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Thumbs up or down

by sball14 » Tue May 26, 2009 10:09 am

Here's my take on states.

Power Surge - Big thumbs up- Head and shoulders above the rest. The sad thing is, anything less than 1st at Nationals could be consider a big disappointment.

Jynx- thumbs up- They qualified and that's what's important. Still a big question mark as to what team will show up. Good news is, saw a new pitcher, looks like they may have found a #2 to help out their ace.

Cal Rebels- thumbs up- They qualified, but two wins against B+ teams and two losses to B teams tells me that they play to the level of their competition which is always dangerous.

Firecrackers- Big thumbs down- not the same team it used to be. Good luck in Oklahoma, represent So Cal.

OC BB Marquez- Big thumbs up- Showed a lot of heart this weekend. Will need to stay in the winners bracket at nationals to compete, pitching depth is their only weakness.

CA Knighten- Thumbs up- Battling to a third place finish was great for them. Prediction: Will finish lower at Nationals this year than last year. Sorry Kenny.

Bomb Squad- Thumbs up- As their ace goes, so goes the team.

OC Wildcats- Thumbs up- scrappy team with no quit in them. No one will be happy to face them at Nationals.

CA Thunder- Thumbs down- Did not qualify. Two 1-0 losses to Bomb Squad and Irvine Sting. Will need to find a way to manufacture runs or some timely hitting to make some noise at Nationals (if they qualify)

Team Smith 96-Big thumbs down- I know they had a draw from hell, but the way they lost was not good.

Irvine Sting- Big Thumbs up- This team should be as proud as any. Another scrappy team that could drive some of the big teams right out of Nationals.

Revenge-Thumbs up- They qualified and looked good this weekend. A good draw at Nationals could get them far.
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