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Pitching machine

What's on your mind?

by Hey17 » Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:26 am

I am going to buy a new pitching machine. I would like some feedback. We only use it for a high school team. We have been using Jugs forever, but the last one we bought has been a pain. It vibrates a lot, I have had to constantly move it to throw a strike. It basically can not throw consistently. What other machines are out there? Thank you.
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by GIMNEPIWO » Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:59 am

I have used the Atec M2 as well as the Jugs and similar wheel machines ... The M2 is a 2 wheel machine that pivots and throws sliders and curves. It does OK, but before you toss in the towel on your Jugs machine: 1.) Is the tire properly inflated? This will cause vibration. 2.) The shaft on the base that the threaded L rod screws onto is notched like a key way, are you sure when you are tightening the threaded L rod that it is seating into the key way? Not doing this will cause the machine to be inaccurate . 3.) Do the legs have the rubber stoppers on them? If not the machine can scoot around on the surface causing it to be inaccurate. 4.) Is the feed chute worn? A broken or worn feed chute can cause the ball to be laid onto the wheel at such an angle that it could make the machine inaccurate.

My guess is that your tire is not properly inflated and then maybe a combination of the other items. Hope that helps.
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