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Illegal Pitch

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by FastpitchUSA » Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:56 am

Do you signal and call it then let the pitcher make her delivery or kill it when you see it?

Example: ASA - While on the pitchers plate, the hands come together then they are separated then come together again and wind-up/delivery is made.

I ask because I have had multiple UIC's instruct both ways. :roll:
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by Anti-Clone » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:26 pm

The answer is "it depends." There are certain times when no pitch is necessary. For example, applying a foreign substance to the ball results in an immediate declaration of "illegal pitch" and no pitch need be thrown. That's also because it is an action that really has nothing to do with the actual pitching of the ball. Rather, it's an impermissible act that is penalized by enforcing an illegal pitch. Additionally, we need to change the ball out so we need to kill it without a pitch being thrown.

Most other times, including improperly coming together too many times or stepping on with the hands already together, you should let the play continue. This gives the offended team (offense) the benefit to take the result of the play or the enforcement of the penalty.
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