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Your Fastpitch Softball Bible

College Recruiting

The Coaches Interview

Questions and Discussions Regarding the College Recruiting process

by jonriv » Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:08 am

One of the most important parts of the recruiting process and probably one that most are ill-prepared for. Here are some of the things I have learned from more than a dozen interviews

1) Parents need to speak only when spoken to. This is your DDs interview, the coach wants to talk to her. In fact, talking to much on a parent's part can scare off a a coach

2) Be prepared. have your DD bring her DVD, Stats, newspaper clippings etc.... My DD had a handout she brought and also brought her scrapbook. Coaches ate them up

3) Know about the team- how they are doing etc.. Shows that there is areal interest

4) Be on time- make sure you have good directions

5) make sure you DD is not afraid to "toot her own horn" Need to be confident, but not cocky

6) Make sure your DD has questions prepared

7) The interview is 2-way- make sure she interviews the coach

Another bit of advice is to start with a school lower on her list- use as practice. This is a great life-lesson. A great chance to learn interview skills that can be utilized when she reaches the work force
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