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Congratulation class of 2014 dads

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by Safebyahare » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:03 pm

Congratulations to the dads, time is getting near, Nationals are over and teams are getting ready to fill in where your dd played. You've helped her this far, you had your chance to prepare her or you for this moment.
It is and should have always been the goal. For her to leave and go to college.
This is a slightly busy time, making sure every thing is in order, mix feeling, half of you already misses her, the other can't wait for that attitude to go. Don't worry too much they are like well built boomerangs, back at break, back at summer.
They may not call you for the first month, but they come around, after they realize they have no clean clothes or the dorm stinks. Maybe missing just being home for dinner, or the horrible advise or nagging that some parents do.
I shared this vidio clip with my dd and I have shared it here last year. Enjoy your time,,,,,,it is here.
PS When they come home next summer, I highly recommend summer women's open league if she can't or doesn't get a job.
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