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Just like in youth softball

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by CheckWriter » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:45 am

And no, the "windmill" is not easier on the shoulder/arm/elbow.
I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words.
--- Hesiod, Eighth Century B.C.
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by DonnieS » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:57 pm

Great article. Whats amazing to me, is that we (our family) did so many things right when we were starting out, by accident. Absolutely had nothing to do with researching anything, but my girls loved every sport there was, and so switched to each sport by season, from softball, to basketball, to volleyball , to swimming, to football (flag ) . So while they, specially DD2, played a lot of softball, 130-140 games a year early on, these were timed games , not 7 inning games, and because she demanded to play football, etc. I couldnt really put her on a regular travel team because she wouldnt commit to following their schedule. Her swim meets , and summer swim schedule , football season, etc. were that important to her. We just enjoyed seeing them be so involved. These articles and others talk about playing different sports - because the kids are working different parts of their body - and so not over doing any one part of their bodies. People have commented on my posts things like - 'maybe your kids are just much stronger than regular kids' - I dont think that was it at all. I think we just did the right things - by accident.
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