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Four Pillars of strength

by johndoran » Wed May 27, 2015 10:23 am

by, Gabriella Doran
Surfers are brave and strong people. I have always wanted to surf. My dad always told me stories about when he was younger and how he went surfing all the time seeing dolphins and experiencing amazing things. The story Chasing Mavericks was very inspirational to me. In the movie frosty gives Jay some lessons not only for surfing but for everyday life. This was called the four pillars of strength. These four pillars can be used in any one’s life. Like different little tricks, healthy eating and most importantly, facing your fears and thinking big and brave. The first pillar is physical. In chasing mavericks Jay uses the first pillar by paddling with frosty from Santa Cruz to Monterey bay that is about 30 miles of only arm work. It would be really hard. It’s about taking care of your health and body. Using this pillar in everyday is like walking 3-4 times each week for about 30-40 minutes. Have a good diet. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies. And don’t go to bed late you need the sleep! The second pillar is Mental. In the movie Jay watched and drew the oceans currents, tides, and wave patterns. Using techniques can be a difference between life and death. Using the second pillar in everyday life is when you’re in the car do times tables or think of words that start with every letter in the alphabet and work your way up. The third pillar is Emotional. In chasing mavericks Jay must learn to stay calm when seeing a shark. This can be a life or death situation. Panic=Drown when underwater. Using this pillar in everyday life is, instead of building up emotions let them out slowly, don’t just wait and burst! You have to know your weakness and strengths, and when to ask for help. This will really help you. The last pillar of strength is spiritual. Without this pillar you cannot accomplish the others. In the movie Jay will do anything to Surf mavericks one of the biggest waves in the world. He pushes his limits and Surfs Mavericks. It was a long Journey and a lot of work but he did it! Jay will never give up. To use this pillar in everyday life is by not limiting your life. If you have passion to do something, NEVER GIVE UP!!! Those are the Four Pillars Of strength. — with Jay.
Our daughter wrote this, when she was 14 years old.
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