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Reverse an Infield Fly

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by MTR » Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:50 pm

BearFlagFan wrote:
tcannizzo wrote:...In order to "intentionally drop" the ball must first be caught. As stated this was not the case.

That is one umpire's judgment, but that description isn't in the rules nor is it in any case I've found. I would also rule the following as intentionally dropping the ball:

Actually, Toney is correct, RS#30 says exactly that.

- Teammate yells 'don't catch the ball' and SS clearly changes from attempting a catch to watching it fall
- SS squares up for the ball, raises glove to catch the ball, sees runners and decides to drop her glove to her side, letting ball fall.
- SS clearly sets up to throw the ball off the bounce instead of setting up to catch an easily caught ball.
I could go on. The point is, in my and many other umpires judgment, a ball doesn't have to be caught to be intentionally dropped. But like a check swing appeal it is ultimately the base umpire's job to make that call, with others only chiming in if asked by the base umpire.

None of what you described is an IDB, at least, not in softball. For that matter, the fielder is permitted to guide the ball to the ground, or even trap it and it is not considered and IDB.
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