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Fastpitch Discussions

Just a quick THANKS to you board members

What's on your mind?

by jimmya22 » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:01 pm

Hi All,

Just wanted to give all of you a quick thanks for the great input and information I read on this website. Like many of you, I grew up with baseball/softball, and I've been coaching baseball/softball for 10 years now. I'm now going to put together my first softball friendlies/tournament team. I am not diving in straight to travel, we are going to have a developmental team (mainly friendlies, a few tournaments in the spring/summer). I know everyone has their own opinion, but I believe that focusing on fundamentals, drills, and hard work are more important than winning, especially at younger ages. If the young ladies work hard, and improve week over week, that stuff takes care of itself as they get older.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for the great drills, comments, suggestions that I have read on here over the past several months. It's you that make it a bit easier for us as we start the journey in this great sport!

Best of luck to all of you!

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