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by PDad » Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:40 pm

Spazsdad wrote:But hey, use drugs, father children all over the country, maybe beat a spouse or girlfriend, no problem.
All these awards should be based solely on your game numbers. Nobody voting knows these players or their real character so those things should have no bearing on the voting

Are you referring to PED's and/or rec drugs (e.g. cocaine)?

Does it matter if HOF-worthy game numbers were achieved with PED's?

I'm just trying to clarify what you mean...
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by PDad » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:17 pm

Rose knew the penalty for betting on his team was a lifetime ban, so it was arrogant and stupid of him to do it. It would have only been a 1-year suspension if none of the games he bet on involved his team.

Rose definitely belongs in the HOF for what he did as a player. Unfortunately, they don't have a way of separating that from what he did as a manager. If he is reinstated after he dies, he will have to be voted in by the Veteran's Committee as his eligibility for the writer's ballot has expired. Rose is the only person banned since 1944 that hasn't been reinstated.

Up until 1991, people banned by MLB were not barred from being inducted into the HOF.

As of 2005, multiple violations of MLB's Drug Policy can result in a lifetime ban.

There is another catch-all category for misconduct that can be used for anything they feel is detrimental to the game and the punishment is left to the discretion of the Commissioner.
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by slider201 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:18 pm

Taught my DD to swing a bat using slo-mos of Pete Rose's swings. It worked out pretty well.
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by dirtlover » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:29 pm

Let's look at it the modern way. Pete had a disease he couldn't help himself. We should feel sorry and pray for him. We should help him. Blah blah blah.
Heck every law breaker will eventually get in and half of them are nowhere as good as Pete was. The best part is he did it all without dope! He played the game like a man and I am sure he partied and gambled like one too. He screwed up big. At least he didn't bet against his team. He bet on himself to win. If you can let a guy who took PED's in then there is no way Pete should be left out. Face it he screwed up like we all do. Kill someone and get out for good behavior in 7 years, bet on yourself to win banned for life. Put an asterisk by his name if it makes you feel better. Our world is frickin backwards. Put a homeless guy in his place that should make eveyone happy. This is just dumb...
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by jonriv » Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:06 pm

Pete rose broke the golden rule of baseball- no betting on baseball. This has been a sore spot with baseball since the black sox scandal. Pete knew the rules and it's consequences and still broke them

Betting on his own team to win does not make it ok. Did he leave a relief pitcher too long to wing a meaningless game? Did his action adversely effect players? His teams performance. Pete was a Great player, but his actions as a manager were not "private" indiscretions, but had a direct effect on the game and players. He had a chance to own up to it, but did not have the "guts" or brains to do the right thing.

I agree with the steroid players, but who exactly was clean and who was dirty, do we jut keep players out based on rumor or innuendo. (Piazza). Can there also be an argument that baseball owners encouraged ped use( or at least had willfull blindness). It can also be argued that the Mcguwire -Sosa hr race saved baseball. No real easy answers.

IMO. If rose apologized and admitted what he did, baseball would lift the band- America loves a second act
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by exD1dad » Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:19 pm

If Rose had a public relations "team" for spin control like anyone from Michael Jackson to our current political leadership he'd be in the HOF, have had a reality show & numerous endorsements like medical insurance or some drug companies pitchman not working 9 to 5 in a Vegas mall like his Documentary film on 9 for 9 :lol:
"It's not giving up if you discover you've been chasing the wrong destiny" -Morley LA street artist who posted this on Melrose Avenue in Jan '14
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by PDad » Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:21 pm

Kershaw's $215mil contract puts him in the Haul of Fame. :D
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