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by blackwidow » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:07 pm

The US has dropped 13 places to #46 on the Press Freedom Index. We're now just one spot above Haiti and a spot below Papua New Guinea. Sing with me - "Land of the 46th most freeeeee, and home of the brave!"
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by jonriv » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:30 pm

I am shocked- a French run organization puts down the US & Britain :roll:
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by blackwidow » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:38 pm

Jonriv..The methodology is published. If you have a dispute with the methodology, try using something other than logical fallacy to prove your point.

But we are still number 1 in some categories!

USA Prison.gif
USA Prison.gif (25.91 KiB) Viewed 6772 times ... wanted=all

We're number 1, We're number 1

Six million people are under correctional supervision in the U.S.—more than were in Stalin’s gulags. ... ntPage=all

America Has More Prisoners Than ... -engineers

Who Benefits?
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by jonriv » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:45 pm

The fallacy in the methodology was a survey to mostly foreign journalists- GIGO
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by jonriv » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:54 pm

Also- in response to the higher incarceration rate- we also have the highest crime rate(hmmmmm, shocking)

Totalitarian countries tend to have lower crime rates because the punishments tend to be harsher

Homogeneous societies also tend to have less crime as well

Less developed countries show up low on the list because most crimes go unreported

Would your answer be that criminals should not be jailed?
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by blackwidow » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:13 pm

Another logical fallacy from jonriv...sweeping generalizations like 'my answer is that criminals should not be jailed' really does nothing to contribute. I know by now that you love, love, love big brother but really, no need to reply immediately. The world is not black and white. Give it some thought, do a little reading on the subject. Then post. Or not...but I won't be answering your ridiculous questions like whether criminals should be jailed.

Do we really have more crime or simply more laws that make otherwise harmless action illegal?

How can the average American commit three arguable felonies in the course of a given day? Consider these hypothetical examples—along with their real-life parallels—in which vague and broad federal laws have made honest citizens into federal felons. ... fault.aspx

Do we really have more crime or a corrupt system that makes money from incarcerating citizens?

Pennsylvania Judge Convicted in Alleged 'Kids for Cash' Scheme ... ePage=true

Authority Man.jpg
Authority Man.jpg (64.64 KiB) Viewed 6746 times

“There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
― Ayn Rand
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by jonriv » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:31 pm

BW- I feel sorry for you.. You must spend your day huntinting theinternet for links that support your paranoid , frightened existence. If any one questions your obviously superior "logic" you pummel them with even more inane clips. Why debate when you can just copy and paste. You remind me of those people on Extreme Cheapskates- living in darkness and carrying lightbulbs from room to room- waiting for the Stormtroopers of the Police State to knock down your door and take you away for your internet rantings
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by jonriv » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:40 pm

As far as prison per profit

General Statistics:

1.6 million: Total number of state and federal prisoners in the United States as of December 2010, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics [4]

128,195: Number of state and federal prisoners housed in private facilities as of December 2010

That's 8% of the prison population

Private prisons are a result of lowering government payrolls and outsourcing- something I thought you were for?
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by exD1dad » Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:20 pm

I remember growing up in Detroit when we found out it was a crime to spit on the sidewalk & we'd promptly show what men we were by doing just that. Perfect example of of legislation that is not enforced. Same with our immigration laws.

I could go on & on about what I believe are harmless "crimes" & how Blacks were persecuted by mandatory drug sentencing (crack vs powder cocaine & a huge segment of the prison population) when the biggest criminals run Free... all the banksters who are crooks, the top of the corporate food chain & all of the Federal reserve & IMHO our President belong behind bars than some kid with a bag of weed. Congress? I wish we could fire them all or at least make them take drug tests (welfare recipients too) & force them to use Obamacare.

The sad truth is the judge will tell you you gotta have either money or do time.

Sorry Jonriv, BW does not need to really spend much time to get truthful stats it's all right here: independent media for independent minds!
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by PDad » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:45 pm

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