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They're all IDIOTS

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by ice_67 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:38 pm

Yeah, and what about the Teacher’s union spending over $1M to defeat Prop 8(gay marriage ban). I go to back to school night and every teacher is crying & whining that they don’t have any money for school supplies, but they can spend $1,000,000 on a Prop that doesn’t even belong in school. What ever happened to reading, writing, arithmetic and a little history to go with it? No wonder California spends more money on education and ranks lower than most other states.

They’re all IDIOTS.

Greenspan says that maybe he made a little mistake about the whole housing/lending crisis. The SEC, HUD and how many congressional oversight committees asleep at the wheel. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, lets go make loans to people that put zero money down, no proof of income, can barely make the mortgage payment at a low variable rate, with loans that will have payments sky rocketing in a few years. And you can get a loan for more money than the house is worth, it’s called a 125% loan.

They’re all IDIOTS.

Here’s my favorite, we have external audit firms that we pay millions and millions to certify our books. They are supposed to audit and certify that companies are stating their books correctly. Weren’t they watching AIG, WAMU, Chase, etc.? And because these audit firms are incompetent, Congress enacts Sarbanes Oxley(SOX). Yes I now get to answer to another set of incompetent auditors thus duplicating what I sent to our external auditors.

They’re all IDIOTS.

And now I hear the OPEC countries are hurting because they didn’t budget for a drop in oil prices. I feel so sorry for them. Wait, I didn’t plan on my fuel bill doubling over the last year. But did they cut us a break, NOOOO. They can take their oil and put it where the sun don’t shine.

They’re all IDIOTS.

Looking back at the first gulf war. Remember when Saddam invaded Kuwait. Possibly going for Saudi Arabia next. We help our friends and kick him out. We have a chance to completely destroy his armies and the bad guys, but NO, the media starts showing the famous road of destruction where we where demolishing Saddam’s armies. And because of this our leaders decide to stop. We should have finished the job, because now we have to go back and it’s a little harder finding the bad guys because they took off their uniforms and blend in with the average citizen They also got a little smarter. They hide their munitions and use them as road side bombs.

They’re all IDIOTS.

And what about this election. It’s the funniest thing ever. Everyone is asking is Palin qualified to be President, you never know what might happen. But is Biden qualified. Heck is McCain qualified, is Obama qualified. The answer is none of them are qualified because they’re all IDIOTS.

Whew, I’m glad I got that off my chest
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