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Your Fastpitch Softball Bible


Looking for 16 A Pitcher

by KT93 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:00 am

Knoxville Thunder 93, a second year 16u A team looking for dominant pitcher to add to our roster. Player must have aspirations to play collegiate ball and have the grades, desire and leadership abilities to do so. Must be a team player with a great attitude.

Our team has qualified and played in the last 2 ASA A Nationals and the goal is to do so again this season while attending some of the top College Exposure Tournaments throughout the Southeast. The coaches are devoted to improving players and marketing them to colleges with the end goal of helping each player get signed to play college ball while they earn the education needed to thrive after there softball career.

All inquires will be kept confidential.

For more information or to schedule a tryout contact us at
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Location: KnoxVagas, TN

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