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by PDad » Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:20 am

I'm curious why you only post in the IN forum. Some of your topics (e.g. this one) are of general interest and would be appropriate in the Fastpitch Discussions forum.
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by Tyler Durden » Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:22 am

C77fastpitch wrote:Besides being way too expensive, the new bat are very dangerous. These bats and harder balls, are a lethal combination, and are putting childrens lives in danger. Little girls learning to pitch, catch, and play the corners, are in the direct line of fire. Softball organizations, coaches and parents, I hope will heed my warning and do something soon. I have seen way too many close calls already this year, I believe it's only a matter of time until some child is seriously injured. There is no need for any of this, softball organization are much to friendly with the manufactors and simply ignore the situation. The masks help, but the neck and head are exposed. During the Stanford vs Oregon game a fan was hurt by a line drive. Small children even babies set along the edge of the field with little or no protection. These hard balls and powerful bats, even in the hands of young girls, act as catapult of danger.

C77, the scourge of Indiana softball (and Slapperdad). "Catapult of Danger'? That's awesome. Now go get me a samwich.
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by slapperdad » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:57 am

This is my daughter's hand from last week, should we jump on the ban metal cleats bandwagon?
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by artomatic » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:54 am

My kid got this trophy last year, and kept a run from scoring...
I'm thinking of starting a campaign to make thigh pads a required piece of equipment for softball players.
Save the children!
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by slapperdad » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:50 am

Nice Art, I bet she was wearing shorts for the next few weeks.
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by Safebyahare » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:36 pm

C7 my post or response has been deleted in error. However by your response you must have read it.
Regarding bats, they changed the rules for bat manufacturers in 2009 when bats were becoming too hot.
As for juicing bats that is wrong and most everyone would agree, that there should be more testing in the field before tournaments or events.
Regarding juiced balls,,,I have never heard of that and believe that they to must follow strict codes of compression and reflex.
Is it your thought that there should be even more restrictions on bats and balls from the manufacture, or more testing at events to prevent dumb asses that cheaters??
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by fastpitchdad05 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:44 pm

C77fastpitch wrote:First of all I have no dd, and secondly I played high school, travel, and college softball. The question of juiced up balls and bats is a national issue. Coaches, doctors and others have questioned the safety of children playing this game under those conditions. But not on this forum, Good Lord, let them play, if they get killed that's their bad luck! I can't believe what I'm reading, if you disagree with how unsafe it is, please look at the latest data on injuries. However, it seems that a lot of posters just don't care. Well I guess some of your are correct, it's not as unsafe as jumping the Snake River on a motorcycle. I think I understand, a lot of you posters must have gotten injured boxing professionally, or maybe it was when you were in the NFL, I've got it, it was probably when you were in the Navy Seals behind the enemy lines. What's a little brain injury, or broken neck to you guys, it's another step on the road to greatness.

C77 is there a particular reason why you are championing this? Did you or someone you know or played with get hurt?

I ask because as a player at all levels I would think that you would maybe not be as concerned unless you had a personal experience that affected you negatively and profoundly.
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by Nicelag » Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:52 am

I don't think changing the bat is the answer. First it would be very costly, and no matter what you do you will find someone who will find a way to cheat and modify it. The only logical answer, in my opinion, is to tone down the ball. Tough to modify those.

Unfortunately it appears that it is going to take someone getting seriously hurt for changes to take place. Wait until someone gets hurt and they find that the bat in question had been illegally modified. Those parents will be in so deep they won't be able to see straight. It's not worth it people. Just play it straight up!
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by slapperdad » Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:43 am

C77 I think you're missing the point. As has been stated, we (softball) went thru our bat reformation period in 09. I don't know that the balls have changed in the time I've been involved, at least at the sub-college level, .47 COR/375 Max Comp.

There are inherent risks with anything in life. Think about this, you know nothing about the game of Softball and I walk up to you and tell you, I want you to throw this ball as hard as you can at me, and I'm going to take this stick and try to hit it as hard as I possibly can right back at you. Does that sound like anything any intelligent human would even contemplate doing? Yet that's exactly how the game is played.

I don't feel like balls or bats are juiced, if they're legal at this point. In fact I think we have a pretty healthy game and I don't see the need in messing with it. I think we as coaches need to stay on top of fundamentals and teaching kids how to protect themselves. Even at that, injuries are going to occur. It's just the nature of sport and I don't see any getting around it.

No one has said anything about being a tough guy in this thread, no one has talked about their glory days, and what they endured, you're the one who brought all of that crap up. One of the key points I try to instill in my kids is toughness, mental and physical. Because I feel like toughness is a life skill that will serve them well, long after their playing days are over.

The pictures that Art and myself posted, serve as a reminder to that toughness. Both kids I'm sure wore those like a badge of honor. My daughter has posted pics all over social media. While the doctor was sewing her up, the first two things she asked were, "when can I play?" and "will I have a scar?" FYI, the doctor told her absolutely NO Softball until the stitches were out. Four days later, she talks the trainer into taping it up so she can take some hacks in the cage, goes in early before a game and gets some hacks in. Coach gets there and she pleads her case, coach I can hit, let me DP. I didn't tell her to do that, her teammates didn't tell her to do that, her coach didn't tell her to do that, that's all her. Speaking back to my toughness point, do you think a kid like that is ever going to be intimidated by an ogre boss? Do you think a kid like that is ever going to take a man abusing her? Do you think a kid like that will go the extra mile to get a job done on time?

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one C77. The game of Softball is in a good place, I don't see the need in monkeying around with the rules at this point.
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by Kidcanhit02 » Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:44 am

Well said, Slapperdad. Anyone who has coached, played or been a parent to a softball players has seen their child get injured. Most of us parents/coaches were also proud when our players got up, dusted themselves off and continue playing through the injury. Similar to Slapperdad's statement, we are raising future leaders here. Women who will not only survive but THRIVE in a male dominated business world. The woman we are raising will not be bullied or intimidated by anyone.

Softball is a sport and has inherent risks like all sports. We can talk about balls and bats but we have personal protective equipment (PPE) in place to prevent serious injuries from that equipment. The PPE being, facemasks, heart shields, etc). In my opinion the balance between safety/game competitiveness is pretty good. I am always open to suggestions to keep the same competitive nature of the game while reducing injuries from hit balls but am not sure what the best actions would be. 230-250 foot bombs are a lot of fun to watch. Just sayin.

The most injuries I see are from sliding into a bases. Usually ankle twists, hand/wrist injuries and of course delightful strawberries filled with clay and/or brick dust. Also this is where a lot of defensive players get injured (spiked hands, bruises, hyperextensions, etc). If I was going to start on a safety crusade I think I would consider starting there. NO, I am not advocating for the removal of metal spikes or preventing sliding players from taking out girls making throws on double plays or sliding through girls standing on the base wihtout a ball in their glove. Instead I would like to see a little more control over field materials and general field condition requirements. Do I have a specification in mind, heck no. I just know that we have been forced on to some real dog patches that are harder on the girl's bodies than any ball or bat could be. If there was some form of a standard I believe it could go a long way.
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