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PGF goes on record

Questions and discussions involving PGF

by Skarp » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:17 am

MavFan is not their positions as owners that I am questioning. It is the fact that they are trying to buddy up to, and team up with, the smaller organizations, as if they, Hay and Haning, have always been part of that group. That, to me, is like a long time CEO leaving Nike to start up a new company and then teaming up with Pony and Puma and claiming Nike has all the power and is abusing power. The same power that the executive created as an employee of Nike.

If the gentleman want to fight this stupid rule change, then by all means fight it. Just don't insult people's intelligence by claiming that ASA has always ignored the other organizations now that you are no longer associated with ASA, becasue when you were part of ASA you didn't care that the other organizations were ignored.

What Spaz said, for starters.

Additionally, the so-called "smaller organizations" are not and have never been "a group" one might be "a part of," except insofar as group here means "a collection of softball organizations in loose competition with each other over ASA's scraps, none of which has ever had the sack or operational quality to challenge ASA's hegemony." PGF does not appear particularly anxious to join that group.

In any event, the point of PGF's language regarding the other organizations is not to suck up to those organizations, or even to suggest that PGF particularly cares about them or wishes them any success. Rather, the language has legal significance (i.e., "it's not just PGF that is negatively impacted by ASA's anti-competitive conduct; it's all of the other organizations and all of the players..."). This is a powerful argument, as it demonstrates that the impact on PGF is not merely happenstantial (e.g., resulting from peculiarities in the two companies' respective business models), but rather results from systematic unfair conduct affecting the entire market.*** PGF doesn't have to care one iota about any of the other market participants to raise that point in support of its legal position. In fact, antitrust and unfair competition suits are unusual in that they often find plaintiffs forcefully championing the rights of competitors they are usually trying to destroy. There is nothing hypocritical about any of this.

[*** Unfair competition laws are actually unconcerned with the "rights" of any particular business competitors. They are almost solely concerned with the rights of consumers (that is, with maximizing choice and competition in the marketplace for the consumers' benefit).]
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by freetacos » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:56 am

AI without cronyism there would be no fastpitch softball!! :lol: :lol:

You will be expecting world peace next.

On one side issue I will state that because of thier involvement with rec associations ASA, Little League and USSA do more to grow the sport than PGF ever will. One silly tournament once a year does nothing to promote the sport. The njt is a minute fraction of all the girls playing the sport. The future njt is now playing t-ball at an ASA, Little League or USSA ball field near you. I would love to hear new ideas to grow the sport rather than pgf pathetic attempts to grab money from organizations that actually reach out to young kids to play this great game.

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by Skarp » Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:04 pm

freetacos wrote:pgf pathetic attempts to grab money from organizations that actually reach out to young kids to play this great game.


What in the hell are you talking about?
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by crashsdaddy » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:58 pm

You can't really call ASA a monopoly when more (and better) college coaches show up at PGF's nationals than ASA's nationals.

Also, this is an easy problem to solve anyway. Keep the current ASA rules in place but, allow PGF to chose 1/3 of the team based on who they think are the best players. It's good enough for nationals, why not the NJT?

Of course, PGF will also expect all games to be played in Mecca, I mean HB. Anything else would be a deal breaker.

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by jonriv » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:39 pm

Not sure if ASA meets the standard of "Monopoly" They probably run at the most 50% of the girls fast-pitch tournaments in the country(with USSSA, TCS, PONY, PGF, Little League, babe Ruth etc.....) What they do control is the JNT and that has an impact on 30-100 players at most. AS mentioned before, I think their selection process sucks(not that it was too inclusive before)

PGF is a niche organization, but an organization whose niche is some of the top Junior players in the country. They represent a small percentage of players, but obviously an important part of small players

PGF is pissed because they were once part of the club, left the club, and now they were blindsided with ASA now shunning them(really their players)

ASA is probably figuring- we pay and organize, why we can't we decide who plays

They need to solve this- ASA needs to broaden their search criteria to include more than just their own events. They need a way to look at players outside ASA(and even beyond NFP) It's just the right thing to do

I will add that PGF should drop the righteous indignation, those in organizations outside of PGF should be a little insulted with the PGF powers that be now concerned about USSSA, NSA etc.....
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by ontheblack » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:43 pm

How were the players on the most current JNT chosen?
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by jonriv » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:44 pm

ontheblack wrote:How were the players on the most current JNT chosen?

How many were not ASA affiliated?
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by ontheblack » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:47 pm

jonriv wrote:
ontheblack wrote:How were the players on the most current JNT chosen?

How many were not ASA affiliated?

JMO answered that on a previous thread.
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by jonriv » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:51 pm

ontheblack wrote:
jonriv wrote:
ontheblack wrote:How were the players on the most current JNT chosen?

How many were not ASA affiliated?

JMO answered that on a previous thread.

I thought he answered those that would not be affiliated now
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by ontheblack » Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:00 pm

jonriv wrote:
ontheblack wrote:
jonriv wrote:
ontheblack wrote:How were the players on the most current JNT chosen?

How many were not ASA affiliated?

JMO answered that on a previous thread.

I thought he answered those that would not be affiliated now
JMO said 16 of 19 would not have made the team under the new rule, which means that they didnt participate in ASA Championship play then. So how were they selected to be on the team without being seen during ASA Championship play?
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