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NESCAC outlaws booing

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by blackwidow » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:10 am

Spazsdad wrote:Against my better judgement I will respond.
I guess Israel should just sit back and let the Palestinians lob bombs on their people and turn the other cheek until they are wiped out. I love how the anti Israel people always act like they are the only ones to blame for the struggles in the region and the others that seek their annihilation should be free to express themselves as they choose.
If we treated this all like a real war instead of a babysitting mission it would have ended long ago. You defeat an enemy by defeating the populace. Look to WWII to see how to win. Now every liberal cries crocodile tears whenever a civilian dies. To much video game mentality thinking there is surgical precision in warfare.

You didn't actually answer MY questions now did you?

The only population being wiped out is the Palestinian population (which is by design)...You only need to look at a map to see the truth.

Israel has a long history of false flag terrorism and spying on the United States.

The King David Hotel Bombing
The Lavon Affair
The USS Liberty Attack
and whatever happened to this story? ... canda_tech

Google the Yinon Plan
Google the Wolfowitz Doctrine
Google The Clean Break Strategy

If we treated this all like a real war instead of a babysitting mission it would have ended long ago. You defeat an enemy by defeating the populace. Look to WWII to see how to win.

Yes, I know you believe in collective punishment but that doesn't answer my questions.

Why do you believe in collective punishment? AND Do you believe that collective punishment should only be reserved for the United States or are both sides in a conflict entitled to use collective punishment to "WIN"? and by the way when exactly did Iraq declare war on the United States?

I 'm assuming you mean drop an atomic bomb on large population centers when you say refer to the way to win a war?
Considering that the entire Iraq war was based on lies, would you have advocated that approach in Iraq?
Once those atomic bombs are dropped on those large populations of people, then what?

Now every liberal cries crocodile tears whenever a civilian dies.
What you call crocodile tears I call you have any?

How many other peoples children must die before you feel safe?
How many more Americans should die for Israel?

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Iraq for Sale....Congress Banned footage

You began your response with the words against my better judgement, everything the United States is doing in support of Israel is against our better judgement. ... 149591092X

Wake up.
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by blackwidow » Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:10 pm

I agree that this thread was derailed when ATWT posted the link and called people progressive morons..perhaps you could move that part and what follows to the Pub?

When you have neighbors in the ME that publicly state they seek the total destruction and elimination of Another sovereign statel then I have a hard time giving any of their arguments merit, validity, or support

What is your source for this bit of information? I find it odd that you have no problem supporting Israel's so-called right to defend itself against Palestinians dropping "bombs" on them...more like firecrackers but I digress.
What exactly are Iraq's rights when other countries drop bombs on their sovereign territory? Or is Israel the only country in the ME allowed to "defend itself"?

Speaking of false flags

Having said that the whole ME is a mess and personally I would have no problem if the US completely pulled out of the entire region including all aid and influence across the board. I have never supported us sending billions of dollars to nations that hate us.

Well we have found some common ground now haven't we?

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by Dugout Dad » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:37 am

Wow, the NESCAC really needs to outlaw booing
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by PDad » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:41 pm

Dugout Dad wrote:Wow, the NESCAC really needs to outlaw booing

Thanks for getting this back on topic.

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by jonriv » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:26 pm

Little known fact- Dwight Eisenhower played his last college football game against NESCAC school Tufts. This was a week after injuring his knee the previous week versus Carlisle and trying to tackle Jim Thorpe.
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by jonriv » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:28 pm

The story of Jumbo

Jumbo, Tufts University's official mascot, was a male African elephant owned by P.T. Barnum, a Tufts trustee and benefactor. Jumbo was the largest elephant known at the time, standing approximately 12 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing more than six tons.

Though Jumbo never visited the Tufts campus during his lifetime, Barnum donated Jumbo's stuffed hide to Tufts College in 1889, when the pachyderm became the Tufts mascot.

Workers restore the stuffed Jumbo in Barnum Hall in 1942. PHOTO COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES
Jumbo was still a baby when he was captured by traders in Abyssinia in 1861. He was sold to a wild animal collector, Johann Schmidt, who subsequently sold the elephant to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. Jumbo remained in Paris for three years with another elephant, named Alice.

In 1865, Matthew Scott, who was to serve as Jumbo's keeper for the rest of the elephant's life, came to see the two young elephants that were ill. Scott believed that they could be cured and arranged to acquire them for the London Zoological Gardens in exchange for a rhinoceros. Under Scott's care, they were returned to health, and Jumbo, especially, became a favorite of visitors to the London Zoo.

In 1882, Barnum purchased Jumbo for $10,000 from the Royal Zoological Society in London. After a great protest from many in England, including Queen Victoria, Barnum brought Jumbo to America. The elephant toured with the Barnum & Bailey Circus for the next several years, traveling on a specially constructed rail car that was large enough to hold him.

In 1885, Jumbo was killed by an oncoming train in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. Their keeper was leading jumbo and Tom Thumb, a dwarf elephant, across the train yard when a train came down a little-used track and struck the mighty pachyderm. According to legend (spread by Barnum), Jumbo pushed Tom Thumb out of the path of the oncoming train, saving his life, and reached out his trunk to his keeper, Matthew Scott, before dying. However, eyewitness Edgar H. Flach reported that Jumbo fled the train when his keeper realized the danger and directed him to run. In his fear, Jumbo missed the opening in the fence that would have enabled him to leave the track unharmed. While Jumbo's heroism in saving Tom Thumb does not appear to be true, Flack confirms that Jumbo did clasp his beloved trainer in his trunk before dying.

Barnum had Jumbo's skeleton and hide saved and mounted separately. Stuffed Jumbo continued to tour with the circus until 1889, when he was given to Tufts to be displayed in the Barnum Museum of Natural History, a building named for its benefactor, P.T. Barnum. Barnum hoped that the stuffed elephant would provide useful publicity for Tufts College. Jumbo's bones were mounted and given to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, where they were on display for many years.

In addition to giving his name to Tufts' athletic teams, Jumbo was believed to be a source of good luck. Before big exams or games, students would tug on his tail or put pennies in his trunk to ensure a good outcome. All of the tail tugging took its toll, however, and his tail was replaced in 1942, when stuffed Jumbo underwent repairs. The original tail was packed up with other historical materials and is held in the Tisch Library's Digital Collections and Archives.

Jumbo was housed in the Barnum Museum until 1975, when much of the building and its contents, including Jumbo, were destroyed by fire. The next day, a member of the Department of Athletics salvaged ashes from the site where Jumbo had stood and placed them in a peanut butter jar, which continues to serve as a good luck charm for Tufts athletics teams.

Editor's Note: As the university celebrates its sesquicentennial in 2001-2002, the Journal will take a look back at some of the history and traditions of Tufts. Thanks to Anne Sauer in University Archives for providing these glimpses into Tufts' past.
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by as the world turns » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:39 pm

Whoever let BW out, please put her back in.
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by jonriv » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:21 pm

Ignore her and she'll go away!
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by PDad » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:58 pm

More info on Tufts...

- Racism: Around Christmastime in 2006, the Tufts University student paper, Primary Source, published a racist, anti-affirmative action parody that infuriated students at the school and individuals and minority groups across the country. The parody was based on “A Christmas Carol” and featured lines like “O Come All Ye Black Folk/Boisterous yet Desirable/O come ye, O come ye to our University/Come and we will admit you” and “O Sing, gospel choirs/We will accept your children/No matter what your grades are, F’s, D’s, or G’s/Give them all privileged status/We will welcome all.” Tufts held a hearing after students brought charges against the paper.

- Refused to comply with Title IX in 2014: A release from the OCR shows that Tufts refused to investigate claims of assault unless they were put in writing, or take interim measures to ensure students’ safety after they’d reported an assault. For a couple of academic years the school didn't even have a Title IX coordinator, which is required by law.
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by Safebyahare » Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:47 pm

jonriv wrote:Ignore her and she'll go away!

I don't want her to go away,,,she brings something funky and different to the table.
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