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What's on your mind?

by ChrisEngel » Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:08 am

Here is an idea about “competition” that I have tried to sell unsuccessfully to a number of coaches about young ladies learning the sport of fastpitch softball.

It is, yes, compete, but primarily, almost entirely, compete against yourself only – no one else on either side of the field. What is important is not the final score, but are you getting better, were you better this game than the last game, are you improving even if just in small steps.

If we win 8-0 with sloppy play; that's not winning to me. If we lose 8-0 against a far superior team that should have scored 8 runs per inning against us, well, in my mind we won big that day. That goes for the team – but mostly it should be drilled drilled down to the accountability of each individual player as an athlete and teammate.

Did you do honestly do your best today? -- which includes preparation, learning from past mistakes, building on strengths, and attention to the game. If the answer is “yes”, we have a young woman that won that day.
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by Mark H » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:12 am

If you go read John Wooden's stuff I think you will find support for your thoughts.

I believe you have to be process oriented rather than results oriented.
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by Dugout Dad » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:21 am

ChrisEngel wrote:It is, yes, compete, but primarily, almost entirely, compete against yourself only – no one else on either side of the field. What is important is not the final score, but are you getting better, were you better this game than the last game, are you improving even if just in small steps.

Leaves no room for situational hitting, sac bunts, sac flies, situational fielding.... In my experience, individual thinking players wash out, because team play becomes frustrating. Softball needs to be taught as a team sport. The individual stuff should happen with their fielding, pitching and hitting coaches.
What you describe works for golf and tennis.
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by Mark H » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:34 am

You have interpreted ChrisEngel's words entirely differently than I read them. I think what Chris is saying is your goal as an athlete or a team should be to prepare your best, do your best and constantly improve. If that still leaves you on the low side of the score as a team or as an individual, then so be it-get them next time. If you busted yourself to be the best you can be then there is no shame in someone else being better.

That's my understanding of John Wooden's philosophy and if he's not enough of a winner then I don't know anyone who is.
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by Dugout Dad » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:54 am

Here is an idea about “competition” that I have tried to sell unsuccessfully to a number of coaches about young ladies learning the sport of fastpitch softball.

The concept is not new and well used, "do your best". I didn't understand why he was unsuccessful in selling this concept. So I am guessing that he is trying to sell a next level of individual play that is not applicable to softball.
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by Mark H » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:58 am

I guess we will wait on Chris to explain
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by Dugout Dad » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:01 am

Here is an example of what I am referring to. We were in a 0-0 game and we had a runner on 1st. Our good, but very self-centered player was up to bat. Our third base coach gave her the sign to fake bunt to give our speedy runner on 1st a little more time to steal 2nd. Our player successfully stole 2nd and the blue called a strike on the fake bunt. So our batter was down on the count 0-1 and she eventually ended up striking out. The next batter hit a double and we won the game 1-0. Everyone was happy, except the self-centered player. After the game, she went off on the third base coach for ruining her at bat because she would have swung at the first pitch, the coach disrupted her at bat plan. This player's focus was always about her play and her performance. She went on to play college ball at a competitive program and was one of their top players, but quit after a 2 seasons. She never learned team play.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
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by extiger » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:35 am

Whats your opinion on a player who is given the bunt sign in a major showcase? I will add the coach's goal is to win as much as possible.
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by Mark H » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:38 am

That example doesn't relate to my understanding of Chris' point but maybe you read Chris right and I did not.
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by Dugout Dad » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:46 am

Let's not help create self-adsorbed players
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
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