.

What do you propose to do about the billions of Muslims around the world? Ban Islam in the United States? Bomb them? What could be more Christian than that?

Meanwhile in other news

Trump calls Jesus a loser!

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by aparent » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:48 pm

Not sure what the point of your map is. If you want to believe Islam is a peaceful religion then be my guest but if you believe this then you also believe the following:

Women are not deserving of the equal treatment under the law.

homosexuals deserve do be killed for their sexual preference.

thrse are just two of the MANY sadistic beliefs of this "religion".

that is Islam. that is not FRINGE Islam, it is the majority opinion of Muslims around the world.

the only way a person can believe in actual human rights is to repudiate and scorn this evil religion, you can't be pro-human rights and Pro-Islam. They are mutually exclusive.
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by blackwidow » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:24 pm

I don't see Christian sects/ Buddhist sects or Jewish sects doing anything like this.

The point of the article and the map was to educate you regarding the statement you made....but as the saying goes you can lead a jackass to water but you can't make him think. Of course human rights abuses occur all over the world but if you want to make it an Islamic thing because you are a bigot, be my guest. Religion...smh.

The top 10 countries on its list of shame accounted for more than three quarters of the 29.8 million people living in slavery, with Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh completing the list. ... ery-index/

Last time I checked Haiti, China, Russia and India are not majority muslim nations.
How do you explain that??

I asked you some questions are you going to answer them or ignore them?
Are you concerned about women's rights and slavery worldwide or just in the countries labeled as Islamic?

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by as the world turns » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:28 pm

The crusty spider thinks Israel is the only true threat. She bows to her leader obama and the Illuminati court.
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by blackwidow » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:41 pm

When have I ever posted anything in support of puppet Obama?
Get a clue ATWT. I know you want everything to be a left-right issue because your brain can't seem to process the nuances of human existence.

I don't support Israeli colonialism and apartheid treatment of the Palestinians. Has nothing to do with Islam. Since I pay more money in foreign aide to Israel than all other countries combined I have a problem with it.

If you actually cared about human rights you would care about them for everyone.

But the human rights post is a cover for bigotry against Arabs and muslims.

Now answer my questions. Oh you can't.

and now for something different...Rap News of the World Order
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by aparent » Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:07 pm

Ok BW. Now I see your point, you wanted to point to one article and somehow broader the topic to slavery, then make the case that everyone does it, then say that because it happens everywhere that somehow Islam isn't bad. Gotcha.

so let's try a different approach, maybe this will make more sense. let's agree bad things happen everywhere. let's further assume that nations of wealth have more resources so they tend to not have problems like this. so let's talk about nations where they hVe enough money so people do not treat each other like animals anymore and not dive into Africa or South America etc. for the moment. Poverty creates crime and bad things happen there. let's keep this focused on the religious aspect.

On your map, do you see any wealthy nations that have a big slavery issue and a theocracy?

I do.

what if this was a map of homosexual persecution and the same poverty filter was applied. What region would be lit up?

What about the same filter and women's rights? same region would be lit up.

what about a map of the religious affiliation of terrorists? same map.

I expect to be called a bigot on this because that is the default position of liberals on all issues, someone points out that maybe there is a right and a wrong and not everything is a cultural difference and the accusations start flying.
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by aparent » Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:14 pm

As for answering your questions, I did. You only posed one and that was what to do about it. I responded that allowing the truth to come out and speaking plainly about the FACT that Islam is not a religion but a crime syndicate would be a great start. we should let the truth come out and try to educate Muslims that what they believe is Evil and wrong and try to get them to abolish the part of their religion that advocates abusing others. we do not accomplish anything by silencing the voices that are saying there is something wrong with Islam. I do not advocate violence ever.

now answer my question about how you can support Islam and women's rights? Maybe you believe women are inferior to men and deserve to be treated as second class citizens?
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by blackwidow » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:28 pm

I responded that allowing the truth to come out and speaking plainly about the FACT that Islam is not a religion but a crime syndicate would be a great start. we should let the truth come out and try to educate Muslims that what they believe is Evil and wrong and try to get them to abolish the part of their religion that advocates abusing others. we do not accomplish anything by silencing the voices that are saying there is something wrong with Islam. I do not advocate violence ever.

What you posted is not the truth coming out. It is propaganda.

Last I checked there are a few muslim countries that have already elected women heads of state...far in advance of our country. Google it.
Oh BTW the first and oldest existing University in the world...Founded by an Islamic Woman.
But you already know all that right?
Al-gebra...Al gorithms...we don't need those evil things anymore.

Most of what you are referring to in poverty stricken and third world nations comes from tribal and cultural issues, not Islam. Take Female genital mutilation for example.
Arranged marriage? Child brides? Child Sex tourism? none of this is exclusive to Islam as a religious practice.

What is your plan for educating 2.2 billion people that what they believe is evil? Are you a missionary? Or do you just post inflammatory "news articles" meant to demonized a large swath of the world population collectively?

What about mormon fundamentalist right here in our own country? Or are you okay with sister wives?

Please feel free to post links to any of your assertions...I'd be happy to debunk them for you and show examples across the religious spectrum.

You must be a collectivist if you think that the acts of a few represent the whole.
Are you?

That you do not advocate violence, well that's good news. :D
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by aparent » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:06 pm

so if I post a bunch of links then that will convince you?

you make a lot of presumptions about my knowledge on this and you assume that I am an ignorant bigot. algebra? Thanks for the history lesson, but that is pretty common knowledge and was invented long before Mohammed cursed us with his birth. and even if the compendium wasn't written by an Arab it would have been codified elsewhere. It's not like if a single book wasn't written that we wouldn't be able to solve x-3=5.

So let's save the historical contributions of Arabs, I am not talking ethnicity here I am talking religion. you bluster a lot but you dodge the issues of human rights as it relates to a religion. so a very simple question for you, try not to dodge it. can you name another religion that promotes and supports these abuses as a matter of their doctrine as Islam does? can you point to a Christ commanding his followers to kill? did Buddha advocate killing? does Mohammed advocate killing? Go ahead and read your sutras, Bible and Koran and tell me what you find. if you are honest and intelligent then you will admit that yes, this one book and this one major religion does stand out as being violent and abusive in its actual holy texts.

as for Mormons, I have not seen any death threats from them when South Park makes fun of Bringham Young and I haven't seen too many fresh faced missionaries hijacking planes or blowing up cafes, but then maybe I don't read enough.

deny it all you want but the truth is that Islam is evil, and people like you are akin to thise who rationalized the existence of concentration camps.

I am sure you will somehow dodge my points and questions but that will just prove my point. but do yourself a favor, actually read what is taught and see for yourself.
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