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The Next Level Update/Coach accused of Sex Crime

What's on your mind?

by Skarp » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:22 pm

idiotpatrol wrote:Skarp,

There is a difference between voicing an opinion and commenting on something about which you are not privy to all the facts! And then making up facts to support your opinion! That's where the idiot comes in and I am beginning to wonder if you lets do a little test. You commented on how TNL "handled" the situation, well answer this, how did they handle the situation?? Because unless you were present at the 8 hours of meetings I guess you wouldn't have a clue now would you?? Question #2, since you seem to be full of wisdom I am sure you want to share, how would YOU have handled the situation?? Please include a detailed description because I truly can't wait! And as for "public perception" you must be kidding me right?? Public perception is tainted daily by the media and people like "Jerk" who love nothing better than to sit around and criticize people and situations they have little or no knowledge about. Please!

There is also a difference between forcefully pointing out the deficiencies in another's position (legitimate) and making comments like:
idiotpatrol wrote:Hey SB Jerk, if ever the Idiot Patrol needed to be activated for someone, you are definitely the one! You seriously must be one of the most naive, idiotic people I have ever read a post from. And you are definitely NOT from this country, if you are you need to be removed immediately!

For the record, I made no comment whatsoever on how TNL handled the situation. Couldn't care less, actually (and I'd rather slit my wrists than spend 8 hours in that board meeting if you were a representative participant). Since you ask though, I'll tell you one thing I would do differently; I'd make sure that the people managing/defending TNL's public image in forums like this were a little less shrill, a little less heavy-handed, a little more measured in tone. Otherwise folks might think the whole organization is out of control. Who knows...they might even start posting opinions about it (the horror!).

What I actually did say in my post was that TNL's situation and its response are perfectly valid topics for posters here to comment on. I'll consider the source if that means I "qualify" as an idiot to you--and then I'll stop considering you at all.
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by idiotpatrol » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:47 pm

For the record Skarp, I am not a Board Member but know them well and if you have read the other 3 posts on this subject and had the inside information that I have then you would not question why my 1) confusion then 2) amazement then 3) irritation has now turned into flat out pissed off. I don't expect you to understand because you are not a part of the inner circle here with knowledge of what has been done and how its been handled, and you are also not a parent of a girl in the organization who has been ridiculed and criticized for remaining loyal to her team, nor are you a parent, coach, or board member of this organization who has invested countless hours doing the best they can to make it something they could all be proud of, and then watched people try to destroy it all over an accusation that hasn't even been proved yet. Like I said, I don't expect you to understand but I sure hope others will think twice before joining the lynch mob! A lot of our girls read these posts and some of the things said, especially by SB Jerk, were uncalled for and just flat out false! Sorry if I have offended you, that was not my intent, but as far as I am concerned this was a personal attack on our entire organization, not just one man, and someone needed to respond.
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by watcher » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:29 pm

Demonboy wrote:
watcher wrote:Does this sound like "Eddie Lee Sox" all over again ?? The newbies won't know who this is, But the ol'e doggs will.

Use wood. It's FUNdamental.

LOL, There is plenty of that where Ole Eddie resides.
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by Skarp » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:32 pm


People will always gossip and speculate and comment when it comes to situations like this. It's just a fact of life, like people slowing down to check out an accident is a fact of life. It's annoying when it affects you, but the only way to react is with a measure of equanimity. If you respond to misinformation with correct information, hyperbole with reasonableness, etc., then your position only looks that much stronger by way of comparison. If you have to resort to name-calling, well...
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by melsdad » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:43 pm

[quote="idiotpatrol"]For the record Skarp, I am not a Board Member but know them well and if you have read the other 3 posts on this subject and had the inside information that I have then you would not question why my 1) confusion then 2) amazement then 3) irritation has now turned into flat out pissed off. I don't expect you to understand because you are not a part of the inner circle here with knowledge of what has been done and how its been handled, and you are also not a parent of a girl in the organization who has been ridiculed and criticized for remaining loyal to her team, nor are you a parent, coach, or board member of this organization who has invested countless hours doing the best they can to make it something they could all be proud of, and then watched people try to destroy it all over an accusation that hasn't even been proved yet. Like I said, I don't expect you to understand but I sure hope others will think twice before joining the lynch mob! A lot of our girls read these posts and some of the things said, especially by SB Jerk, were uncalled for and just flat out false! Sorry if I have offended you, that was not my intent, but as far as I am concerned this was a personal attack on our entire organization, not just one man, and someone needed to respond.[/quote

Ip, I dont think Skarps likes you talking about his pal.........for the record I think you caught two idiots on patroll. Good post!!
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by melsdad » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:33 pm

melsdad wrote:
idiotpatrol wrote:For the record Skarp, I am not a Board Member but know them well and if you have read the other 3 posts on this subject and had the inside information that I have then you would not question why my 1) confusion then 2) amazement then 3) irritation has now turned into flat out pissed off. I don't expect you to understand because you are not a part of the inner circle here with knowledge of what has been done and how its been handled, and you are also not a parent of a girl in the organization who has been ridiculed and criticized for remaining loyal to her team, nor are you a parent, coach, or board member of this organization who has invested countless hours doing the best they can to make it something they could all be proud of, and then watched people try to destroy it all over an accusation that hasn't even been proved yet. Like I said, I don't expect you to understand but I sure hope others will think twice before joining the lynch mob! A lot of our girls read these posts and some of the things said, especially by SB Jerk, were uncalled for and just flat out false! Sorry if I have offended you, that was not my intent, but as far as I am concerned this was a personal attack on our entire organization, not just one man, and someone needed to respond.[/quote

Ip, I dont think Skarps likes you talking about his pal.........for the record I think you caught two idiots on patrol. Good post!!
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by Skarp » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:43 am

melsdad wrote:Ip, I dont think...

The first 4 words of your post were very insightful. After that it fell off a bit.
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by NewCoach » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:59 am

As some one that has been falsley accused of the same conduct (as a stepparent not a coach) I would withhold any judgements until a full airing of the investigation has been made. If guilty hang him, stone him , and let the corpse rot in the street, if not, the damage, unfortunatley, cannot be undone. You cannot recall a bullet after the trigger is pulled.

Is TNL a local SD travel ball organization? In West Texas there is a fitness center called Then Next Level. Is there any association?
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by Sam » Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:31 pm


Are you saying that TNL folks were not at the arraignment wearing their TNL gear, as reported? I'm asking the question because I truly don't know.

Heres the thing...because of Falcione's actions....because he even placed himself in a situation that he can be accused of this act, he has tainted the organization....forever.

Every TNL coach will now be looked at with a jaundiced eye by parents and other coaches. The excellent players TNL once had knocking at their door, will now move on to clean organizations....Renegades, Breakers, Power Surge, Thunder, et al.

Falcione has, in effect, killed your organization. That is why, after listening to all the lilly livered attornies, the TNL board should have made the statement that they won't stand for this behavior and kicked Falcione out....period. If he pleads to a lesser win. If he is found not guilty...but evidence comes out in court that shows an inappropriate relationship with the win. If he is found win. If you base your legal opinion on the 1/10th of one percent chance that the kid is lying and the DA is charging him with no, as an organization, are a fool.

Your players might stay around for a while...but this case will be in the news for likely 2 years prior to even going to will continue to leak players to the clean organizations and TNL will no longer exist....I give them 3 years.
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by wadeintothem » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:22 pm

Sam wrote:IP,

Are you saying that TNL folks were not at the arraignment wearing their TNL gear, as reported? I'm asking the question because I truly don't know.

Heres the thing...because of Falcione's actions....because he even placed himself in a situation that he can be accused of this act, he has tainted the organization....forever.

Every TNL coach will now be looked at with a jaundiced eye by parents and other coaches. The excellent players TNL once had knocking at their door, will now move on to clean organizations....Renegades, Breakers, Power Surge, Thunder, et al.

Falcione has, in effect, killed your organization. That is why, after listening to all the lilly livered attornies, the TNL board should have made the statement that they won't stand for this behavior and kicked Falcione out....period. If he pleads to a lesser win. If he is found not guilty...but evidence comes out in court that shows an inappropriate relationship with the win. If he is found win. If you base your legal opinion on the 1/10th of one percent chance that the kid is lying and the DA is charging him with no, as an organization, are a fool.

Your players might stay around for a while...but this case will be in the news for likely 2 years prior to even going to will continue to leak players to the clean organizations and TNL will no longer exist....I give them 3 years.

about the best post so far.

I'll be very curious to see the long term staying power of TNL as a viable organization. Who knows, maybe in a few years the destruction cause to TNL will be a distant memory.. or maybe

In any case, there will be a storm to be weathered... and the whispers at the game and from opposing teams and comments..

Its going to be tough ride.

Worth it just to wear a TNL jearsey.. when there are so many jerseys out there?

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