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by Hurricane » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:20 am

I see you are back to being a bully, TD. Stop being so intolerant of others on this board and you might learn something from the "young uns" :mrgreen:

I was merely trying to warn CW about you and some others.
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by AlwaysImprove » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:46 am

CheckWriter wrote:
I am more than willing to let the women's liberation efforts grind away on this for another 50 years and see if gets any better.

Why not advocate for change? Even if just on a softball discussion board. Maybe if more people did that, your granddaughters might benefit instead of your great great granddaughters.

I did a lot of deferred gratification to do research in nuclear medicine instrumentation and cancer applications and didn't like how indirect my contribution was so I went to Med School and am now a radiation oncologist and a significant portion of my practice is treating childhood cancer. I treat all the kids that come through our practice. The others refuse because it is "too hard to deal with". Somebody has to step up.

It is a lot less OK to drive drunk than it was 20 years ago. That is because people, MADD comes to mind, started getting pissed off about it. After all, it is the alcohol's fault that that the driver killed somebody, not the driver.

How about stopping blaming alcohol and sluts and whores and putting the responsibility where it belongs - the perpetrators. Why is it that no posters or sons of posters would ever do such a thing and treat women with the utmost respect at all times but it is the woman's fault when it does happen? It is pure, unadulterated BS. Message you are sending is clear. It is just feeding in to supporting the status quo.

Many posters give 10 time more crap to parents that think their DDs are good players - maybe even a little better than they really are - than to guys that sexually assault women.

At least frickin' condemn the situation, go on record, stop making excuses and accepting. Pathetic.

Off my soap box.

Just watch it if you haven't:

I do advocate for change and welcome the achievements that have been accomplished. Title IX has done great things for the female athlete. Well beyond giving them a chance at a college scholarship, it has allowed many young athletes a chance to participate in sports, which is the ultimate leadership practice environment.

You never heard me blame the alcohol or the sluts.

Just offering some realistic advice. Life is very relative/comparative/messy. People are going to ask for death when a young lady is abducted and assaulted off a suburban street in broad daylight. 2 am, at a party, drunk, fooling around with someone she knows. Just not going to be treated the same.

Had a friend of a friend in college, Darrell. He took to following the Grateful Dead selling cocaine. Every weekend a new city, selling drugs to complete strangers, camping at the concert site, and always loaded with cash. You could not create a more risky set of life choices. Needless to say, Darrell disappeared. 10 days later they found him in a an abandoned parking lot 3 miles from the concert site, shot twice in the chest.

Not saying Darrell had it coming. Or that it was not a tragedy to loose such a young rich life.

I did take note and as a parent worked with both of my kids identify risky situations and spend time talking to them on how to identify them and avoid them. I would do that regardless of the progress you are making.
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by AlwaysImprove » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:48 am

Spazsdad wrote:Thank the lord for you.. You are just trying to make the world better,.....wait for it......
For the children.
Do you also preach the mantra " if it just saves one life".

You are on the bully list now too.
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by Hit&Run » Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:37 am

How about teach them boys to respect women. All women. Even if it means putting it back in your pants.
Teach these schools to investigate and report crime. All crime. Punish coaches, school officials, players, schoolmates, that hide it. Not just their job, scholarship, or expulsion but criminal charges also.
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by Hit&Run » Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:46 am

Sam wrote:
jonriv wrote:Here's another article on the subject ... life-worse


Are you saying that Sandusky attacked young women on campus?

Would you say that it was the young boys fault? I don't remember if they were dressed provocatively, but I am curious to see how you would defend Sandusky?
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by Pale Rider » Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:00 am

Bully list?...
Sandusky is GREAT reason to teach your kids what a creepy ass human is...WTH...Kindergarten BS...must be 12 yr olds on here posting...
On that...I lay some blame on parents...No WAY would I have allowed ANYONE to take my minor aged kid out of my sight...and administration who KNEW what that bastard was doing...IT WAS ALREADY ILLEGAL...
But you advocate more what?...Laws?...Rules?....what?...Make what he was doing even MORE illegal?...
You cannot MAKE people moral...grow the hell up...

...and as far as the gratuitous shout out Candy ass statement about 'changing travel more fit YOUR wishes...
Thats another childish statement...You DON'T like the current system?....or who runs it?
Start your own system...Just dont be all frowny faced and pout when your UFPSA fails...
Utopian Fast Pitch Softball Assn....
AKA "Thread Killer"

"Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you."
Edward "Blackbeard" Teach
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by Hit&Run » Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:10 am

Pale Rider wrote:Bully list?...
Sandusky is GREAT reason to teach your kids what a creepy ass human is...WTH...Kindergarten BS...must be 12 yr olds on here posting...
On that...I lay some blame on parents...No WAY would I have allowed ANYONE to take my minor aged kid out of my sight...and administration who KNEW what that bastard was doing...IT WAS ALREADY ILLEGAL...
But you advocate more what?...Laws?...Rules?....what?...Make what he was doing even MORE illegal?...
You cannot MAKE people moral...grow the hell up...

...and as far as the gratuitous shout out Candy ass statement about 'changing travel more fit YOUR wishes...
Thats another childish statement...You DON'T like the current system?....or who runs it?
Start your own system...Just dont be all frowny faced and pout when your UFPSA fails...
Utopian Fast Pitch Softball Assn....

Why create more laws when the ones that in place aren't enforced. You realize at no point did you stand up for the kids or place any blame on a man who manipulated parents, kids, friends, co-workers and raped young boys... So if I had to say what side you were standing on based on your statement I would say a foot on both sides. Thats bad. And you can make people more moral. If Sandusky got the death penalty, and everyone that assisted him got life in prison you would detour the next guy. Example was in the old west days penalty for such actions was a hanging. So there would never be a second time. New laws are in place already, Right now instead of the easy way of fixing the problem government has decided to go with a procedure called chemical castration. Which is ridiculous? Cost tax payers a ton, the process is lengthy and there is no guarantee it works. I know cause a family friend is running a clinic in NorCal that is doing it. The old west way would be more effective in my opinion.....
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by Sunshine799 » Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:59 am

CheckWriter wrote:
I am more than willing to let the women's liberation efforts grind away on this for another 50 years and see if gets any better.

Why not advocate for change? Even if just on a softball discussion board. Maybe if more people did that, your granddaughters might benefit instead of your great great granddaughters.

I did a lot of deferred gratification to do research in nuclear medicine instrumentation and cancer applications and didn't like how indirect my contribution was so I went to Med School and am now a radiation oncologist and a significant portion of my practice is treating childhood cancer. I treat all the kids that come through our practice. The others refuse because it is "too hard to deal with". Somebody has to step up.

It is a lot less OK to drive drunk than it was 20 years ago. That is because people, MADD comes to mind, started getting pissed off about it. After all, it is the alcohol's fault that that the driver killed somebody, not the driver.

How about stopping blaming alcohol and sluts and whores and putting the responsibility where it belongs - the perpetrators. Why is it that no posters or sons of posters would ever do such a thing and treat women with the utmost respect at all times but it is the woman's fault when it does happen? It is pure, unadulterated BS. Message you are sending is clear. It is just feeding in to supporting the status quo.

Many posters give 10 time more crap to parents that think their DDs are good players - maybe even a little better than they really are - than to guys that sexually assault women.

At least frickin' condemn the situation, go on record, stop making excuses and accepting. Pathetic.

Off my soap box.

Just watch it if you haven't:

This should sum it all up right here. Nothing else needs to be said.
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by Pale Rider » Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:09 am

Hit&Run wrote:
Why create more laws when the ones that in place aren't enforced. You realize at no point did you stand up for the kids or place any blame on a man who manipulated parents, kids, friends, co-workers and raped young boys... So if I had to say what side you were standing on based on your statement I would say a foot on both sides. Thats bad. And you can make people more moral. If Sandusky got the death penalty, and everyone that assisted him got life in prison you would detour the next guy. Example was in the old west days penalty for such actions was a hanging. So there would never be a second time. New laws are in place already, Right now instead of the easy way of fixing the problem government has decided to go with a procedure called chemical castration. Which is ridiculous? Cost tax payers a ton, the process is lengthy and there is no guarantee it works. I know cause a family friend is running a clinic in NorCal that is doing it. The old west way would be more effective in my opinion.....

Yall are full of shit...NOBODY ISNT NOT CONDEMNING THE CRIME.....
Would you like a more strongly worded statement (aka POTUS) that doesnt do anything?...(back to the golf course)

Certain murders allow the death penalty...But hasn't deterred the claims of unfair sentencing?...
Would a female raping a male bring the death penalty?...
How about ENFORCING those laws already in place?...Sure, I'm in...I'll do you one better on Sandusky, make him cut his OWN nuts off...

But 'enforcement and more laws are the only things you are serving up...
How about 'enlightening those who think a law on some books page is going going to deter a rapist and protect them when they do stupid shit'...or punish someone after the act?...
What about the FALSE rape claims?...
In my experience men are guilty until proven innocent 100% of the time...
Send someone to the gallows for that?

All everyone is saying...Is to teach your DDs who, what where, when and why they should or shouldn't be doing something...regardless is No means no, NO doesn't mean it wont happen...

Matter of fact making rape a death penalty?...Wouldn't that put a talking, living , breathing victim even more in danger?
They already proved they are criminals by DOING it...and hang a death sentence to the crime that's already occurred...maybe even with alcohol or /or drugs in the mix??......slippery slope...
AKA "Thread Killer"

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Edward "Blackbeard" Teach
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by Sunshine799 » Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:12 am

Sam wrote:
CheckWriter wrote:
I am more than willing to let the women's liberation efforts grind away on this for another 50 years and see if gets any better.

Why not advocate for change? Even if just on a softball discussion board. Maybe if more people did that, your granddaughters might benefit instead of your great great granddaughters.

I did a lot of deferred gratification to do research in nuclear medicine instrumentation and cancer applications and didn't like how indirect my contribution was so I went to Med School and am now a radiation oncologist and a significant portion of my practice is treating childhood cancer. I treat all the kids that come through our practice. The others refuse because it is "too hard to deal with". Somebody has to step up.

It is a lot less OK to drive drunk than it was 20 years ago. That is because people, MADD comes to mind, started getting pissed off about it. After all, it is the alcohol's fault that that the driver killed somebody, not the driver.

How about stopping blaming alcohol and sluts and whores and putting the responsibility where it belongs - the perpetrators. Why is it that no posters or sons of posters would ever do such a thing and treat women with the utmost respect at all times but it is the woman's fault when it does happen? It is pure, unadulterated BS. Message you are sending is clear. It is just feeding in to supporting the status quo.

Many posters give 10 time more crap to parents that think their DDs are good players - maybe even a little better than they really are - than to guys that sexually assault women.

At least frickin' condemn the situation, go on record, stop making excuses and accepting. Pathetic.

Off my soap box.

Just watch it if you haven't:

Thanks for bringing up The alcohol since nobody here has actually blamed alcohol for these issues. We have talked about the young women who abuse alcohol being held accountable in the legal system........just like drunk drivers are now.

The issue is the girls' behavior can be a contribute to causing some of the events. They can control their own destinies in most instances by avoiding behaviors that place them I situations where they may be assaulted.

That is the change you need to be supporting along with the boys changing their behaviors.

No does mean No. No alcohol, no slutty clothes, no casual oral sex, no frat parties, no attack.

I'm pretty convinced you are just trying to inflame things, and don't even take yourself seriously. You make a half decent point with the word contribute. Lots of things contribute to lots of things. What Check Writer is so plainly saying, is that, if people like you would stop clouding the issue - then there would be a ground swell of support, so deafening.... That many of the cases you refer to would not happen in the first place. A woman can drink what she wants, dress how she wants, party where she wants, and since you were so graphic....perform oral sex on who she wants and can expect that to be that. Sam, there are all kinds of sex acts....ALL KINDS....and just because a girl consents to one of them, does not give a young man the right to expect them all. I'll let your imagination paint the rest. Your argument is primitive. A lot of you guys scare me. I wonder what some of you would do in these situations. Either some are all defense lawyers, or some of you MIGHT have what it takes to take advantage of a woman.... You are gross!
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